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دانلود Adobe Photoshop Lightroom v5.3 for Win 7 & Vista + v4.2 x86/x64

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دانلود Adobe Photoshop Lightroom v5.3 for Win 7 & Vista + v4.2 x86/x64 - نرم افزار ویرایشگر دیجیتالی تصاویر و عکس ها

با روند رشد تولید دوربین های دیجیتال و علاقمند شدن خانواده ها و افراد به استفاده از دوربین های دیجیتالی برای ثبت خاطرات خوش زندگی، بسیاری از افراد بیش از پیش به کار عکاسی علاقمند شده اند. در عکاسی سنتی پس از اتمام عکاسی، حلقه فیلم برای ظهور عکس نگاتیو را برای ظهور، روتوش و چاپ به تاریک خانه می بردند، و حال شما می توانید در کامپیوتر خود یک تاریک خانه کاملاً دیجیتالی را تجربه کنید! و تغییرات لازم را روی عکس هایی که با دوربین دیجیتالی و یا موبایل خود انداخته اید اعمال کنید. نرم افزار Adobe Photoshop Lightroom یک جعبه ابراز ضروری برای عکاسان حرفه ای دیجیتال است که یک محیط ساده برای مدیریت، تنظیم کردن و نمایش و عرضه ی، تعداد بیشماری عکس دیجیتالی را برای شما فراهم می سازد. با استفاده از Lightroom شما می توانید زمان بیشتری را در پس لنز دوربین به عکاسی بپردازید و در زمان کوتاهی پشت کامپیوتر عکس های گرفته شده را اصلاح نمائید. اگر عکاس حرفه ایی هستید Lightroom با محیط ساده خود به شما این امکان را می دهد که عکس ها را که در طول روز گرفته اید به سرعت مشاهده کنید و روی آنها کار کنید همانند تمامی عکسی های دیگری که در طول زندگی خود گرفته اید.
Lightroom به شما این توانایی را می دهد که عکس هایتان را مشاهده ، مرتب ، دسته بندی ، تصحیح ، بزرگنمایی و خیلی سریع و آسان با عکس های دیگر مقایسه کنید و با تنظیم نور و رنگ عکس ها بهترین حالت را برای بالا بردن کیفیت عکس خود بدست آورید. واسط کاربری Lightroom بسیار ساده و زیبا می باشد و عکس ها را با چیدمان سریع و آسان در معرض دید شما قرار می دهد.

قابلیت های کلیدی نرم افزار Adobe Photoshop Lightroom:
- پشتیبانی از بیش از 150 فرمت های تصویر برداری و فراهم ساختن قابلیتی منحصر بفرد را برای کار بر روی فایلهای JPEG, TIFF, DNG یا ردیف های تصویری
- برخورداری از رابطه های منظم و زیبا
- ابزار حرفه ای برای ویرایش و بهترین امکانات لازم برای: تنظیم روشنایی، آهنگ منحنی ها، اعوجاج لنزها و قالب های رنگ
- قابلیت بارگزاری، ذخیره، تنظیم و دریافت خروجی از دریف های تصویری
- ویرایش غیر مخرب
- نمایه های عکس ها
- راحتی در فراگیری و کار با نرم افزار
- سازگار با ویندوز 7
- و ...

نسخه ی 4.2 این نرم افزار آخرین نسخه ی قابل نصب بر روی ویندوز XP است و نسخه ی 5.0 این نرم افزار بر روی ویندوز های Vista و 7 نصب می شود.

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Screenshot 1

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Screenshot 2

The complete, elegant environment for the art and craft of digital photography, from raw capture to creative output
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom answers the digital photographer"s call for a workflow application that allows photographers to quickly work with raw format images. With Lightroom you can manage all of your photographs; showcase them in print, dynamic slideshows, and interactive Web galleries that are a simple to produce.
Lightroom"s cross platform support allows photographers to effortlessly work on projects from any Windows or Macintosh computer on-location or in the office. Lightroom-spend less time at the computer, and more time behind the lens, doing what you love.
Lightroom Beta builds on the success of the first Lightroom beta program and provides photographers with early access to our next release so that you can kick the tires and ensure that this release meets your needs. Lightroom Beta expires at the end of August 2008.
Enhancements that can be found in the Lightroom include the following:
- Localized corrections - Enhance specific areas of an image for unsurpassed nondestructive flexibility and control reminiscent of the traditional darkroom dodge and burn experience.
- Improved organizational tools - Find the images you need quickly and easily.
- Multiple monitor support - Add an additional monitor to efficiently manage photographic workflow and presentation.
- Flexible print package functionality - Create custom layouts containing multiple sizes of a photograph on a single page.
- 64-bit support - Lightroom 2.0 now takes advantage of the latest hardware architectures with improved memory handling and performance.
Lightroom is Adobe"s effort to engage the professional photography community in a new way, giving you the opportunity to kick the tires and shape the feature set of a new tool being created just for you. Ultimately, we want Lightroom to be truly built from the ground up by photographers, for photographers, helping solve your unique workflow challenges.
Adobe Lightroom is a new, exciting product built from the ground up for professional photographers. It is an efficient, powerful way to import, select, develop and showcase large volumes of digital images.
Adobe Lightroom will allow you to spend less time organizing and sorting images, so you have more time to actually shoot and perfect them.The Lightroom program aims to get direct product feedback from the photography community, via our new Adobe Labs web site, so that photographers will have an impact in what Adobe actually ships.

