واضح آرشیو وب فارسی:سایت ریسک: موتور رندر Indigo Render 0.8 براي 3dsmax و..... Mehdi_44 30 تير 1386, 00:02با سلام پشتيباني اين موتور از نرم افزارهاي زير است Blender () _ 3D Studio MAX () _ Cinema 4D () _Sketchup () _ MAYA () _ Rhino () _ SoftImage XSI () _ TrueSpace () . . . . . . . فقط طريقه نصب براي مكس را بلد هستم در مورد بقيه بايد در آدرس بالا جستجو شود آموزش نصب اين نرم افزار با حجم 32 مگ در پايين موجود هست ولي دوستاني كه امكان در يافت آنرا ندارند ميتوانند با توجه به عكسهاي در اين صفحه آنرا نصب كنند اين موتور رندر با بكار گيري / يك دوربين مجازي _ آسمان فيزيكي و.... ميتواند خيلي واقعيتر رديابي شعاعهاي نور را در GI محاسبه كند / و مثل Maxwell احتياج به تنظيمات زياد و پيچيده اي ندارد نصب آن بصورت كپي در پوشه هاي هم نام در دايركتوري مكس انجام ميشود ______________________________________ 1- محتوي پوشهMaxigo_0.8.3a كه دو تا فايلScripts و Ui كه در آدرس زير كپي ميشود C:Program FilesAutodesk3ds Max 9 و كليد Yes to All را ميزنيم 2- اينكار باعث ايجاد يك منوي در كنار منوهاي بالاي صفحه خواهد شد / كه دسترسي راحتتر انجام شود حالا پوشه Indigo Render 0.8 Final را در C:Program Files كپي كنيد و در منوي ايجاد شده از شما آدرس فايل indigo.exe را ميخواهد كه اجرا شود Indigo is a new, free, actively developed, unbiased render engine. Employing advanced features such as Metropolis Light Transport, Spectral light calculus,a virtual camera model, physical sky and more, Indigo can achieve much more realistic results than traditional GI raytracers. Indigo does not need any render parameters like GI samples, AO samples, AA samples, Soft shadows, etc, and complicated lighting setups to achieve realistic results. Indigo is free for non- and commercial use, but as of writing is not open-source. __________________________________________ Indigo is what? In simple terms it is a rendering engine. Indigo reverse or use two-way path tracking MLT (Metropolis Light trapidil nsport) algorithm to replace the traditional ray tracing algorithm. All light illumination with physical model (as spectral data) interaction, Indigo has created photo-works in all conditions, such as : a virtual camera model, the physical sky, volume light, and so on. These technologies can make Indigo NextLimit approximation for the Maxwell exaggerated. Indigo also for non-commercial use is free, but it is not raising revenue. Download Indigo Render 0.8 Final 5MB 1- 2- 3- 4- Indigo Render Maxigo v0.8.3 for 3ds max 500KB (Indigo exporter script for max - Maxigo - v0.8.3) 1- 2- 3- 4- (Password):51render.com __________________________________________ Maxigo Basic video tutorial from Afecelis 32MB 1- 2- __________________________________________ Blender 2.4 Indigo ___________________________________________ لينكهايي در اين مورد ........................................ در اين آدرس آموزش براي 3D Studio MAX () و Cinema 4D () و Blender 2.4 () Indigo Reference Manuals () موفق باشيد:neutral: moharame 06 بهمن 1386, 10:10salam javabi ke man dar morede render darya daryaft kardam, shayad baraye shoma ham jaleb bashe Ocean shader from Maya is a shader geometry this mean that Maya use geometry and shader together to render, but the issue is the Ocean use fractal textures that are not supported by Maxwell. The way to render fractals is convert them to files, I suppose this is not possible with Ocean node. Best regards. =============================================== =============================================== =============================================== Check the manuals to learn more about our products. Check our Maxwell FAQs () and RF4 FAQs ()!, the quick and easy way to solve many problems. Jorge Alix Next Limit Technologies SL () Mehdi_44 24 آذر 1389, 13:52با سلام این تاپیک در روز 24-9-89 به روز شد سایت سازنده بهترین کار های این موتور Indigo Render 2.4.13 Indigo is a photorealistic renderer which simulates the physics of light to achieve near-perfect image realism. Incorporating an advanced physical camera model, a super-realistic materials system and the ability to simulate extremely complex lighting situations through Metropolis Light Transport, Indigo Renderer is capable of producing the highest levels of realism demanded by architectural and product visualisation. What is Indigo? In short it is a rendering engine. Indigo using a reverse or two-way path tracking of the MLT (Metropolis Light Transport) algorithm instead of the traditional ray tracing algorithms. All the light illumination with the physical model (as spectral data) interaction, Indigo has to create all the conditions of photo-works, such as: a virtual camera model, physical sky, light, and so the volume. These technologies can make the Indigo approximationNextLimit the Maxwell renderer. Indigo Render 2.4.13 32/64bit Final Rapidshare 1. 2. hotfile 1. 2. fileserve 1. 2. Indigo Render 2.2.12 32/64bit Final Rapidshare 1. 2. hotfile 1. 2. depositfiles 1. 2. Indigo Render 2.0.12 32/64bit Final Rapidshare 1. 2. hotfile 1. 2. filefactory 1. 2. (passowrd):51render.com
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