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دانلود User experience (UX) Tutorial Series - دوره های آموزشی اصول تجر

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دانلود User experience (UX) Tutorial Series - دوره های آموزشی اصول تجربه کاربری

(93/5/5) تغییرات:
دوره آموزشی UX Design Tools: Illustrator اضافه شد!
جلب رضایت کاربران و افزایش میزان محبوبیت محصولات و خدماتی که به کاربر نهایی ارائه می شود مهمترین هدفیست که هر مدیر فعال در زمینه آی تی دنبال می کند.
نمونه سازی راه حلی سریع و ارزان برای تست عملکرد و میزان محبوبیت وب سایت (و یا برنامه های کاربردی) است که به طراحان اجازه می دهد تا با ساخت نمونه اولیه به صورت ساده تر و گرفتن بازخورد از کاربران، زودتر متوجه اشتباهات احتمالی پروژه خود شده و علاوه بر آن از تجربیات کاربران نیز بهره بگیرند.
عناوین آموزشی Foundations of UX: Prototyping:
- نمونه اولیه (prototype) چیست؟
- چگونه نمونه سازی به افزایش تجربه کمک می کند
- تعریف اهدافی که در ساخت نمونه اولیه دنبال می کنیم
- ایده های طراحی
- ایجاد نمونه های کاغذ
- ساخت نمونه های اولیه به صورت low-fidelity و high-fidelity
- ایجاد نمونه های HTML
- تست و ارزیابی نمونه های اولیه
- انتخاب صحیح یک ابزار نمونه سازی
- و ...

مبحث معماری اطلاعات (Information Architecture) مباحثی همچون چگونگی بکارگیری یک روش مقرون به صرفه، افزایش میزان رضایت کاربران و سطح تعاملی بودن وب سایت را در بر می گیرد که از مواردی پر اهمیت در زمینه انتخاب و یا بهبود روش ارائه اطلاعات به کاربران وب سایت و یا دیگر برنامه های کاربردی می باشند.

عناوین آموزشی Foundations of UX: Information Architecture:
- معماری اطلاعات چیست؟
- لزوم تحقیق
- استفاده از روش های بررسی صحیح (مانند Card sorting)
- تجزیه و تحلیل نتایج Paper Card sort
- ایجاد معماری اطلاعات انتزاعی
- بررسی میزان صحت برنامه ریزی با استفاده از یک روش معکوس
- چگونگی استفاده از معماری اطلاعات در طراحی
- و ...

بی شک کلیدی ترین ویژگی که وب سایت، برنامه کاربردی و یا دیگر محصولات دیجیتالی را از یکدیگر متمایز می کند محتوای آن هاست. محتوای وب سایت شامل تمامی مطالب ارائه شده در وب سایت از جمله متن، عکس، ویدیو ها،ارتباطات کاربران و ... می باشد. بنابراین دانستن مواردی که باعث چشمگیر شدن محتوای وب سایت شما می شود می تواند بر میزان رضایت کاربران تاثیری چشمگیر داشته باشد.

عناوین آموزشی Foundations of UX: Content Strategy:
- استراتژی محتوا چیست؟
- شکل دهی تن کلی (Shaping the tone)
- بررسی محتوای فعلی
- شناسایی شکاف های موجود در مطالب فعلی
- تعیین مخاطبان
- کار ​​با wireframe ها
- اندازه گیری نتایج
- و ...

کارآمد بودن و میزان قابل استفاده بودن خدمات و محتویاتی که شما در وب سایت، برنامه کاربردی و یا دیگر محصولات تولیدی تان به کاربران ارائه می دهید از ویژگی های قابل ذکری است که میزان رضایت کاربران و در نتیجه تعداد مشتریان شما را تعیین خواهد نمود. در نتیجه توجه به این مسائله نیز از یکی دیگر شگردهاییی است که می تواند بر میزان موفقیت شما تاثیر بگذارد.

