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دانلود Digital Tutors Unity Mobile Game Development Tutorial Series -

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دانلود Digital Tutors Unity Mobile Game Development Tutorial Series - دوره کامل آموزش بازی سازی با موتور یونیتی

(93/12/24) تغییرات:
دوره آموزشی Creating a Mobile Puzzle Game in Unity اضافه شد!
یکی از راه های ساخت بازی ها استفاده از موتور یونیتی (Unity) می باشد. یونیتی جزو چهار موتور بازی ساز بزرگ و یک موتور بازی ساز چند پلتفرمه است، یعنی می‌تواند برای بسیاری از پلتفرم‌های موجود بازی را ایجاد کند. امروزه تنها حدود ۵ درصد کاربران بازی‌ها را بر روی کامپیوترهای شخصی اجرا می‌کنند و سهم بسیاری به کنسول‌های بازی و موبایل و وب می‌رسد. ساخت بازی با این موتور بازی ساز بسیار ساده است و بیشتر کار در محیط ویژوال انجام می شود، یعنی حدود ۸۰ درصد کار بدون کدنویسی انجام می شود و تنها حدود ۲۰ درصد کار کدنویسی است، که این موضوع باعث جذب بسیاری از کاربران علاقه مند به بازی سازی شده است که علم زیادی در برنامه نویسی ندارند.
در دوره های آموزشی Digital Tutors Unity Mobile Game Development شما با قابلیت های اساسی و کلیدی یونیتی و مباحثی مانند  آشنایی با اینترفیس، ساخت محیط بازی، تکسچرینگ، نورپردازی، ساخت مراحل بازی، مدل سازی اسلحه ها ،طراحی و کانسپت، ساخت رابط کاربری بازی ، عملکرد بازیکن، ریگینگ، انیمیشن، نحوه ی ساخت امتیازات و ذخیره ی آن ها، ساخت UV و ... آشنا می شوید.
عناوین آموزشی:
- Beginners guide to Unity:
  راهنمایی های اولیه برای کاربران مبتدی یونیتی

- Introduction to Scripting in Unity:
مقدمه ای بر اسکریپت نویسی (کد نویسی) در یونیتی

- Introduction to Unity 3.4:
  معرفی یونیتی 3.4

- Unity Mobile Game Development Character and Weapon Modeling:
  ساخت بازی های دستگاه های موبایل با یونیتی: مدل سازی کاراکتر ها و سلاح ها

- Unity Mobile Game Development Character Scripting:
  ساخت بازی های دستگاه های موبایل با یونیتی: اسکریپت نویسی برای کاراکترها

- Unity Mobile Game Development Communication with Notification Center:
  ساخت بازی های دستگاه های موبایل با یونیتی: ارتباط با Notification Center‏

- Unity Mobile Game Development Concept and Design:
  ساخت بازی های دستگاه های موبایل با یونیتی: طراحی و محتوا

- Unity Mobile Game Development Enemy AI and Waypoints:
  ساخت بازی های دستگاه های موبایل با یونیتی: آشنایی با Enemy AI و Waypoints‏

- Unity Mobile Game Development Environment Modeling:
  ساخت بازی های دستگاه های موبایل با یونیتی: مدل سازی محیط

- Unity Mobile Game Development Final Assembly:
  ساخت بازی های دستگاه های موبایل با یونیتی

- Unity Mobile Game Development Game State:
  ساخت بازی های دستگاه های موبایل با یونیتی: حالت های بازی

- Unity Mobile Game Development GUI Functionality:
  ساخت بازی های دستگاه های موبایل با یونیتی: عملکرد GUI

- Unity Mobile Game Development Level Design:
  ساخت بازی های دستگاه های موبایل با یونیتی: طراحی مرحله های بازی

- Unity Mobile Game Development Lighting and Lightmapping:
  ساخت بازی های دستگاه های موبایل با یونیتی: نورپردازی

