واضح آرشیو وب فارسی:پردیس گیم:

Sony Computer Entertainment بخش ژاپن و آسیا امروز به طور رسمی لیست کامل عناوین این شرکت برای حضور در Tokyo Game Show را منتشر کرد . این لیست و مجموعه بزرگ شامل بیش از 70 بازی PS4 و 33 بازی PS Vita و در نهایت تنها 3 بازی PS3 است . همچنین شرکت کنندگان در این نمایشگاه می توانند PS4 نقره ای رنگ را از نزدیک مشاهده کنند . همانطور که می دانید چندی پیش کنفرانس شرکت سونی با عنوان پیش-کنفرانس Tokyo Game Show برگزار شد و در آن سونی به معرفی چندین عنوان ژاپنی پرداخت . در جریان نمایشگاه ، سونی یک کنفرانس دیگر را نیز برگزار می کند و در آن به ارائه اطلاعات و نمایش های بیشتر از عناوین معرفی شده می پردازد . در ادامه می توانید لیست کامل عناوین سونی در نمایشگاه Tokyo Game Show را مشاهده کنید : PS4 Bloodborne (Video + Playable) Destiny (Video + Playable) Driveclub (Trailer + Playable) The Order: 1886 (Video + Playable) The Tomorrow Children (Video Only) Kaze No Tabibito (Video Only) The Playroom (Playable Only) LittleBigPlanet 3 (Video + Playable) Kingdom Under Fire II (Video Only) The Mighty No.9 (Video Only) Sportsfriends (Video Only) The Last Thinker: City of Colors (Video Only) N++ (Video Only) Minecraft (Video + Playable) Oddworld: Abe’s Odyssee – New’n Tasty (Video Only) Fez (Video Only) Rocketbirds 2: Evolution (Video Only) OlliOlli (Video Only) One Upon Light (Video + Playable) Transistor (Video Only) Element4l (Video Only) Never Alone (Video Only) Pavilion (Video Only) Ender of Fire (Video Only) Octodad: Dadliest Catch (Video + Playable) Croixleur Sigma (Video Only) Prismatic Solid (Video Only) Revolver360 Re:actor (Video Only) TorqueL (Video Only) Astebreed (Video + Playable) Miko Ken Shin’i Hikae (Video Only) Guilty Gear Xrd – SIGN- (Video + Playable) Persona 5 (Video Only) Joysound.TV Plus (Video Only) EA Sports UFC (Video + Playable) FIFA 15 (Video + Playable) Dragon Age: Inquisition (Video Only) Battlefield 4 (Video Only) Deep Down (Video Only) Resident Evil HD Remaster (Video Only) Resident Evil 2 Revelations (Video + Playable) Let it Die (Video Only) Dead or Alive 5: Last Round (Video + Playable) Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires (Video Only) Samurai Warriors 4 (Video Only) Bladestorm: Hundred Years’ War & Nightmare (Video + Playable) Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Video Only) Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 (Video + Playable) Omega Quintet (Video + Playable) Compile Heart PS4 Title Lineup (Video Only) Dragon Quest Heroes (Video Only) The Witcher III: Wild Hunt (Video Only) Yakuza Zero: The Oath’s Place (Video Only) Oneechanbara Z2: Chaos (Video Only) Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair (Video + Playable) Leynoss (Video Only) Ys (Video Only) God Eater 2: Rage Bursts (Video Only) Dragonball Xenoverses (Video + Playable) Magical Battle Fiesta Shojo Hoshizaki Ion PS4 Edition (Video Only) The Evil Within (Video + Playable) Senran Kagura Estival Versus (Video Only) Tohou Project Fan Series (Video Only) Maison de Maou (Video Only) The Crew (Video Only) Far Cry 4 (Video Only) Lego Marvel Super Heroes The Game (Video Only) Lego The Movie Video Game (Video + Playable) Shadow of Morder (Video Only) Batman: Arkham Knight (Video Only) PS4 Hardware PlayStation 4 Glacier White PlayStation 4 Dragon Quest Metal Slime Edition DualShock 4 Urban Camouflage PS Vita Murasaki Baby (Video + Playable) The Mighty No.9 (Video Only) Airship Q (Video + Playable) Fate/Hollow Ataraxia (Video Only) Minecraft (Video + Playable) Deemo (Video + Playable) OlliOlli (Video + Playable) Kongo no Otomate: Tenkai no Oshirase (Video Only) TorqueL (Video + Playable) Robodora: Robo vs Dragon (Video Only) Ar Nosurge Plus (Video Only) Ciel Nosurge Offline (Video Only) Heroes of Infinity (Tentative Title) (Video Only) Manga Kakeru (Video Only) Samurai Warriors Chronicle 3 (Video + Playable) Jikkyo Powerful Pro Baseball 2014 (Video + Playable) Chaos Rings III (Video + Playable) Seiken Densetsu: Rise of Mana (Video Only) Deadmans’s Cross (Video + Playable) Zettai Zetsubou Shoujo – Danganronpa Another Episode (Video Only) Dengeki Fighting Climax (Video + Playable) Phantasy Star Nova (Video + Playable) Borderlands 2 (Video Only) DRAMAtical Murder Re:code (Video Only) Hidebroh: Tap Dance Hero (Video Only) God Eater 2: Rage Burst (Video + Playable) Gundam Breaker 2 (Video + Playable) La-Mulana Ex (Video Only) Flowers (Video Only) Bakumatsu Rock Ultra Soul (Video Only) Luminous Arc Infinity (Video Only) Maison de Maou (Video Only) The Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kiseki II (Video + Playable) PS Vita Hardware PS Vita Light Pink/White PlayStation Vita TV PS3 Persona 5 (Video Only) Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD ReMIX (Video + Playable) Tales of Zestirua (Video + Playable)
22 شهريور 1393
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[ارسال شده از: پردیس گیم]
[تعداد بازديد از اين مطلب: 51]