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راهنمای جامع ویندوز ویستا/Vista Made easy

واضح آرشیو وب فارسی:سایت ریسک: Vahed28-07-2007, 06:09 PMCOMMAND AUTHORITY Like a scene straight out of Kramer vs. Kramer or Mad Magazine’s Spy vs. Spy, Vista has two types of administrators. What gives? First, understand that there are two kinds of user accounts, Administrator and Standard. This refers to the level of privileges—the things you’re allowed to do. In addition, and separately, there is an account named Administrator. It’s typically used to sort out problems that keep you from logging on to your normal account. As in Windows XP, you should rename the Administrator account for security purposes (just don’t forget what you’ve changed it to). Right-click Computer and click Manage. Under Local Users and Groups, open Users, right-click the one named Administrator, and choose Rename. Then right-click it and choose Properties to delete its telltale description as well. IMPROVE YOUR NETWORK There are two types of wireless networks known to Vista: public and private. Public networks are less secure, so the OS disables discovery of other devices when connected to one. But by default, Vista makes your network public. Go private instead, enabling a much more comprehensive view of the network behind your router using a new protocol called Link Layer Topology Discovery. In the Network and Sharing Center, click Customize under the picture of your network at top. Switch to Private and click Next. While you’re optimizing things, note the various sharing options listed; it’s easy to give all of your PCs access to your printer here. TRULY SECURE YOUR FILES Password-protecting your laptop is good overall security, but for added protection, start encrypting. Vista Enterprise and Ultimate editions come with BitLocker Drive Encryp tion, a tool that relies on a Trusted Platform Module to secure access—check your manual to see if your notebook has one and update your BIOS if needed. To make the magic happen, you’ll need an extra partition on your hard drive that you can create with the Vista partitioning tool on your installation disc or with the BitLocker Drive Preparation Tool, a Vista Ultimate Extra. You’ll create one small partition for essential OS fi les, and the rest of the drive will hold encrypted fi les. Format the partition as NTFS, not FAT32. RUN TWO OPERATING SYSTEMS Apple’s Boot Camp software lets you run the Microsoft Windows XP operating system on an Intel-based Macintosh, but it doesn’t support Vista—and it’s still in beta, almost a year after its release. To run Microsoft’s newest OS on your Apple, get Parallels Desktop for Mac. This virtualization software lets you run two operating systems simultaneously by taking advantage of the Intel Core Duo’s and search the Mobile Devices category for the Windows Mobile Device Center, which powers up support for syncing e-mail, calendar data, and contact info. Once you’ve used the Device Center to transfer your calendar to your handheld, rightclick it in My Computer to see the gadget’s charge state, and you’ll always be fully powered. FIND YOUR ROUTER To add encryption to your network, boost the speed, control access, and manipulate your bits in other ways, you’ll probably need to log on to your wireless router, often via a built-in Web page served from the device. This Web page is usually given a diffi cult-to- remember IP address, such as Find your router’s home page easily via the Network and Sharing Center; fi rst click View full map at top right, then right-click your router or wireless access device and select Go to Device Home Page. ENABLE CONCURRENT SESSIONS Server versions of Windows let multiple users log on to a PC simultaneously; this is handy for home-theater enthusiasts who want to perform remote maintenance on a system that others might be using to watch TV, for example. To get this working under Vista Business or Ultimate editions, you’ll need to replace the Termsrv.dll fi le with a hacked version. You can fi nd the complete instructions and a link to the new DLL at the Missing Remote. BE THE BOSS In order to limit the havoc that rogue programs can cause, administrator accounts aren’t totally in charge. To gain complete control (to install antispyware, for example), log on as the Administrator—but not all the time, or you’ll negate this account’s raison d’être. The Administrator account won’t show up in the User Accounts control panel, however: It’s disabled by default. In Vista Ultimate or Business editions, right-click it in the Management Console (as described in the fi rst tip) and select Properties. Uncheck Account is disabled and it’ll show up in the control panel. That’s the super-mega-ultimate account. Don’t have Ultimate? Click Start, type cmd, right-click the cmd.exe item at top, and choose Run as administrator. Type net user administrator /active:yes and built-in virtualization technology. To get Vista running smoothly in a window on your OS X desktop, be sure to boost the program’s memory requirements to 2GB; Vista won’t run well with only 1GB of memory for the subsystem. BE A MOBILE POWER USER Windows Mobile devices are handy, but are crippled off the