- Unity Mobile Game Development Player Functionality:
  ساخت بازی های دستگاه های موبایل با یونیتی: عملکرد بازیکن

- Unity Mobile Game Development Rigging and Animation:
  ساخت بازی های دستگاه های موبایل با یونیتی: ریگینگ و انیمیشن

- Unity Mobile Game Development Saving Data and Highscores:
  ساخت بازی های دستگاه های موبایل با یونیتی: ذخیره داده ها و برترین امتیاز

- Unity Mobile Game Development Set Dressing:
  ساخت بازی های دستگاه های موبایل با یونیتی: طراحی لباس کاراکترها

- Unity Mobile Game Development Sound Effects:
  ساخت بازی های دستگاه های موبایل با یونیتی: افکت های صوتی

- Unity Mobile Game Development User Interface Design:
  ساخت بازی های دستگاه های موبایل با یونیتی: طراحی رابط کاربری

- Unity Mobile Game Development UV Layout and Texturing:
ساخت بازی های دستگاه های موبایل با یونیتی: اعمال بافت (Texturing) و طرح بندی یو وی

- Creating a Mobile Puzzle Game in Unity
ساخت بازی پازل برای دستگاه های موبایل با یونیتی
- و ...

Beginners guide to Unity:
Topics include:
01. Introduction and project overview
02. What is Unity What can I do in Unity
03. What are the pieces of a game built in Unity
04. How can I navigate my Scene in Unity and find specific thing
05. How can I playtest my game in Unity
06. How can I bring my models into Unity and put them in my game
07. How can I move and edit the Components and Assets in Unity
08. How can I move around in my game and control a character
09. How can I use the trigger scripts to make my game interactive
10. How can I write my own scripts to create custom interactions
11. How can I build my game to give it to other people
Introduction to Scripting in Unity:
Topics include:
01. Introduction and project overview
02. Learning some basic terms
03. Creating and manipulating variables
04. Working with operators
05. Working with comparison and logical operators
06. Creating logic with if statements
07. Creating switch statements
08. Creating custom functions
09. Working with loops
10. Understanding arrays
11. Project Basic move script
12. Project Refining the movement script
13. Project Creating the jump function
14. Project Refining the jump function
15. Project Finishing the jump function
16. Project Beginning the advanced move script
17. Project Creating the advanced move script
18. Project Creating gravity
19. Project Scripting basic animations

Introduction to Unity 3.4
Topics include:
1. Introduction and project overview
2. Working with Unity projects
3. Exploring the Unity interface
4. Navigating and scene customization
5. Importing assets
6. Object transformations
7. Creating prefabs
8. Creating the base level layout
9. Finishing the base level layout
10. Creating the interior rooms of our level
11. Working with character controllers
12. Lighting in Unity
13. Adding materials to our level
14. Adding props for detail
15. Importing packages
16. Creating colliders
17. Creating fire using particles
18. Adding audio to create ambience
19. Basic animation in Unity
20. Creating physics in Unity
21. Adding some finishing touches
22. Set dressing in Unity
23. Organizing the Hierarchy
24. Creating an animation for our doors
25. Using colliders and the ActivateTrigger script to move our doors
26. Creating a new Script Asset and adding a custom variable
27. Using an OnGUI function and a GUI Box to display the health
28. Using the OnTriggerStay function to remove health
29. Using an If statement to control when the player gets damaged
30. Using Tags to easily keep track of groups of objects
31. Using deltaTime to control the health loss rate
32. Declaring our variable to type Float to fix rounding errors
33. Creating a variable to control the rate of health loss
34. Creating a custom Die function for when health hits zero
35. Loading a different level and using comments to document
36. Publishing our game

