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دانلود Articulate Storyline 2 - نرم افزار طراحی و ساخت اسلایدشو های آم

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دانلود Articulate Storyline 2 - نرم افزار طراحی و ساخت اسلایدشو های آموزشی

Articulate Storyline به شما در ایجاد دوره های آموزش الکترونیکی کمک می کند. این نرم افزار برنامه ای مفید و ساده برای مبتدیان می باشد و در عین حال ویژگی های قدرتمندی را برای متخصصین این زمینه فراهم می کند. برای ساخت اسلایدشو از دوره های آموزش الکترونیکی تعاملی توسط این نرم افزار، می توانید از قالب های آماده موجود در برنامه استفاده کنید و در صورت لزوم به سفارشی سازی و تغییر تنظیمات و ویژگی های قالب انتخابی بپردازید. علاوه بر این شما می توانید برای جذاب تر نمودن آموزش، از کاراکترهای کارتونی طراحی شده و موجود در نرم افزار استفاده کنید. یکی از امکانات مفیدی که Articulate Storyline در اختیار شما قرار می دهد، توانایی طراحی نمونه سوال و ایجاد کوییز در اسلاید شو ها می باشد. قابلیت های کلیدی نرم افزار Articulate Storyline:
- طراحی و ایجاد دوره های آموزش الکترونیکی کارآمد
- حاوی قالب های آماده برای ساخت اسلاید شو
- وجود شخصیت های جذاب و متفاوت
- استفاده از آبجکت های متفاوت برای ایجاد محیط تعاملی
- امکان قرار دادن امتحان و نمونه سوال
- پشتیبانی از Drag و Drop
- پشتیبانی ازفرمت های فلش و اچ تی ام ال
- ایجاد کوییز و قرار دادن نمونه سوال
- و ...
Create polished interactive courses with Articulate Storyline, the only e-learning authoring software that grows with you. It’s simple enough for beginners, powerful enough for experts.
Here are some key features of "Articulate Storyline":
Slide Templates
Build your slides from scratch or start from a template. You can even use templates with interactivity common to e-learning courses already built in. Easily customize a template to make it completely yours. Don’t see what you want? No problem. Free slide interactions and course templates are posted to E-Learning Heroes all the time. Simply download and then access your new templates from within Storyline.

Connect more fully with learners by using characters in your course. It’s easy to add up to 47,500 combinations of illustrated and photographic characters, expressions, and poses—there’s no need to hunt for art online. With just a few clicks, you can insert characters, thehttp://p30download.com/cgi-bin/nmt/mt.cgi?__mode=view&_type=entry&id=38498&blog_id=2&saved_changes=1n change their poses and expressions. Extend your character library with additional Articulate character packs.

Slide Layers
Drastically simplify how you create interactivity with slide layers, the innovative new way of building multiple interactions on a single slide. Slide layers let you quickly and easily overlay objects, and trigger layers to appear when learners take certain actions. No more duplicating and managing multiple slides. With slide layers, you create, edit, and manage multiple interactions on one slide—so you can author courses faster than ever.

Build interactivity by choosing from a menu of easy-to-understand actions, such as “jump to slide” or “show a layer.” Then, designate when you want the action to occur, such as when a user clicks on a certain object. Combine triggers to create increasingly complex interactions.

Make objects feel alive by setting them to react to a learner’s actions. Set a button to change color after it’s been visited, or change the expression of a character when the learner clicks the wrong object. The possibilities are endless.

Add intelligence to your course using variables. Present dynamic content based on a learner’s activity and other conditions you define. Remember learner input or assessment results—and use the information later in your course if it meets your criteria. For example, if learner responses aren’t up to par, present additional slides at the end of the course to help them master the material.

Storyline combines the simplicity of form-based authoring with the flexibility of slide-based editing. The result: it’s easier than ever to create 20 different types of questions. Plus, with free-form question types, you can build a question using any objects on a slide. Advanced users can take advantage of additional simple yet powerful quizzing tools, including question pooling, randomization, and the ability to score a learner’s progress at multiple points in the course.

Drag-and-Drop Interactions
Creating drag-and-drop interactions is now a breeze. Simply add objects to your slide, choose “drag and drop” from the menu, then assign drag items and drop targets using the form-based editor.

Screen Recording
Show learners exactly what you want them to grasp by recording your screen. Easily add captions, characters, and zoom-and-pan effects.

Software Simulation
Record your screen once and Storyline automatically segments your activity into multiple step-by-step tutorials. If you make a mistake, you can edit the recording whenever and however you want—there’s no need to re-record. Let learners watch how to do a task in view mode, try the task in try mode, and test their mastery of the task in test mode.

Action Fine-Tuning
Fine-tune your screen recording quickly and easily. Storyline processes video after capturing it, so you can make edits without impacting the original video file. If you want to change the key frames, no problem. Use the video editor to adjust them—without re-recording your screen.

HTML5, Flash, and Mobile Devices
Now you can get courses to learners wherever they are. Build your course once, then publish it with a single click to multiple formats so learners can interact with it on their iPads, desktops, laptops, Android devices, and more. Storyline publishes to Flash, which is supported by a vast majority of personal computers, and to the Articulate Mobile Player, a native iOS application that optimizes courses for iPads. Storyline also publishes to HTML5, an increasingly popular format for delivering content with rich multimedia and interactivity.

Right-to-Left Languages
Make it easy for learners around the globe to access your courses. Localize your content with Storyline"s right-to-left language support. Storyline also supports double-byte character sets (DBCS), so you can even translate your courses into Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

Template Sharing
Save your Storyline project as a template, then share it on the Articulate community. Or, email the template to team members, helping standardize course design across your organization.

