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3ds Max & maya 2008 Features (video) for download -

واضح آرشیو وب فارسی:سایت ریسک: 3ds Max & maya 2008 Features (video) for download IRANFOX COMPANY 02 شهريور 1386, 09:283ds Max & maya 2008 Features (video) for download در ضمن یه خبر دیگه برای دوستان ما با کمپانی line max ny در حال مذاکره برای سفارش دادن 3dmax 2008 هستیم اگر توانستیم نرم افزار رو به صورت رسمی و کرک شده بگیریم که احتمالش 50% هست حتما برای دانلود با نام مجید انلاین براتون میزاریم در حال حاظر فکر کنم 4 الی 5 شرکت به صورت رسمی نرم افزار رو خریداری کرده اند که معروف ترین این شرکت ها Ubisoft هست Autodesk 3ds Max () New Polygon Modeling Workflow () A collection of “hands-on” modeling options, new in Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2008, lets you take advantage of a more streamlined, artist-friendly modeling workflow. This video introduces you to two of these new options: temporary pivot overrides and a new subobject previewing workflow that lets you preview and select subobjects in one fluid motion and switch between subobject modes in the viewport. You’ll also learn how to take advantage of the new Multiple UV Unwrap operation—a feature that makes it significantly easier to organize the mapping of multiple objects into one texture. () Performance Enhancements () Autodesk 3ds Max 2008 delivers new technology and optimizations that result in vastly improved performance for even the largest, most complex scenes. This video will demonstrate how new adaptive degradation enhancements ensure your viewport interaction rates by automatically simplifying scenes to meet target frame rates. When combined with the new Direct3D mesh caching, which groups objects by materials, the result is that tens of thousands of objects become just as interactive as ten objects. Plus, you’ll see how easy it is to control the degree to which 3ds Max simplifies your scene: You just select a desired level of viewport interactivity and 3ds Max calculates how best to achieve it. () Review Rendering () The powerful, new Review rendering toolset gives you immediate feedback on various render settings, enabling you to iterate rapidly. This means you can now quickly hone in on your desired look without waiting for a software render—perfect for over-the-shoulder client/boss feedback sessions and other iterative workflows. This video demonstrates the Review rendering toolset’s ability to deliver interactive viewport previewing of shadows, its improved workflow for those using the 3ds Max Sun/Sky system, and new mental ray Architectural and Design material settings. You’ll also learn how to take advantage of the new mental ray Sky Portal system—a workflow that simplifies the process of lighting indoor scenes with outdoor lighting. () Autodesk 3ds Max/Revit Interoperability () Deeper support in 3ds Max 2008 for DWG™ and Autodesk® FBX® file formats results in faster, more accurate importing of data from other popular Autodesk applications such as Revit® Architecture 2008. This video will introduce you to two new features that streamline 3ds Max/Revit workflows: support for DWG solids—including all materials assigned to these objects—and support for imported Sun/Sky/geographic location parameters, including time of day and time zone. () Autodesk 3ds Max/mental ray Enhancements () A number of major enhancements to mental ray and the 3ds Max 2008/mental ray workflow will help you to achieve your desired look faster. This video introduces you to The Sky Portal workflow for lighting indoor scenes with outdoor lighting The self-illumination feature for mental ray Architecture and Design materials The Render to Texture presets The photographic exposure UI—a camera-based interface for managing exposure settings (tone-mapping) Autodesk Maya Maya 2008 Features () New Polygon Modeling and nCloth Wind Features () Autodesk® Maya® 2008 provides new and enhanced tools for both the high-level manipulation and component-level editing of polygon models. This video will introduce you to the software’s new Smooth Mesh workflow, which has been significantly streamlined thanks to new, high-performance preview capabilities. You’ll also learn how to take advantage of the new Slide Edge feature and become acquainted with the enhancements made to other polygon editing features such as Pick Walk (for edge loops) and the Keep Faces Together option. Finally, you’ll see a demonstration of the improved dynamic wind features for Maya nCloth, including Wind Shadow Distance, Air Push Distance, and Wind Noise. () Non-Destructive Skin Editing () Animators and animation technical directors often need to work iteratively on their rigged characters. Maya 2008 now streamlines iterative skinning workflows by enabling you to modify the skeleton of a bound character, without having to rebind it after, thus preserving any work done after the skeleton was bound. This video will familiarize you with new tools for inserting and moving joints on a bound skeleton, as well as X-ray Joints. Plus, you’ll learn how to take advantage of the newly added support for multiple bind poses. Also included in this video is a look at the new Maya Artisan brush hotkeys, which enable you to quickly manipulate geometry as you work by toggling between Push/Pull/Smooth and Add/Remove, as well as by inverting the values you’re painting. () Enhanced Character Rigging Workflow () This video shows you how to quickly correct unwanted spikes and other anomalies in smooth skin weighting on a bound character using the new Smooth Skin Weights operation. You’ll also see how the new X-ray Joints option and Copy Weights can help you to set up your characters faster and more efficiently.The demo also includes a look at the new Maya Artisan brush hotkeys. These allow you to toggle between Push/Pull/Smooth and Add/Remove, as well as to invert the values you’re painting as you work—enabling you to keep focus on your model when sculpting or painting attribute values. () Maya nCloth: Enhanced Wind Model () As the first Maya module built on Autodesk’s new Nucleus technology, Maya nCloth lets you quickly direct and control your cloth and other material simulations in entirely new ways. This video introduces you to nCloth’s improved wind model, which now supports wind shadowing—the effect wherein cloth will not be blown by wind on the opposite side of the character or when it is sheltered by another object. You’ll also see a demonstration of how to use the Air Push Distance feature and the new lift model. () Maya nCloth with a Fast-Moving Object () As the first Maya module built on Autodesk’s new Nucleus technology, Maya nCloth lets you quickly direct and control your cloth and other material simulations in entirely new ways. This video demonstrates an efficient workflow for creating nCloth on fast-moving objects. You’ll also get an overview of the time-saving nCloth presets new in Maya 2008. Finally, you’ll learn how to take advantage of nCloth Cache Blending and Painting to quickly achieve your desired result. hamed-ddd 03 شهريور 1386, 13:02خیلی جالب شد سایه ها تو ویپورت هم دیده میشن....این اتودسک میخواد چیکار کنه hamed-ddd 20 شهريور 1386, 12:31آقا این تری دی مکس 2008 وارد بازار شده یا نه...من که میرم تو سایت موقع دانلود میزنه تری دی مکس 9 roohollah 20 شهريور 1386, 13:12آقا این تری دی مکس 2008 وارد بازار شده یا نه...من که میرم تو سایت موقع دانلود میزنه تری دی مکس 9 مکس 2008 امسال ، سال 2007!!!:wink: IRANFOX COMPANY 20 شهريور 1386, 18:50hamed جون هیچ جا برای دانلود نذاشتن (ما که هنوز ندیدیم) ما هم که با شرکت حرف زدیم میگن به شرکت های ایرانی نمیتونن نرم افزار رو بدهند (به جهنم ندن منتظر میشیم بره برای دانلود به صورت دزدی بگیریم که هیچ پولی هم تو جیبشون نره :D)

این صفحه را در گوگل محبوب کنید

[ارسال شده از: سایت ریسک]
[مشاهده در: www.ri3k.eu]
[تعداد بازديد از اين مطلب: 581]


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