Unity Mobile Game Development Character and Weapon Modeling
Topics include:
1. Introduction and project overview
2. Examining the assault rifle model
3. Creating a texture for the assault rifle
4. Modeling the high-resolution shotgun
5. Building game-ready geometry for the shotgun
6. Painting the shotgun texture
7. Exporting the tick geometry and maps from Mudbox
8. Creating game-ready geometry for the tick
9. Modifying the high-resolution player model
10. Building game-ready geometry for the player
11. Finishing the player texture in Photoshop
12. Scaling and preparing models

Unity Mobile Game Development Character Scripting:
Topics include:
1. Introduction and project overview
2. Importing our character model and splitting the animations
3. Fixing the animation loop twitching and transferring scripts
4. Getting and mapping our Left Joystick position directions
5. Crossfading the animations based on the joystick position
6. Coding conditionals for the rest of our movement animations
7. Listening for the GUI notifications
8. Putting our animations on layers and adding blending
9. Quickly crossfading our other animations for playback
10. Freezing all of our animations in certain states
11. Stopping all animations and playing the death animation

Unity Mobile Game Development Communication with Notification Center
Topics include:
1. Introduction and project overview
2. Overview and limitations of built-in communication methods
3. Component to Component communication on the same object
4. Communication on other objects using the Inspector
5. Finding objects and components at run-time
6. Collisions with SendMessageUpwards and BroadcastMessage
7. Notification Center and the Publish Subscribe design pattern
8. Sending and Receiving a notification
9. Having multiple scripts receive a notification
10. Sending data with the notification function
11. How to cast our notification data with other variables
12. When to use Notification Center vs. other methods

Unity Mobile Game Development Concept and Design:
Topics include:
1. Introduction and project overview
2. Responsibilities of the concept artist
3. Planning out the layout of a level
4. Creating concept sketches for the straight hallways
5. Creating concept sketches for the curved sections of the level
6. Digital painting Rendering and general color scheme
7. Digital painting Painting light sources
8. Digital painting Painting the organic structures

Unity Mobile Game Development Enemy AI and Waypoints
Topics include:
01 - Introduction and project overview
02 - Mapping out the problem of entities moving around our level
03 - Waypoint ideas, concepts and our implementation
04 - Creating an initial Waypoint prefab and setting it up
05 - Filtering nearby objects to other waypoints with a layer mask
06 - Coding a variable distance with a while loop
07 - Building in line-of-sight with layer masks
08 - Relaying information to neighbors without infinite loops
09 - Initializing a Generic List of waypoints to get to the player
10 - Creating an initialize function and removing the countdown
11 - Using conditionals to check if we want to update the list
12 - Creating a controller script that gathers all the waypoints
13 - Locating the closest waypoint to any point in space
14 - Coding a function to return a random waypoint
15 - Using a While True Yield loop to update every few seconds
16 - Creating a Spawner script to create new enemies
17 - Using a Spawn Controller to randomly spawn enemies
18 - Controlling the number of enemies spawned
19 - Creating a basic enemy script to use our waypoints
20 - Moving with the Smooth Damp method
21 - Deciding when to go to the next waypoint
22 - Using Rotate Towards and Look Rotation to rotate the enemy
23 - Refactoring our code into a new function
24 - Updating the Player Location list so the enemies don"t stop
25 - Refactoring into an infinite loop function to update waypoints
26 - Creating a basic Finite State Machine to run our enemy AI
27 - Using a Switch statement to run code based on the enemy state
28 - Creating a function to check for transitions
29 - Adding a distance check before the enemy starts following
30 - Transforming the enemy forward in the start state
31 - Importing our final geometry and splitting animations
32 - Updating our enemy prefab with the new geometry
33 - Changing our enemy animation in code with animation play
34 - Coding an attack decision into our transition function
35 - Telling our Spawn Controller when an enemy has died
36 - Changing our movement speed based on the current state
37 - Refactoring our code to be more readable and user friendly
38 - Playtesting our enemy AI and hunting down bugs
39 - Using random values to create more realistic movement
40 - Adding a collider to our prefab for hit testing
41 - Testing if we have been attacked or hit
42 - Coding for other notifications to work in our game
43 - Stopping the animations from playing while paused
44 - Stopping the logic from running when the game is over