عناوین آموزشی Foundations of UX: Usability Testing:
- تست قابلیت استفاده چیست؟
- در نظر گرفتن شرکت کنندگان صحیح
- ساخت یک screener
- طرح سوالات درست
- اجتناب از تعصبات نا به جا
- ساخت یک لیست وظیفه
- ساخت محیط تست
- اجرای آزمایشی
- متعادل نمودن جلسات
- گرفتن مشاهدات در زمان واقعی
- تجزیه و تحلیل و گزارش نتایج
- و ...

دیگر دوره های آموزشی:
- استفاده از عکس Self-Image برای ترغیب کاربر (Persuasive UX: The Power of Self-Image)
- الگوهای رفتاری موثر برای ترغیب کاربر (Persuasive UX: Influencing Behavior Patterns)
- ابزار Axure در طراحی UX
- تکنیک های طراحی UX: کاغذ نمونه سازی (UX Design Techniques: Paper Prototyping)
- تکنیک های طراحی UX: پیاده سازی طرح ها (UX Design Techniques: Implementation Planning)
- باورسازی (Persuasive UX: Creating Credibility)
- ابزرهای طراحی UX: فتوشاپ
- مبانی UX برای طراحی وب
- ابزرهای طراحی UX: ایلوستریتوز
- و ...

Foundations of UX: Prototyping:
Prototyping allows designers to quickly and inexpensively explore multiple iterations of designs, test their performance, and craft even better user experiences for websites and applications. Explore what prototypes are, when they are appropriate, and the different strategies for creating prototypes in this introductory course with lynda.com senior author James Williamson. Learn about sketches, wireframes, mockups, and other types of prototypes; the tools that can help you build them; and how to test and refine your designs. This overview will help you decide which prototyping workflow works best for you and your team.
Topics include:
- What is a prototype?
- How prototyping helps user experience
- Defining prototype goals
- Sketching ideas
- Creating paper prototypes
- Building low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototypes
- Creating HTML prototypes
- Testing and evaluating prototypes
- Choosing the right prototyping tool

Foundations of UX: Information Architecture:
Improving the way the information in your site or application is organized and presented is one of the most cost-effective ways of increasing user satisfaction and engagement. Information architecture can help you find out how your users think about the world, and transition those lessons to your product. In this course, Chris Nodder teaches you how to perform card sort research to get information about user interactions, analyze the results, and create a validated information architecture plan. Then translate your plan into refined menus, content classification, and page layouts. Finally, test the success of your new structure with reverse card sorting and by monitoring feedback from server logs, site searches, and help desk calls.

Topics include:
- What is information architecture?
- Why do research?
- Creating and running a paper card sort
- Recruiting test participants
- Analyzing paper card sort results
- Running a computer-based card sort
- Creating abstract information architecture
- Validating your plan with a reverse card sort
- Translating information architecture to navigation and layout
- Watching the server after you go live

Foundations of UX: Content Strategy:
Content is key to delivering a successful user experience on websites, apps, and other digital properties. But what sets good content apart from the rest? This course takes you through the process of analyzing and reshaping your web content—not only text but also video, imagery, social interactions, and the metadata that underlies it all—to improve your SEO while refining your brand"s voice. Learn how to construct meaningful content and measure just how successful your site is after launch. Author Patrick Nichols also shows you how to develop personas to better understand your audience and evaluate the needs of important stakeholders and influencers.

Topics include:
- What is content strategy?
- Shaping the tone
- Auditing your current content
- Identifying content gaps
- Defining your audience
- Developing personas
- Working with wireframes
- Measuring results

Foundations of UX: Usability Testing:
Run your own basic usability study to find out just what your users need from your website, application, or device—and learn where to focus design improvements to have the biggest impact. Author Chris Nodder shows how to design a study so that it answers your questions, recruit the right participants, and set up the test environment. The course also teaches you how to moderate and observe a usability session, interact with participants and ask the right kind of questions, and then analyze the results and share them with your team in a meaningful way.