Here are some key features of "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom":
- Robust tools to handle large shoots
Speedily process high-volume shoots by automatically importing images whenever media cards or cameras are connected to your computer. Then automatically rename files, organize folders, and make nondestructive adjustments as images are imported.
- Import/export presets
Streamline the importing and exporting of your files by saving your frequently used settings in stored presets, which you can recall and apply when needed.
- Automatic conversion to DNG
If desired, automatically convert your images from proprietary file formats to the publicly available Digital Negative (DNG) format as they are imported, or easily export photographs from your Library in DNG format.
- Multiple viewing options
Quickly find and select your best shots with flexible display options like the Grid view for groups of thumbnails, the Loupe view for zeroing in on fine detail in a single image, or the Compare view for displaying two or more images side by side.
- Flexible organization of images
Bring order to voluminous image libraries by grouping your photographs in stored collections. Create collections for different tasks or subjects, and group similar images within a collection to organize them further.
- Manual thumbnail reordering
Put your images in the order that you need them for any particular task by selecting any number of photographs in your Library - continuous or not - and then simply dragging them to a new location on the Grid.
- Easy file renaming
Make your photographs easier to find and keep in sensible order using the Lightroom renaming feature. Simply set naming rules, and Lightroom automatically renames your images as they"re imported.
- Single or group metadata stamping
Organize and annotate your images by adding metadata to a single photo or to groups of selected images. Save metadata sets as presets, which you can apply with one click.
- Image versions without duplication
Create as many alternate versions of an image as you desire without overloading your hard drive. Then, switch between versions with a single click.
- IPTC/EXIF/XMP metadata support
Read, add, or edit a comprehensive set of metadata entries, including IPTC, EXIF, and XMP data.
- Metadata stamping on output
Stamp crucial metadata - such as copyright notification, captions, and keywords - on print jobs or exported images so you can search on it later.
- Keyword synchronization
Make keywords consistent even if you"re using Lightroom on two different computers by importing and exporting keyword sets to external, transferable files.
- Offline image management
Work with your image library in Lightroom even when some or all of the actual photo files are stored on offline media.
- Easy Library backup to CD/DVD
Help ensure the safety and preservation of your photographs by backing them up to CD or DVD using simple built-in tools.
- Simple keywording
Easily organize your photographs and make them searchable with keywords that make sense to you. Assign keywords to a single image or groups of selected images - just type and apply.
- Easy-to-use white balance, exposure, and contrast controls
Quickly perfect white balance, exposure, and tone curves in your images, including camera raw files, with familiar slider controls, or enter numeric values for the most precise adjustments.
- Simple yet powerful tone curve editor
Precisely control the tonality and contrast of your images by individually targeting highlights, midtones, and shadows using sliders and visual controls.
- Integration with Adobe Photoshop
Instantly send any number of images to Adobe Photoshop (sold separately) for advanced editing, and see the changes you"ve made reflected in the Lightroom Library when you"re done.
- Advanced hue, saturation, and luminance editing
Enhance color saturation and remove color casts in your images with individual control over six color ranges each for hue, saturation, and luminance.
- Nondestructive editing
Enjoy robust support for more than 140 camera raw formats, and experiment with confidence. Adjustments you make to images in Lightroom won"t alter the original data, whether you"re working on a JPEG, TIFF, DNG, or camera raw file.
- Fast zooming
Check sharpness, noise, or small details with nearly instant zooming - a simple keyboard command or mouse click toggles between 100% magnification and a full-image view. Smoothly navigate highly magnified areas using the Hand tool in the photo preview pane.
- Convenient before/after comparison mode
View a side-by-side display of your original picture and a duplicate that shows the effects of your edits as you make them, or display the before and after states in a split view of the image. Toggle either view between portrait and landscape modes, and even see images in "lights out" view.
- Finely tuned black-and-white conversions
Convert color images to black-and-white with precision. Familiar sliders allow you to control the contrast and detail based on the colors in the original photograph.
- Synchronized adjustments across multiple images
Edit large numbers of images faster by creating presets that you can apply to many photographs at once, or edit one image and then synchronize your adjustments to other photos you select.
- Explicit history tracking
Retrace your adjustments to any image - the History panel tracks them automatically as you edit - and instantly return to any state of the photo that you choose.
- Dust buster
Erase dust spots from an image with a single click.
- Easy-to-use crop and straighten tools
Crop and straighten your photographs in a snap.
- Red-eye removal
Quickly eliminate red eye when it occurs in your flash photos.
- Fast, high-quality printing
Quickly and visually format high-quality prints, wh
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مشخصات شرکت سازنده: Adobe
قیمت: (صرفاً جهت اطلاع)
حجم فایل:
تاریخ انتشار: 12:30 - 92/9/21
منبع: پی سی دانلود

راهنمای نصب1- از پوشه ی Keygen فایل Keygen.exe را اجرا کرده (توجه داشته باشید چنانچه از ویندوز ویستا و یا 7 استفاده می کنید برای اجرای فایل Keygen.exe می بایستی بر روی آن راست کلیک کرده و گزینه Run as administrator را انتخاب کنید تا Patch به درستی کار کند) و بر روی دکمه Patch Hosts File کلیک کنید، سپس از منوی آبشاری موجود گزینه ی Adobe Photoshop Lightroom v4x را انتخاب کنید.
2- نرم افزار را نصب کنید و زمان درخواست سریال از شماره سریال دریافتی از Keygen استفاده کنید.
3- از پوشه ی Crack فایل Disable Activation.bat را اجرا کنید.
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