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دانلود GymABstics Total Body Fitness 6-Month Program - آموزش تناسب اند

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دانلود GymABstics Total Body Fitness 6-Month Program - آموزش تناسب اندام با انجام تمرینات ژیمیناستیک

GymABstics شامل یک مجموعه فیلم آموزشی با هدف رسیدن به تناسب اندام در یک دوره 6 ماهه است. وجه تمایز این مجموعه استفاده از تمرین های مبتنی بر ورزش ژمیناستیک است که به شما کمک می کند تا تنها با انجام تمرینات ورزشی و بدون نیاز به هیچ گونه تجهیزات اضافی، در یک دوره ورزشی شش ماهه به اندام دلخواه خود برسید. دو مربی حرفه ای ژمیناستیک به نام های Andy و Jay شما را راهنمایی می کنند تا از طریق تمرینات منحصر به فرد و قدرتمندی که اغلب ژیمناست ها از آن ها برای افزایش استقامت و ماهیچه سازی قسمت های مختلف بدن اعم از بالاتنه و پایین تنه و به ویژه عضلات شکم، استفاده می کنند، تناسب اندام خود را حفظ کنید.
عناوین آموزشی:
- ماه اول: تمرینات اولیه ورزش ژمیناستیک و نرمش های مرتبط با حفظ تعادل بدن
- ماه دوم: انجام تمرینات قدرتی با انرژی بالا
- ماه سوم: انجام تمرینات هوازی برای چربی سوزی بیشتر، کاهش وزن و کاهش دادن سایز دورکمر
- ماه چهارم: انجام تمرینات قدرتی چالش برانگیز در ژیمناستیک
- ماه پنجم: انجام تمرینات ورزشی به منظور ماهیچه سازی و شکل دادن به عضلات بدن
- ماه ششم: ادغام تمرینات ورزشی در طول پنج ماه آموزشی
- و ...

GymABstics is a full-body fitness program that is based upon the sport of gymnastics. Former elite gymnasts Andy and Jay Thornton will guide you through the unique and powerful exercises that gymnasts use to develop the upper body, lower body, and in particular the abs – all without the need of any weights or equipment.
Complete with flexibility, nutritional guidance, and three-minute “six-pack workouts,” GymABstics is one of the most innovative and comprehensive programs in the world. Begin your quest to develop the body of a gymnast today!

What Makes GymABstics So Effective?
- It"s the first ever gymnastics-based fitness program that"s designed for the general public!
- It"s based on principles of strength, power, flexibility, balance, endurance, and nutrition used by the most physically fit athletes in the entire world.
- The entire program is centered around innovative and challenging core exercises for the abs, lower back, gluteals, sides, and hip flexors.
- Proper technique is emphasized by former elite gymnasts and expert gymnastics analysts Jay and Andy Thornton.
- Weekly emails continually provide bonus features as well as encouragement to help you stay motivated and connected with the program.

In month 1 of the GymABstics Program:
GymABstics 1: Building a Foundation will guide you through a unique, well-balanced workout that will introduce you to the basic body positions in gymnastics. Jay and Andy teach you the essential “hollow” and “arch” positions that provide the foundation for a gymnast’s rock-solid core, and reveal some great exercises gymnasts use to trim their love handles and firm up their gluteals. Some light strengthening of your chest, biceps, triceps, quads, and calves round out this fun full-body workout routine.
In month 2, GymABstics 2: Body Booster, is a high-energy workout designed to really rev up your engine while adding strength and tone to all areas of your body. Filled with innovative exercises for your upper body, lower body, and core, this fast-paced routine will utilize many muscle groups simultaneously and combine many exercises back-to-back.  Body Booster will jumpstart your metabolism and boost your overall energy levels by helping you burn a tremendous number of calories.

In month 3, GymABstics 3: Fat Burning is a cardio-intensive workout designed to really slim up your waistline and trim those excess pounds you’ve been carrying. This workout will focus most heavily on your midsection and will incorporate upper abs, lower abs, obliques, and hip flexors – all with the aim of giving you the lean, slender physique we all yearn for.  Fat Burning will also mix in some endurance exercises for your upper body and lower body, so get ready to sweat and watch the pounds and inches melt away

In month 4, GymABstics 4: Strength and Power is particularly aimed at toning up your biceps, triceps, pecs, quads, and calves using lots of challenging strength exercises that only gymnasts do. By combining unique exercises like the planche, maltese, and L-sit with plenty of innovative exercises for your abs and lower back, Strength and Power will give you a well-balanced physique that’s molded and sculpted like a gymnast.

In month 5, GymABstics 5: The Sculpting Stage is an exciting and rewarding workout that will focus on slow, concentrated exercises designed to really carve out the musculature in all areas of your body. With less of an emphasis on cardio and more of an emphasis on specific muscle definition, this workout consists of two segments – one that introduces some very challenging and integrative exercises for your abs, sides, lower back, and gluteals, and another that targets your upper body and legs.

In month 6, GymABstics 6: The Synthesis is a fast-paced, invigorating workout that uniquely integrates all of the best exercises from our other five workouts and introduces new exercises for all areas of your body as well. Believe it or not, this incredibly efficient and comprehensive workout packs in about seventy exercises into just thirty-five minutes.  It’s a fun and fascinating blend of abs, sides, lower back, gluteals, chest, arms, and legs – cleverly combined into one innovative workout routine.
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مشخصات نام انگلیسی: GymABstics Total Body Fitness 6-Month Program
نام فارسی: آموزش تناسب اندام با انجام تمرینات ژیمیناستیک
زبان: English
حجم فایل: 4747 مگابایت
تاریخ انتشار: 15:28 - 93/6/23
منبع: پی سی دانلود

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