واضح آرشیو وب فارسی:پردیس گیم:
شرکت سونی بدلیل تعطیلات زمستانی اقدام به ارائه پیشنهادات و تخفیف های جدید کرده است و در جدیدترین تخفیف ما شاهد پیشنهاداتی جذاب برای خرید عناوینی نظیر Dragon Age: Inquisition ، Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare و Destiny هستیم . این تخفیف ها شامل چند فیلم نیز می شود و شما هم اکنون می توانید در Playstation Store بخش آمریکا از آنها استفاده کنید . لیست کامل تخفیف ها : Title Platform Sale Price Original Price AKIBA"S TRIP: Undead and Undressed PS Vita $23.99 $39.99 AKIBA"S TRIP: Undead and Undressed PS3 $23.99 $39.99 Assassin"s Creed Rogue PS3 $44.99 $59.99 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel PS3 $34.79 $59.99 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare -- Digital Pro Edition PS4 $79.99 $99.99 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare -- Digital Pro Edition PS3 $79.99 $99.99 Darksiders II Ultimate Edition PS3 $15.00 $59.99 Defense Grid 2 PS4 $12.50 $24.99 Destiny PS3 $44.99 $59.99 Destiny PS4 $44.99 $59.99 Destiny Digital Guardian Edition PS3 $67.49 $89.99 Destiny Digital Guardian Edition PS4 $67.49 $89.99 Dragon Age: Inquisition PS4 $38.99 $59.99 Dragon Age: Inquisition PS3 $38.99 $59.99 Dragon Age: Inquisition Deluxe Edition PS4 $45.49 $69.99 Dragon Age: Inquisition Deluxe Edition PS3 $45.49 $69.99 FIFA 15 PS3 $30.00 $59.99 FIFA 15 PS4 $35.99 $59.99 Just Dance 2015 PS4 $37.49 $49.99 Just Dance 2015 PS3 $29.99 $39.99 Lara Croft: The Temple of Osiris PS4 $13.39 $19.99 Lara Croft: The Temple of Osiris + Season Pass PS4 $19.42 $28.99 LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham PS4 $44.99 $59.99 LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham PS3 $37.49 $49.99 LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham PS Vita $22.49 $29.99 Madden 15 PS3 $30.00 $59.99 Madden 15 PS4 $35.99 $59.99 Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor PS3 $41.99 $59.99 Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor PS4 $41.99 $59.99 MX Vs. ATV SuperCross PS3 $20.09 $29.99 NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Revolution PS3 $25.00 $49.99 NBA 2K15 PS3 $40.19 $59.99 NBA 2K15 PS4 $49.79 $59.99 NHL 15 PS3 $30.00 $59.99 NHL 15 PS4 $35.99 $59.99 OUTLAST: BUNDLE OF TERROR (OUTLAST + WHISTLEBLOWER) PS4 $11.60 $28.99 Risen 3 PS3 $29.99 $49.99 Sacred 3 PS3 $29.99 $49.99 Tales from the Borderlands -- Season Pass PS3 $15.99 $19.99 Tales from the Borderlands -- Season Pass PS4 $15.99 $19.99 The Evil Within PS3 $30.00 $59.99 The Evil Within PS4 $30.00 $59.99 The Walking Dead: Season Two PS4 $6.25 $24.99 The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season PS4 $6.25 $24.99 WARRIORS OROCHI 3 Ultimate PS4 $35.99 $59.99 WARRIORS OROCHI 3 Ultimate PS3 $29.99 $49.99 WARRIORS OROCHI 3 Ultimate PS Vita $23.99 $39.99 Watch Dogs PS4 $44.99 $59.99 Watch Dogs PS3 $44.99 $59.99
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[ارسال شده از: پردیس گیم]
[تعداد بازديد از اين مطلب: 226]