Topics include:
- What is usability testing?
- Finding the right participants
- Making a screener
- Asking the right questions
- Avoiding bias
- Making a task list
- Creating the test environment
- Running a pilot study
- Moderating sessions
- Capturing real-time observations
- Analyzing and reporting your results

Persuasive UX: The Power of Self-Image:
Marketing departments often appeal to our sense of identity—who we want to be and how we want to be seen. You see the power of self-image used in advertisements for fashionable clothes, luxury cars, and the latest technology. These ads all capitalize on the same themes: aspiration, status, and self-esteem.
Companies create desire by implying their products will make us happier and more popular, like the celebrities that promote them. And while you might not be able to hire an athlete or movie star for your next campaign, you too can tap into self-image with the right persuasive design techniques. Chris Nodder leads you through this fascinating aspect of user experience in this installment of Persuasive UX.

Topics include:
- Introduction
- Using Self-Image for Persuasion

Persuasive UX: Influencing Behavior Patterns:
We"d like to think otherwise, but most human behavior follows a predictable path. Actions (aka stimulus from the outside world) lead to predictable reactions on our part. One element of persuasive design is providing the right stimulus at the right time, in order to get users to respond in the desired way, whether it"s navigating your website, providing an email address, or purchasing a product. Learn how to use desire lines, and commitment, reinforcement, and breakage techniques to influence behavior patterns, in this installment of Chris Nodder"s Persuasive UX series.

UX Design Tools: Axure:
Axure is a wireframing and prototyping tool for web and user experience designers. You can use it to create user flows and sitemaps, click-through wireframes, and robust, fully interactive prototypes. This course shows you how. Brian Thurston Bralczyk introduces Axure"s ready-made widgets, functioning form elements, and dynamic content that can be hidden, moved around the page, or even animated. Plus, learn how to generate flows and sitemaps, and create adaptive web designs to view your project on a range of devices. By the end of this course, you"ll be able to create prototypes that will help you communicate your designs to clients and developers, or even run large usability tests with prospective users.

Topics include:
- Using and styling widgets
- Setting up interactions
- Creating hide/show options for content
- Creating an accordion menu
- Applying web fonts
- Using flow widgets
- Creating and placing masters
- Styling pages
- Adding form fields with widgets
- Building a slideshow with dynamic panels
- Setting up adaptive views

UX Design Techniques: Paper Prototyping:
This installment of UX Design Techniques brings together all of the information you"ve gathered from previous steps. Here, Chris Nodder shows how to get fast, inexpensive, and early validation of your design ideas, using the simplest of materials: paper, Post-it notes, index cards, and Sharpies. With these tools, you"ll learn how to create paper prototypes and present them to representative users of your product or system. It"s a great way to test your ideas before you write any code.

Topics include:
- Introduction
- Paper Prototyping in the User-Centered Design (UCD) Process
- Creating a Paper Prototype
- User Testing a Paper Prototype
- Conclusion

UX Design Techniques: Implementation Planning:
User-centered design doesn"t stop with visualization. In this, the final installment of UX Design Techniques, Chris Nodder shows how to gather the documentation you"ve created so far and start planning the implementation of your design, from prioritizing features with the most business benefit to setting achievable metrics.

Topics include:
- Introduction
1. Using User-Centered Design (UCD) Artifacts to Create an Implementation Plan
 - User-centered planning
 - Where implementation planning fits in the UCD process
2. Story Mapping
 - Create a story map
 - Laying out the interface
 - Prioritizing items on the story map
 - Setting metrics for story-map items
- Conclusion

Persuasive UX: Creating Credibility:
Credibility is currency with online audiences. By knowing how concepts like social proof ("if other people do it, so can I") and authority affect your audience or customers, you can build your credibility and influence their behavior. Dive into this course to learn more, and start putting these concepts to work for you. Topics include:
0. Introduction
1. Using Credibility for Persuasion
  - Social proof
  - Reciprocation
  - Authority
  - Smart defaults

UX Design Tools: Photoshop:
The UX Design Tools series makes the connection between early UX creative processes, like wireframing and prototyping, with the tools and techniques necessary to create a successful product design. This installment delves into the power of Adobe Photoshop. Justin Putney shows you how to create and edit live shapes, a key component in wireframes; store and display different application states with layer comps; export images and multilayer comps for sharing with clients and developers; and much more.