Character Packs
Build your Storyline character library with additional photographic character packs featuring a range of ethnicities, ages, and clothing. Each set of photographic characters includes standing poses, headshots, and torso crops, so you can quickly find the right look.

What is new in Storyline 2:

Every course, any tablet.
Give learners what they need, when they need it.

Android Support
Build tablet-ready courses and performance support for learners on the go.
With HTML5, iPad, and new Android support in Storyline 2, any tablet will do.

Bring content to life.
So many ways to amaze your learners.

Interactive Slider
Put learners in control. With the new slider interaction, it’s easy to let them manipulate data visually, explore cause-and-effect relationships, and control objects and navigation.

Motion Paths
Make objects move any way you want with motion paths. You can easily control motion paths with triggers, add multiple paths to one object, and begin them from an object’s current or initial position.

New Animations and Transitions
With 11 new transitions and 10 new entrance and exit animations, it’s even easier to add pep to text, objects, slide layers, and slides. Control timing in seconds and apply effects with a few clicks.

New Triggers
Direct the action on your slides in novel ways with new triggers and trigger events. You can now trigger action at a specific time, cue point, or even when an animation ends.

Create the right look.
Perfect your slides with new tools for customizing text, colors, shapes, and more.

New Text Editor
The all-new text editor gives you ultimate control over text styling. Customize paragraph alignment and direction, set your own character and line spacing, use custom bullets, and much more.

Enhanced Font Support
Take advantage of all the features in your fonts. You can now use custom characters such as smart quotes and em dashes. And, with support for font ligatures, watch letters shape-shift when they get new neighbors.

Enhanced Web Objects
Build the perfect home for your embedded web content. You can now layer shapes, characters, text, and other objects on top of web objects.

Eyedropper Tool
Finesse your design by picking colors from anything that’s visible on your screen, then applying it to any other objects.

Craft the ideal learning experience.
Get more control over how learners view, navigate, and pass your course.

Player Button States
Easily prevent learners from skipping ahead by applying normal, disabled, and hidden states to the Previous, Next, and Submit buttons on the player.

Negative Scoring
Use more nuanced scoring to assess whether learners really have mastered material. You can now subtract points from a learner’s score for wrong answers.

Uncompressed Video
Storyline 2 only compresses videos when you want it to, giving you more control over video quality and project size.

Read-Only Seekbar
Now you can make course seekbars read-only so learners can see their progress but can’t fast forward through content.

Custom Tab Order
Help learners using screen readers access slide content in the right sequence by defining a custom tab order.

Enhanced Accessibility
Storyline 2 supports both Section 508 and WCAG, gives you the power to adjust player font sizes, and lets learners with screen readers skip player navigation.

Boost your productivity.
You’ll speed up with new timesaving tools and optimized workflows.

New UI
We’ve cleared out all clutter, introduced eye-catching icons, and simplified the user interface so it’s even easier to find everything you need to create content quickly.

Dockable Panels
Put the tools you need right where you need them. Move triggers, slide layers, states, notes, scenes, and timeline panels anywhere on your desktop or even to a second monitor.

Animation Painter
Format animation effects for one object, then use the animation painter to quickly apply those same effects to other objects.

Slide/Form View Toggle
Update content faster by toggling between Slide view and Form view in one window.

Copy/Paste Layers
Save time by copying and pasting layers from one slide to another.

Never lose your work. If Storyline 2 closes unexpectedly, you can reopen your project right where you left off.

Start faster, so you finish sooner.
Get your project up and running in minutes.

Slide Templates
Get a head start on your courses with seven new gorgeously designed interactive slide templates.

Content Importing
Import and reuse content you’ve already created in PowerPoint, Studio ’09 and ’13, and Storyline 1.

Import Questions
Don’t start assessments from scratch. Import existing quiz questions from Excel spreadsheets and text files.

New Languages
Work faster in your own language. Storyline 2 is available in English, Chinese, French, German, and Spanish.
More info (open/close)

مشخصات شرکت سازنده: Articulate Global, Inc
حجم فایل:
تاریخ انتشار: 11:20 - 94/7/13
منبع: پی سی دانلود

راهنمای نصب 1- نرم افزار را نصب کنید.
2- نرم افزار را اجرا نکنید و اگر در کنار ساعت نیز در حالت اجرا قرار داد آن را ببندید.
3- محتویات پوشه Patch را در محل نصب نرم افزار* کپی کنید و فایل Patch.exe را اجرا و عملیات Patch را انجام دهید. (توجه داشته باشید چنانچه از ویندوز ویستا و یا 7 استفاده می کنید برای اجرای فایل Patch.exe می بایستی بر روی آن راست کلیک کرده و گزینه Run as administrator را انتخاب کنید تا Patch به درستی کار کند)
4- نرم افزار را اجرا کنید.

* محل نصب نرم افزار: پوشه محل نصب معمولاً در درایو ویندوز و داخل پوشه Program Files قرار دارد. همچنین با این روش می توانید محل نصب را پیدا کنید:
- در ویندوز XP: بعد از نصب، روی Shortcut نرم افزار کلیک راست کرده و روی گزینه Properties و سپس روی گزینه Find Target کلیک کنید.
- در ویندوز 7 و 8: بعد از نصب، روی Shortcut نرم افزار کلیک راست کرده و روی گزینه Open file location کلیک کنید.
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