bat. The new operating system comes with a Sync Center that lets you sync only media fi les, not your PIM info. Before plugging your device in for the fi rst time, go to the Download Center at Microsoft.com Vahed28-07-2007, 06:19 PMINSTALL FROM AN UPGRADE DISC Past Windows versions have let you prove upgrade-readiness by inserting a CD of the previous OS during the install process. Vista doesn’t; Microsoft specifi cally says “Windows Vista does not check upgrade compliance. Therefore, you cannot use an upgrade disc to perform a clean installation of Windows Vista.” To work around this problem, insert your CD into your clean computer. Don’t enter the code when Vista asks for your license key, simply click Next. You’ll create a system sans activation code that’s active for 30 days. Then reboot from the CD; you’ll be able to install the OS as an update to your Vista installation. Now use the activation code. SAVE YOUR MUSIC! We’ve all been buying audio and video fi les wrapped in DRMs from Microsoft, Apple, and others. What happens to that content when you upgrade to Vista? If you’ve bought digital media from stores running Windows Media Player 10, you’ll be asked to reauthorize the content. With stuff from Apple’s iTunes, de-authorize your PC before upgrading to Vista. Simply sign in to the iTunes store, and, from the Store menu, select Deauthorize Computer. After upgrading, reverse the process to re-enable access to your fi les. If you’ve authorized the maximum fi ve PCs, select View My Account from that same menu, where you can “Clear all authorizations” once a year. EXTEND ACTIVATION Are you testing out Vista’s features and compatibility but not sure if you want to go ahead and activate it? Microsoft understands. It has built a software licensing manager into the new OS that lets you extend the activation period. At the Start menu’s search bar, simply type slmgr –rearm to get another 30 days. You can do this a maximum of three times before Microsoft blocks further extension periods. And once you’re locked out, that’s it. PREVENT VERTIGO ON VISTA The new 3D desktop is a tremendous improvement, but not all of the features are handy, and some of the settings are downright disconcerting. Control your own 3D experience! First, right-click Computer and choose Properties to get the System Properties page. Click Advanced system settings. On the Advanced tab, click Settings in the Performance section. The Visual Effects fi eld is where you can choose to Adjust for best appearance, Adjust for best performance, Let Windows choose, or go wild with your own choices. SNIP AT WILL Power users are comfortable using the PrintScr key to capture screen shots, but there’s a better way in Vista. You can use the integrated Snipping Tool to capture any object on your screen and then annotate, save, or share the image. Simply use the mouse to capture free-form shapes, rectangles, whole windows, or full screens. After you capture a snip, it’s automatically copied to the markup window, where you can annotate, save, or share it. Bonus: If you’ve clipped from an Internet Explorer window (not Firefox or Opera) and save the snip as an HTML fi le, the URL is automatically appended to your image. Neat! PLAY SIX DEGREES OF KEVIN BACON Love him or hate him, Kevin Bacon is a name you’ll never forget. Now you can play “find the actor” anytime (not officially, that is, but bear with us) using Windows Vista. First, launch Windows Media Center from the Start menu. Navigate to TV + Movies and select Recorded TV. Select the movie you are interested in (Vista comes with snippets from Apollo 13 and Vertigo, just to get you started). Select Cast + More, pick a cast member, and repeat until you fi nd Mr. Bacon. WORK WITH THE SIDESHOW Vista supports a secondary display (ideally on your laptop’s lid, as on the cool Asus W5FE, page 29) for you to get quick access to e-mail, photos, calendar info, and music fi les. And that’s just scratching the surface. SideShow info can be stored and accessed in two ways: either from the hard drive, which takes longer and involves caching, or directly from a fl ash component in your system—quicker, but space is limited. The fl ash component shows up as a separate drive in Windows Vista that you can drag and drop MP3s and photos to. Some gadgets require use of the hard drive; you won’t be able to access them if the system is off. Instead, put it to sleep, and set Vista to wake every 5 minutes, updating e-mail, calendar, and other gadgets that rely on an Internet connection. PICK YOUR FEEDS The Sidebar’s RSS Feed Reader is handy, but by default it picks up feeds only directly from Microsoft. Making it work for you is a two-stage process. First, fi nd a Web page with an RSS feed on it using Internet Explorer— the orange feed icon at the right of the status bar lights up to indicate the feed’s presence. Click it, and select Subscribe to this feed. Then right-click on the module and select Options; you’ll be able to choose which feeds and how many items are displayed. Want to fi nd feeds using Firefox instead? Download the Common Feed List tool from www .netcrucible.com/blog. BE A BETTER PARENT Kids need structure, otherwise they’ll spend