Topics include:
- Setting up files
- Building live shapes with the Rectangle tool
- Using character and paragraph styles
- Organizing content into layers
- Building layer comps
- Creating and reapplying custom shapes
- Using Smart Objects to group and store elements
- Saving and using layer effects
- Exporting artwork

User Experience Fundamentals for Web Design:
Discover how to create a user experience that embodies utility, ease of use, and efficiency by identifying what people want from websites, how they search for information, and how to structure your content to take advantage of this. In this course, author Chris Nodder shows how to merge engineering, marketing, graphical and industrial design, and interface design to create a website that meets the needs of your customer, and is simple, elegant, and engaging. The course shows how to use graphics to help rather than hinder visitors, balance advertising and content, and integrate video, audio, and other media. Other tutorials consider the landing page experience and elements like contact forms from the visitor"s perspective.

Topics include:
- Applying simple, consistent, and standard design principles
- Tailoring your menus, site map, and links for visitors
- Understanding progressive navigation
- Formatting page for information exchange
- Understanding the importance of the homepage
- Creating compelling category and landing pages
- Showing the price for products
- Having a call to action
- Asking for information on forms
- Using media to tell your story
- Earning ad revenue without discrediting your site

UX Design Tools: Illustrator:
The UX Design Tools series connects early UX creative processes—like wireframing and prototyping—with the tools and techniques necessary to create a successful product design. Illustrator is one of those tools, noteworthy for its type tools, spacious artboard, libraries of reusable artwork, and clean vector lines. In this course, Justin Putney shows how to use symbols to take advantage of reusability, organize your artwork into layers, use artboards to design different wireframes for multiple screens and different application states, and export wireframes to share with clients and developers.

Topics include:
- Creating and positioning guides
- Building shapes
- Designing reusable symbols
- Creating character and paragraph styles
- Adding text
- Using artboards to organize and display content
- Exporting to multipage PDF
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مشخصات زبان: English
سطح آموزشی: Beginner, intermediate
حجم فایل: ~4200 مگابایت
تاریخ انتشار: 11:00 - 93/5/5
منبع: پی سی دانلود

لینک های دانلود
دانلود - دوره آموزشی Foundations of UX: Prototyping - حجم: 367.9 مگابایت

دانلود - دوره آموزشی Foundations of UX: Information Architecture+فایل های تمرین - حجم: 401 مگابایت

دانلود - دوره آموزشی Foundations of UX: Content Strategy - حجم: 109 مگابایت

دوره آموزشی Foundations of UX: Usability Testing+فایل های تمرین - حجم: 401 مگابایت

دانلود - بخش اول

دانلود - بخش دوم

دوره آموزشی Persuasive UX: The Power of Self-Image

دانلود - 232.5 مگابایت

دوره آموزشی Persuasive UX: Influencing Behavior Patterns

دانلود - 238.4 مگابایت

دوره آموزشی UX Design Tools Axure +فایل های تمرین - 634.3 مگابایت

دانلود - بخش اول

دانلود - بخش دوم

دوره آموزشی UX Design Techniques: Paper Prototyping

دانلود - 244.4 مگابایت

دوره آموزشی UX Design Techniques: Implementation Planning

دانلود - 32 مگابایت

دوره آموزشی Persuasive UX: Creating Credibility

دانلود - 177.4 مگابایت

دوره آموزشی UX Design Tools: Photoshop

دانلود - 106 مگابایت

دوره آموزشی User Experience Fundamentals for Web Design

دانلود - 137.8 مگابایت

دوره آموزشی UX Design Tools: Illustrator

دانلود - 130.1 مگابایت

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