Unity Mobile Game Development Environment Modeling
Topics include:
1. Introduction and project overview
2. Building the level proxy
3. Modeling the straight section
4. Building the drains
5. Modeling the straight ceiling
6. Building the intersection
7. Finishing the intersection
8. Modeling the curved section
9. Modifying existing geometry
10. Modeling the corner sections
11. Final fit and export

Unity Mobile Game Development Final Assembly:
Topics include:
1 - Introduction and Project Overview
2 - Collaborating the project files
3 - Inspecting the player in the final build
4 - Creating the holstered weapon functionality
5 - Inspecting the GUI functionality
6 - Inspecting the enemy AI and waypoints
7 - Inspecting the game state
8 - Inspecting the highscore level
9 - Creating the main menu
10 - Publishing the final build

Unity Mobile Game Development Game State
Topics include:
1. Introduction and project overview
2. Examining our start scene and the scripts that are included
3. Consulting our game design document to begin our script
4. Coding our Timer and counting down in the Update function
5. Using Get functions to let other scripts access our variable...
6. Connecting our Render Overlay script component
7. Adding Update logic to turn the overlay on and off
8. Beginning the Won Round function
9. Using Yield to pause our script execution for a second
10. Listening for pausing and adding pause functionality
11. Coding our EnemyKilled function with data checking
12. Creating a function to save all of our stats after a round
13. Coding a GameOver function to load another level
14. Creating a reset function to start at round one
15. Moving the player to a random location
16. Randomly placing the player in the level based on waypoints
17. Cleaning up the WonRound and adding a random spawn toggle

Unity Mobile Game Development GUI Functionality
Topics include:
1. Introduction and project overview
2. Basic joystick modification
3. Scripting custom joysticks
4. Implementing the joystick up and down states
5. Scripting the crosshair
6. Creating the fire button
7. Implementing the reload button
8. Scripting the weapon swap
9. Implementing the weapon swap functionality
10. Scripting the ammo GUI
11. Creating the timer
12. Scripting the health bar
13. Implementing the health bar to the player
14. Creating the kill counter

Unity Mobile Game Development Level Design
Topics include:
1. Introduction and project overview
2. Project file organization
3. Optimizing game materials
4. Applying optimized materials
5. Finish applying the optimized materials
6. Assembling the level
7. Inspecting the base level
8. Set dressing the tunnel system
9. Adding more details through set dressing
10. Finishing the tunnel system
11. Inspecting the tunnel system
12. Set dressing the subway platform area
13. Adding more detail to the platform area
14. Refining the platform area
15. Making final tweaks to the level design

Unity Mobile Game Development Lighting and Lightmapping
Topics include:
1. Introduction and project overview
2. Real-time lights and shadows in Unity
3. Lightmapping in Unity
4. Combining lightmaps with normal maps in Unity
5. Understanding lightmapping UVs in Unity
6. Creating custom lightmapping UVs for Unity
7. Using lights for dramatic effect in Unity
8. Enhancing normal map details in Unity

Unity Mobile Game Development Player Functionality
Topics include:
1. Introduction and project overview
2. Create player movement
3. Modifying the camera view
4. Creating weapon functionality
5. Creating the assault rifle script
6. Finishing up the assault rifle script
7. Creating the shotgun script
8. Creating the damage controller

Unity Mobile Game Development Rigging and Animation
Topics include:
1. Introduction and project overview
2. Preparing rigs for Unity
3. Looking at the goo egg rig
4. Taking a look at the goo overhang rig
5. Looking at the tick rig
6. Modifying the preferred angle of an IK joint chain
7. Looking at the player"s rig
8. Exploring the weapon rig
9. Preparing animations for Unity
10. Animating the background assets
11. Animating the tick
12. The player"s animations
13. Reversing an animation