hours browsing the Web for dirty limericks. Turn to Vista’s parental controls for a quick and easy way to monitor how long they’re online—and who goes where. First, create an account for each child in the User Accounts control panel. Then click Set Up Parental Controls to create and set limits. Don’t forget to enable activity monitoring as well. It’s okay—you’re Dad, not Big Brother. You can view them later by visiting the same section of the control panel. But be forewarned: Parental controls are available only to PCs on a workgroup, not those on a domain. BOOST YOUR SYSTEM SPEED Hybrid hard drives, which embed a cache of fl ash memory inside a hard drive’s 3.5-inch shell to improve its performance, aren’t on the market yet. But they’re just one way Vista uses fl ash memory; ordinary thumb drives can, cheaply and easily, let your PC read small, random bits of frequently accessed data, a Vista feature called ReadyBoost. Here’s the thing: To maximize its effi ciency, a Ready- Boost thumb drive should have the same amount of memory as is built into your system. In other words, match your 2GB of RAM with a 2GB fl ash drive for best performance. UNCOVER SEND TO The Send To menu is a handy way to quickly move fi les into frequently accessed locations. The default locations are Microsoft’s favorites, however, and they might not be yours. In Windows XP it was possible to add to the Send To menu by putting a shortcut in the SendTo folder. But try that trick with the SendTo folder in your Personal folder and you’ll be hit with an “access denied” message. That’s because it’s just a pointer to the real one, which you will fi nd at C:UsersusernameAppData RoamingMicrosoftWindowsSendTo. You can add shortcuts to that one. LAUNCH APPS FASTER When you place items in the Quick Launch bar (the little icon bar next to the Start button), Windows Vista automatically assigns shortcut key combinations to them—well, it assigns keys to the fi rst ten, anyway. Just hit the Windows key plus a number key corresponding to the icon’s position in the bar. For instance, to launch the third application in the Quick Launch bar, press Windows-3. Don’t see the bar? Rightclick an empty part of the Taskbar and select it under the Toolbars menu. ADD 3D SOUND If you’re having trouble getting full 3D sound in Windows XP games from your SoundBlaster sound card, use Creative’s ALchemy tool. Windows Vista uses an audio API called OpenAL for its game audio, and some DirectSound games won’t use anything beyond two stereo speakers, ignoring EAX and other APIs. Download the Creative ALchemy beta from REDUCE POWER CONSUMPTION As laptops became more popular, consumers became aware of Win XP’s power settings. Standby left your computer running at low power; hibernate saved all memory to disk and then shut down your system—but often balked at problem programs. With Vista, Microsoft redrew the rules, adding an “away mode” and defaulting to “sleep” rather than off. Sleep mode starts off like standby but saves memory like hibernate. Then after 15 minutes it just shuts off, with no back talk from programs. Nicely done, Microsoft! To shut down com pletely, skip the Start menu’s orange power button in favor of the right arrow next to it. GET HELP The Help and Support Center built into Windows XP was a good start but far from ideal. Though it appears similar to Win XP’s, Vista’s Support Center is much improved. Besides the usual documentation on core OS functionality, Vista’s integrated system can get the latest help info from the Web, allow a friend to help by remote assistance, or search in “Windows communities.” Type a word or phrase into the main search fi eld and hit enter. At the bottom of your returned results is a useful link to these other sources of assistance. RESTORE YOUR MENUS Vista’s own windows and many new applications lack the familiar File, Edit, and View menus. But we’ve gotten used to them after all these years! You can enable them through each application—if they’re included at all. To turn them on in Vista proper, open any window (such as Computer, or Documents), click Organize, and click Folder and Search Options. Select the View tab and fi ll in the check box next to Always Show Menus. Click Apply and then OK. Alternatively, to show the menus temporarily, just hit the Alt key with any given window in the foreground. ELIMINATE THAT WARNING Windows Vista hates it when you don’t use an antivirus program, a firewall, or some other security feature. But if you don’t need one part of the built-in security, you also don’t need the Security Center shield icon to pop up constantly in the system tray. Right-click the icon and click Open Security Center. Then, in Security Center, click Change the Way Security Center Alerts Me. You want to select Don’t Notify Me and Don’t Display the Icon (even though Windows tells you it’s “Not Recommended”). منبع: مجله PC Magazine july 2007 سایت ما را در گوگل محبوب کنید با کلیک روی دکمه ای که در سمت چپ این منو با عنوان +1 قرار داده شده شما به این سایت مهر تأیید میزنید و به دوستانتان در صفحه جستجوی گوگل دیدن این سایت را پیشنهاد میکنید که این امر خود باعث افزایش رتبه سایت در گوگل میشود

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