واضح آرشیو وب فارسی:وطن دانلود: بخش ویژه (بخش ویژه ) با توجه به به اينكه در چند سال قبل استفاده از نرم افزار Autocad رواج زيادي داشت. بعداز به بازار آمدن نرم افزارهاي 3بعدي اشكال در باز كردن فايلهاي اتوكد احساس ميشد. گرچه كمپاني هاي سازنده اين نرم افزارها سعي در حل كردن اين مشكلات داشتند ولي اين امر بصورت 100% صورت نميگرفت. از سوي ديگر كاربراني كه با نرم افزار Autocad كار ميكردند دوست نداشتند كه تمام آموخته هاي خود را كنار گذاشته و دوباره يك نرم افزار 3بعدي كه محيط آنها هيچ شباهتي به CAD نداشت را ياد بگيرند.با توجه به اين مطلب نرم افزار mechanical شكل گرفت. ولي بعد از مدتي اين نرم افزار هم مورد استقبال تازه كاران كه خواستار محيطي زيبا بودند قرار نگرفت. در اين ميان كمپاني Autodesk نرمافزاري را ارائه كرد كه هم شرط اول يعني سازگاري با فايلهاي قديمي را داشته باشد و هم محيطي قدرتمند وبا گرافيك بالا.یعنی هم نرم افزار مد نظر ما (Autodesk inventor).بدين ترتيب بود كه اين نرم افزار مورد استقبال بسياري قرار گرفت و طبق آمارهاي رسمي براي 3 سال پياپي جزو پرفروش ترين نرم افزارهاي جهان شد. در ايران نيز اين نرم افزار در حال گسترش است كه شروع آن بكارگيري اين نرمافزار در صنايع دفاع و همچنين در تيم ربوتيك ايران براي طراحي ربات به كار گرفته شد. اين نرم افزار يك شبيه ساز فوق العاده است. به علت اهمیت وافر این نرم افزار در صنعت تیم فنی شما را به مشاهده و یادگیری این نرم افزار ارزشمند دعوت می کند. این مجموعه شامل 127 ویدئو آوزشی و بالای 14 ساعت آموزش است. سرفصل ها: Getting Started Getting started with Autodesk Inventor Creating a Single User Project Changing Inventors Application Options Inventors User Interface and Help Tools Inventor Command, customizing short cuts and Undo and Redo tool Inventors viewing tools Sketch, Constraining and Dimensioning Inventors Sketch and Part Application Options, Units and Templates Sketches and Default Planes, auto project origin, planes, new sketch Inventors 2D sketching tools Selecting and Deleting Objects Measuring sketches and parts Adding 2D sketch constraints 2D sketch constraints Construction geometry Snaps and dragging Move, Copy, Rotate, Scale, Stretch tools Applying sketch dimensions Importing AutoCAD DWG file Overview technique to open SAT, STEP, ProE, DXF, IGES files Creating and Editing Sketched Features Introduction to features Define active sketch Extrude a sketch Revolve a sketch Editing a feature and a features sketch 3D Grip option and the Move Face tool Rename feature, feature color, delete feature, Project edges Creating Placed Features Create fillet features Create chamfer features Create hole features Create thread features Create shell features Create face draft features Create work axis and work planes features- Part I Create work axis and work planes features- Part II Create work points and grounded work points Controlling the visibility of work features Creating rectangular patterns Creating circular patterns Creating linear patterns Creating and Editing Drawing Views Starting and preparing a drawing Creating base and projected views Creating auxiliary, section and detail views Creating broken views Creating break out views Creating and Editing Slice Views Creating draft views Editing drawing views Retrieving model dimensions and placing drawing dimensions Create baseline dimensions Create ordinate dimensions Working with Styles Moving dimensions in a drawing view Adding centerlines to drawings Placing text and symbols in a drawing Placing hole notes and chamfer notes Creating a hole table Create a table in a drawing Creating and Documenting Assemblies Creating an assembly file and the assembly browser Inserting Parts and creating parts in place Create a subassembly and work with grounded parts. Apply basic assembly constraints Apply motion constraints Enable, disable and control the visibility of components. Edit components in an assembly and isolate constraint errors. Create adaptive parts Pattern assembly components Analysis tools in an assembly Drive assembly constraint to simulate motion Create a presentation file Create drawing views from an assembly and presentation file Place balloons, create a parts list and edit it via a bill of material Create a revision table Advanced Sketching and Constraining Techniques Import points and create splines Create and edit pattern sketches. Share and copy a sketch Use the 2D mirror tool and symmetric constraint Slice the graphics in a part and assembly. Change the display of dimensions and create a relationship between dimensions. Parameters and spreadsheets Advanced Part Modeling Techniques Use open profiles to create a feature Create ribs and webs Emboss text and sketches Sweep features 3D sketches Coil feature Loft features Create and edit surfaces Split a face and part Copy and paste features Mirror features on a part Suppress, Conditionally Suppress, and reorder features and feature rollback Create a derived part and assembly Create AutoLimits Design Automation Techniques Create iMates Create, use and document iParts Create, use and document iAssemblies Create iFeatures and reuse them on other parts Design views Create level of detail in an assembly and use when creating drawing views Flexible assemblies, positional representations and overlay drawing views. Use the contact solver Mirror components in an assembly Copy components in an assembly Create assembly features Content Center Design Accelerator Frame Generator Sheet Metal Design Using sheet metal styles Face tool Contour Flange tool Flange tool HEM tool Fold tool Bend tool Cut tool Corner Seam tool Corner Round and Chamfer tool Punch Tool Creating flat pattern Common Sheet Metal and Feature Tools Document sheet metal designs Weldments Creating a new weldment Weld preparations Create fillet and Groove (Gap) welds Create machining operations Document weldments حجم:1.48 گیگابایت
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[ارسال شده از: وطن دانلود]
[مشاهده در: www.vatandownload.com]
[تعداد بازديد از اين مطلب: 493]