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دانلود Scrivener v1.9.0 - نرم افزار تایپ و ویراستار متن

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دانلود Scrivener v1.9.0 - نرم افزار تایپ و ویراستار متن

Scrivener یک ابزار تولید محتوای قدرتمند برای نویسندگان است که بیشتر تمرکز  آن ها روی نوشتن و ساختاربندی اسناد طولانی و دشوار متنی است. این نرم افزار ابزاری است که به نظم دادن مجوعه ای عظیم از نوشتارهای طولانی مانند داستان ها، نمایشنامه ها، فیلم ها و ... می پردازد. Scrivener امکانات و ابزارهایی را در اختیار شما قرار می دهد تا قادر به فرمت بندی و ایجاد نسخه اولیه ویرایش شده از یک متن نوشتاری باشید. این نرم افزار برای افرادی مانند نویسندگان حرفه ای یا آماتور، فیلمنامه نویسان، روزنامه نگاران، دانشجویان و ... که بر روی پروژه های طولانی و دشوار نوشتاری کار می کنند، بسیار مفید خواهد بود، تا قادر باشند بر موانع متعددی مانند محدودیت زمانی و ... که باعث می شوند تا به هردلیلی نویسنده در یادداشت کردن، سازمان دهی، مدیریت و در نهایت بروی کاغذ آوردن (نوشتن) ایده های خود دچار مشکل شود، غلبه کنند. Scrivener در واقع یک برنامه واژه پرداز است که شما در آن می توانید به تایپ، ویرایش، فرمت بندی و منظم نمودن متن دلخواه خود پرداخته و فیش های متنی خود را که از مکان های مختلفی جمع آوری نموده اید، سازماندهی نمایید.
قابلیت های کلیدی نرم افزار Scrivener:
- مشاهده و ویرایش اسناد
- امکان ترکیب چن سند متنی در قالب یک سند و مشاهده و ویرایش بخش های مختلف آن
- ایجاد کارت های خلاصه از محتوای هر متن
- جمع آوری و مرتب سازی کارت های ایندکس
- تهیه پیش نویس نهایی از ایده ها
- ساختاربندی و سازماندهی نکات یادداشت برداری شده و تحقیقات پراکنده
- استفاده به عنوان یک ابزار واژه پرداز
- بازسازی پیش نویس ها و شکستن متن به قطعات کوچکتر تنها با drag و drop
- علامت گذاری و قرار دادن لیبل
- و ...

Scrivener Screenshot 1

Scrivener Screenshot 2

Scrivener Screenshot 3

Scrivener Screenshot 4

Scrivener Screenshot 5

Scrivener offers complete control when it comes to formatting, and it focuses on helping you get past the awkward first draft.
Scrivener is used by all sorts of professional and amateur writers, from best-selling and aspiring novelists to Hollywood scriptwriters, from students and academics to lawyers and journalists: anyone who works on long and difficult writing projects.
As any writer will tell you, there are several obstacles that getting the way of words down on paper, or on screen. As well as time constraints and the ever-present spectre of writer"s block, there is also the problem of organising notes and ideas as well as managing lengthy documents as your ideas start to come to life.
Those currently using Scrivener include:
- Novelists
- Short-Story Writers
- Screenwriters
- Playwrights
- Comedians
- Lawyers
- Journalists
- Lecturers
- Academics and Students
- Biographers and Memoirists
- Business and Technical Writers
- Comics and Graphic Novel Writers
- Translators

Grow your ideas in style:
Scrivener is a powerful content-generation tool for writers that allows you to concentrate on composing and structuring long and difficult documents. While it gives you complete control of the formatting, its focus is on helping you get to the end of that awkward first draft.

Your complete writing studio:
Writing a novel, research paper, script or any long-form text involves more than hammering away at the keys until you’re done. Collecting research, ordering fragmented ideas, shuffling index cards in search of that elusive structure—most writing software is fired up only after much of the hard work is over. Enter Scrivener: a word processor and project management tool that stays with you from that first, unformed idea all the way through to the final draft. Outline and structure your ideas, take notes, view research alongside your writing and compose the constituent pieces of your text in isolation or in context. Scrivener won"t tell you how to write—it just makes all the tools you have scattered around your desk available in one application.

Write, structure, revise:
Scrivener puts everything you need for structuring, writing and editing long documents at your fingertips. On the left of the window, the “binder” allows you to navigate between the different parts of your manuscript, your notes, and research materials, with ease. Break your text into pieces as small or large as you want—so you can forget wrestling with one long document. Restructuring your draft is as simple as drag and drop. Select a single document to edit a section of your manuscript in isolation, or use “Scrivenings” mode to work on multiple sections as though they were one: Scrivener makes it easy to switch between focussing on the details and stepping back to get a wider view of your composition.
Create order from chaos:
Most word processors approach composing a long-form text the same as typing a letter or flyer—they expect you to start on page one and keep typing until you reach the end. Scrivener lets you work in any order you want and gives you tools for planning and restructuring your writing. In Scrivener, you can enter a synopsis for each document on a virtual index card and then stack and shuffle the cards in the corkboard until you find the most effective sequence. Plan out your work in Scrivener’s outliner and use the synopses you create as prompts while you write. Or just get everything down into a first draft and break it apart later for rearrangement on the outliner or corkboard. Create collections of documents to read and edit related text without affecting its place in the overall draft; label and track connected documents or mark what still needs to be done. Whether you like to plan everything in advance, write first and structure later—or do a bit of both—Scrivener supports the way you work.

Here are some key features of "Scrivener":
Edit Multiple Documents:
- “Scrivenings” mode temporarily combines individual documents into a single text, allowing you to view and edit different sections of your manuscript in isolation or as a whole.

- Virtual index cards store a synopsis for every document you create. Storyboard and rearrange your project by moving cards around on the corkboard.

- A fully-featured outliner helps you take control of the structure of your work. Use the outliner to plan first and write later, or write first and use the outliner to make sense of that messy first draft.

- Switch to scriptwriting mode for automatic screen- or stage play formatting—or set up your own script formats. You can even mix up script formatting with regular text for writing treatments.

- Taking a “snapshot” of a document allows you to edit and rewrite in the confidence that you can restore an earlier revision at any time.
More info (open/close)

مشخصات شرکت سازنده: Literature & Latte Ltd
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تاریخ انتشار: 21:55 - 94/7/15
منبع: پی سی دانلود

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