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دانلود CTS Obedience without Conflict - آموزش روش های تربیت سگ ها بدون

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دانلود CTS Obedience without Conflict - آموزش روش های تربیت سگ ها بدون اعمال خشونت

تربیت سگ اقدامی است که طی آن به سگ آموزش داده شود که اقدام خاصی را در قبل دستور خاصی انجام دهد. این دوره‌های آموزش شامل چیزهایی که خود سگ انجام می‌دهد نمی‌شود بلکه آن چیزی است که سگ آموخته‌است.
روش های آموزشی متفاوتی برای آموزش سگ وجود دارد و همچنین اهداف مختلفی از این آموزش ها پی گرفته می‌شود، این اهداف شامل پایه‌ای ‌ترین آموزش یعنی فرمانبرداری تا تخصصی ‌ترین زمینه ‌ها مانند اجرای قانون، مقاصد نظامی، جستجو و نجات، شکار، کار با احشام، کمک به افراد معلول، سرگرمی، ورزشی و یا حفاظت از افراد و اموال می‌تواند باشد.
به عنوان دسته‌ای از حیوانات، سگ های وحشی به صورت غریزی تمایل دارند با همنوعان خود به صورت گروهی زندگی کنند.

خیلی از سگ ها چه سگ های وحشی و چه سگ های نژاد بندی شده می‌توانند تفسیر و پاسخ مناسبی به درخواست های شخص مربی بدهند.
دوره آموزشی CTS Obedience without Conflict یکی از برجسته ترین و موفق ترین مجموعه های آموزشی در زمینه تربیت سگ که در آن تکنیک های کاربردی زیادی برای کنترل و فرمان دهی به سگ ها توسط برخی از خبره ترین مربیان سگ ها آموزش داده می شود.

عناوین آموزشی:
- روش های ارتباط برقرر کردن با سگ ها به شیوه ای روشن
- استفاده مناسب از پاداش
- استفاده از نشانه هایی غیر از پاداش
- رابطه بین عملکرد سریع، آزادی و پاداش
- تمرین های متفاوت
- آشنایی با بازی ها برای تربیت سگ ها
- و ...

Obedience without Conflict Video 1: Clear Communication
This long awaited production features one of today"s most prominent and successful dog sport competitors and coaches. Ivan"s techniques for creating crystal clarity in communication between handler and dog are detailed. True partnership is attained when the conflict of miscommunication is broken through common language.
This beautiful production details:
- How to establish clear communication with your dog
- How to use the release command as a bridge
- The proper use of the release command, reassurance command, and reward
- The relationship between fast performance, the release, and reward
- The interaction between primary, secondary, and tertiary reinforcers
- The use of signaled non-reward
- The relationship between "passive" and "active" obedience exercises
- An introduction to "The Game"

The importance of signaled non-reward is emphasized as a tool in creating clarity and immediate cue response. In addition to being the foundation behind Ivan"s system of creating world class obedience performance, this title is ideal for any system of dog training regardless of activity/methodology. Every dog handler team will benefit in improved communication, strengthened trust and more consistent obedience performance, whether competitor or companion.
Broadcast Quality- 60 minutes- a must have for every team wishing to improve their training relationship and attain higher performance.

2003 Communicator Award of Distinction
2004 Videographer Award of Distinction
2004 DV Award Winner
2004 25th Annual Telly Award Winner

Obedience without Conflict Video 2: The Game
This award winner is packed with detailed instructional information. This production details:

- "The Game" detailed as the motivational engine behind Ivan"s obedience system
- Utilizing prey motivation while eliminating the negative side effects encountered in other systems
- teaching the out command as an instrumental exercise
- creating immediate response to sit and down commands by voice command alone
- teaching static attention; both two-way and one-way attention
- teaching the major passive skill of heeling by "finding the leg"
- the gymnastic skills of correct left, right and about turns
- teaching the stand in motion
- the integration of active and passive exercises into the obedience routine

A strong emphasis is placed on teaching the dog self control to minimize correction,achieve precision through motivation and signaled non-reward as well as how to respond to cues in an instant which have been isolated to verbal cues alone. Distraction training is taught in this production using clear communication as the basis for guiding the dog through obedience training. When to raise criterion and achieving fluency with behaviors is discussed so that each trainer knows when to progress to the next level with their dog. An emphasis is placed on comprehension of skills rather than simply training behaviors.
Broadcast Quality- 80 minutes. This title is heavily reliant upon the communication techniques and methods taught in Obedience without Conflict: Clear Communication.

