واضح آرشیو وب فارسی:سایت ریسک: اسامی 15 نفر از خدایان Autodesk در سال 2009 CG_Master 30 بهمن 1388, 11:01دررود... رفته بودم تو سایت آتودسک که یه لینکی نظرم رو به خودش جلب کرد... برام جالب بود به عنوان کسی عاشق نرم افزاری هست که از این شرکت تولید میشه بدونم خدایان Max ,Maya,XSI توی 2009 چه کسایی هستن از کجا هستن... تحصیلاتشون در چه حد.... انگیزه شون چی بوده.. چند وقت توی این حیطه دارن کار میکنن... و چند تا سوال دیگه که با خودم گفتم این جا بزارم تا اونایی که اهلش هستن برن تو کارش... اینو هم بگم که شرکت خودش به تنهایی این اشخاص رو Select نکرده طبق گفته شرکت؛ طی نظر سنجی با بچه های گرافیگ و دنیای CG این اسامی بدست اومده و یه مصاحبه ای هم با اونا شده.... ------------------------ Introducing Autodesk® Masters Awards, 2009 Over the past few months we’ve asked you, as a member of the 3D Community, to nominate talented artists for Autodesk Maya® Master, 3ds Max® Master, and Softimage® awards for 2009. All of the talented people nominated were recognized as exceptional people doing exceptional things with—and for—3D CG through the work they produce, through mentoring, and for their contribution to advancing the Autodesk tools they use. Then we asked you, 3ds Max, Maya, and Softimage artists, to vote—and vote you did—by the thousands. It’s a great pleasure to introduce the Autodesk Masters 2009. Our warmest congratulations go to: Riki Babington 3ds Max Master David Baker 3ds Max Master Ted Boardman 3ds Max Master Gus Capote 3ds Max Master Bohong Deng 3ds Max Master Bradley Gabe Softimage Master Joe Gunn 3ds Max Master Tyson Ibele 3ds Max Master Till Nowak 3ds Max Master Luciano Neves 3ds Max Master Adam Sale Softimage Master Jason Snyman Maya Master Daniel Widrig Maya Master Loïc Zimmermann Maya Master Chad Dombrova Maya Master A Big "Thank You" to All of the Nominees Naming those honored this year was a challenging task given all of the talented artists nominated by AREA members throughout 2009. No matter what the outcome, all of the nominees are among the best of the very best. We extend our deeply felt thanks to the nominees for agreeing to "stand and be counted". They are all truly gifted and contribute in so many ways to make 3D art and technology better for us all. () Riki Babington Riki graduated in 2002 from the Art Institute of Houston with an Associate’s degree in Computer Animation. He is currently the owner and operator of Eat 3D, LLC… () Bohong Deng Bohong Deng founded Shenzhen Dans Digital Technology Co., Ltd in 2003, and is primarily engaged in producing 3D architectural animations and animations for advertising… () Ted Boardman Ted is a well known independent Autodesk 3ds Max trainer, writer, and columnist. Ted has authored more than a dozen books on Autodesk 3ds Max software... () Joe Gunn Joe Gunn is a senior freelance 3D artist based in New York City and is busy working at many different studios throughout the United States… () Till Nowak Within the 3D community, Till has become known for providing detailed material about his body of work as well as for his large variety of visual forms of expression... () Adam Sale A graduate of the Vancouver Film School, Adam Sale co-founded Joncrow Entertainment in 1998… () Daniel Widrig Daniel Widrig studied architecture in Germany and the UK. After graduating from the Architectural Association in London with a Master’s... () Chad Dombrova After graduating from the University of Virginia with a major in Art History, Chad joined Luma Pictures in 2003, when the company was still in its infancy. () David Baker David Baker is a freelance 3D artist mostly known for his work at MAXPlugins.de, which he started in 2000 as a collection of plug-in links… () Gus Capote Gus Capote is an art director and leads Neoscape’s UK studio. He has industry experience spanning more than 10 years... () Bradley Gabe Over much of his career in animation, Bradley Gabe has been an active member of the CG community helping to develop technical approaches to CG... () Tyson Ibele Tyson Ibele is a talented generalist who has been the motivation and inspiration of many artists around the world… () Luciano Neves Luciano Neves is Director of 3D at Tribbo Post, in Brazil. During a fourteen-year career, he has worked in many disciplines and companies throughout Europe… () Jason Snyman Jason Snyman worked on his first feature film at age 17, making him the youngest in the field with his level of expertise… () Loïc Zimmermann Loïc “e338” Zimmermann has worked in the CG business for 10 years. In 1997, he graduated with a Fine Arts degree ... www_3d_boy3 30 بهمن 1388, 12:10فكر كنم اينا بچهاي سايت مجيد و يادشون رفته بايد بشون ميل بزنيم اليته از نوع ملي:green: abbasi_0912 01 اسفند 1388, 18:20سلام بچه ها یعنی ایناهاخدای هستند؟ خدا یا ما را ببخش و بیامرز به حق چیزهای نشنیده ما مجید آنلاین ی ها رو هم به جمع خدایان اضافه کن CG_Master 01 اسفند 1388, 18:36سلام بچه ها یعنی ایناهاخدای هستند؟ خدا یا ما را ببخش و بیامرز به حق چیزهای نشنیده ما مجید آنلاین ی ها رو هم به جمع خدایان اضافه کن آره ... حتماًهستن که آتودسک بهشون لقب Master رو داده Mehdi_Lover3dsmax 01 اسفند 1388, 20:22آقا هادی master یعنی کاملا مسلط GOD یعنی خدا بعدم اینها هر چه دارن نعمتهای هست که خدا به اونا داده یا علی CG_Master 01 اسفند 1388, 20:37نمیخوام وارد بحث فلسفه بشم... اما: اصولا کسی که چیزی رو خلق میکنه میشه خالق اثر یعنی از تمامی جزییات اثرش آگاهی لازم رو داره و هر جا ازش سوالی بشه جواب درستی میده حالا خالق یا همون( خدای اینکاره ) کسی هست که به گفته شما کاملا تسلط داره صرفا چون خدا (الله) خالق همه چیز هست نمیشه گفت که من یا شما نتونیم چیزی رو خلق کنیم.. الان یکی از این باباهایی که من اون بالا گذاشتم هر کدوم واسه خودشون خدایی هستن تو کارشون دقت کن فقط در مورد کار خودشون.... این یه اصطلاح عامیانست ... علی یارت mg_mahyar 03 اسفند 1388, 19:51زن ها تو این زمینه هم کم اوردن
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[ارسال شده از: سایت ریسک]
[مشاهده در: www.ri3k.eu]
[تعداد بازديد از اين مطلب: 305]