Unity Mobile Game Development Saving Data and Highscores
Topics include:
1. Introduction and project overview
2. Examining our start scene and the scripts that are included
3. Consulting our game design document to begin our script
4. Using a GUI.Box function to draw our first highscore
5. Using a Vector2 to offset our text placement for control
6. Automatically centering our text using our Location class
7. Creating a new GUI Style to format our text
8. Using a built-in array to store multiple pieces of data
9. Displaying our entire array using a For loop
10. Adding a height offset to display all our names
11. Refactoring our arrays into a class for easier organization
12. Displaying our highscore array correctly over our graphics
13. Saving game data using PlayerPrefs to store information
14. Creating a testing interface to set PlayerPrefs data
15. Synchronizing our PlayerPrefs with our local highscore class
16. Synchronizing our Rounds and Kills data
17. Scripting an add new highscore function
18. Testing if we need to create a new highscore
19. Moving our highscores down using a reverse For loop
20. Inserting our highscores into our data correctly
21. Letting the player enter their name using a GUI.TextField
22. Using GUI.color to change our highscore text colors
23. Creating flashing text using Mathf.PingPong and GUI.color
24. Testing our Highscore Display script to find bugs
25. Tracking game ID"s to make sure we don"t duplicate data
26. Changing the location of our game ID check to remove bugs
27. Using the iPhoneKeyboard class to get user input on Android
28. Saving the PlayerPrefs data to disk in case our game crashes
29. Using the PreviewLabs PlayerPrefs plugin for speed on mobile
30. Examining the final game code in reference to the highscore system

Unity Mobile Game Development Set Dressing:
Topics include:
1. Introduction and project overview
2. Creating the wood planks
3. Building the lights
4. Creating the old oil drum
5. Creating Vector Displacement Stamps
6. Creating the large egg
7. Creating the drain debris
8. Creating the overhanging debris
9. Creating debris around the upper drain
10. Creating the connective tissue
11. Building the corner debris
12. Dressing the level

Unity Mobile Game Development Sound Effects
Topics include:
1. Introduction and project overview
2. Adding audio to the assault rifle
3. Adding audio to the shotgun
4. Adding footstep sounds to the character
5. Implementing audio to our damaged player
6. Creating the tick sound effects
7. Adding the music player

Unity Mobile Game Development User Interface Design
Topics include:
1. Introduction and project overview
2. Getting started with the user interface design
3. Strategies for building user interface graphics
4. Building multiple states of one graphic
5. Breaking up and building the weapon switch graphic
6. Creating the main menu graphics
7. Cropping and saving user interface graphics
8. Creating user interface graphics with transparency for Unity
9. Modifying the transparency workflow for objects with varying...
10. Modifying our workflow for special instances

Unity Mobile Game Development UV Layout and Texturing
Topics include:
1. Introduction and project overview
2. Starting the UV layout process
3. Hiding UV seams on geometry
4. Using multiple UV projection methods
5. Consolidating object textures for games
6. Using photographs to create textures
7. Adding dirt and grime to textures
8. Making efficient use of UV space

Creating a Mobile Puzzle Game in Unity:
- Introduction and project overview
- Setting the scene
- Adding key game mechanics
- Loading level data from an external XML file
- Creating a level editor and saving to XML
- Creating levels and updating the visuals
- Saving and accessing game progress
- Setting the overall game flow
- Creating a simple interface with the modern GUI
- Addressing overall game functions and content
- Finalizing the game and deploying it as an iPhone application
More info (open/close)

مشخصات شرکت سازنده: دیجیتال توتورز / Digital Tutors
زبان: English
سطح آموزشی: Beginner, intermediate, Advanced
حجم فایل: ~17250 مگابایت
تاریخ انتشار: 10:19 - 93/12/24
منبع: پی سی دانلود

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