2003 Communicator Award of Distinction
2004 Videographer Award of Excellence
2004 DV Award Winner
2004 25th Annual Telly Award Winner

Obedience without Conflict Video 3: The Retrieve
Ivan"s innovative approach to the divide between inducive and compulsive methods is bridged in this, the third, in the Obedience without Conflict series. Through the use of tension and minimum force, Ivan demonstrates this innovative technique for creating a world class retrieve through the isolation of the "hold" behavior. The distinction between holding and gripping is made clear and the topography of the retrieve is discussed and taught step by step.

This title covers the most challenging aspect of the retrieve exercise- speed and solid gripping under stimulus control. Through discrimination exercises the dog is also taught the cues for jumping and climbing through distraction while building a foundation for fast retrieving through unconflicted play. This title focuses on isolating speed while teaching correct holding through the use of a Retrieve Dowel, jumping and climbing behaviors under distraction and then combining the behaviors once taught and conditioned under independent stimulus control.
Broadcast Quality- 72 minutes. This title is heavily reliant upon the communication techniques and methods taught in Obedience without Conflict: Clear Communication and requires a Retrieve Dowel.

2009 Ava Awards Gold Winner
2009 DV Award Winner

Obedience without Conflict Video 4: The Motion Exercises, Recall and Send-Away
This, the final, in the Obedience without Conflict series covers the remaining exercises in the obedience routine. The integration of the sit, down and stand into the obedience routine is demonstrated as a natural progression of The Game. The Recall is taught through the use of discrimination exercises and increasing reliance upon effort from the dog while fading prompts and gestural cues utilizing the principle of backchaining.

The Send-Away, the only exercise which teaches orientation away from the handler, and often a source of great difficulty, is taught in detail from start to finish. The importance of a cue, establishing a habit through handling, the 9 stages of development and considerations during integration into the routine are demonstrated and discussed. Through the use of graphics and detailed video, the process of conditioning trust and send-away orientation based on the structure of the obedience routine is explained and demonstrated in detail.
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مشخصات نام انگلیسی: CTS Obedience without Conflict
نام فارسی: آموزش روش های تربیت سگ ها بدون اعمال خشونت
شرکت سازنده: Canine Training Systems
زبان: English
حجم فایل: 16200 مگابایت
تاریخ انتشار: 12:33 - 93/6/20
منبع: پی سی دانلود

لینک های دانلود
دوره آموزشی DVD 1: Clear Communication‏ - 4287 مگابایت

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دانلود - بخش دوم

دانلود - بخش سوم

دانلود - بخش چهارم

دانلود - بخش پنجم

دانلود - بخش ششم

دانلود - بخش هفتم

دانلود - بخش هشتم

دانلود - بخش نهم

دوره آموزشی DVD 2: The Game‏ - 4496 مگابایت

دانلود - بخش اول

دانلود - بخش دوم

دانلود - بخش سوم

دانلود - بخش چهارم

دانلود - بخش پنجم

دانلود - بخش ششم

دانلود - بخش هفتم

دانلود - بخش هشتم

دانلود - بخش نهم

دوره آموزشی DVD 3: The Retrieve‏ - 3725 مگابایت

دانلود - بخش اول

دانلود - بخش دوم

دانلود - بخش سوم

دانلود - بخش چهارم

دانلود - بخش پنجم

دانلود - بخش ششم

دانلود - بخش هفتم

دانلود - بخش هشتم

دوره آموزشی DVD 4: The Motion Exercises, Recall and Send-Away‏ - 4047 مگابایت

دانلود - بخش اول

دانلود - بخش دوم

دانلود - بخش سوم

دانلود - بخش چهارم

دانلود - بخش پنجم

دانلود - بخش ششم

دانلود - بخش هفتم

دانلود - بخش هشتم

دانلود - بخش نهم

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