واضح آرشیو وب فارسی:سایت ریسک: Bonus Tools for Maya 2008 Released 1835ali 15 بهمن 1387, 17:59من خودم زیاد دنبالش بودم و حالم نداشتم توس اتو دسک ثبت نام کنم 32 Bit 64 bit برای 2009 و آپدیت جدید 2008 هم برید به این ادرس توی اتودسک ولی باید ثبت نام کنید اینم چیز هایی که توشه General * Copy Attribute Values * Create Menu from Shelf * Replicate Attribute * Attribute Collection * Long List Attributes * Calculator * Surface Areas * Volume * Convert Instance * Replace Object Window * 3DS Import * Quick Connect Attributes * Publish to Container * Position Along Curve Selection * Select Poly Projection Node Faces * Select Every N Edges * Select Cluster Members Display * Show/Hide Faces * Vertex Distance HUD * Edge Length HUD * Layer Viewer * Set All Layers * Set Selected Layers * Set Only Selected Layers * Vertex Color Display * Toggle Single/Double Sided * Current Frame Display Poly UVs * Assign Checker Shader * Auto Map Multiple Meshes * Rotate UVs Around Vertex * UV Precision * Clamp UVs * Automatic Wrap Map * Map Unmapped Faces * Smooth Face Mapping * Poly NURBS Projection * Texture Editor Dim Image * Get Projected Faces Polygons * Poly Merge Verts Tool * Poly Poke Tool * Poly Wedge Tool * Poly Flip Edge Tool * Poly Subdivide Tool * Extra Poly Primitives * House Generator * Poly Digits * Adjust CPV * Adjust Vertex Normals * Connect Border Edges * Extrude Face and Scale UVs * Bridge Faces * Paint Geometry * Poly Copy Paste History * Delete Upstream History * Insert Intermediate Poly Shape * Delete Edge and Cut UVs * Merge Selected Vertices by Distance * Merge Vertices by Distance * Merge Selected Border Edges * Normal Checker * Poly Adaptive Prelight * Poly Attribute Map * Split Around Selection * Separate Selected Edges Texturing * Make Texture Layered * Layer Textures * Generate Light Maps * Poly Warp Image Animation * Bake IK to Clip * Store Pose * FKIK Control Window * Bake Redirection * Mirror Animation * Reverse Animation * Dynamic Secondary Animation * Create Audio Wave Node * Walk Cycle Control Rigging * Create Circle Under Transform * Rename New Joints * Split Joint * Bones on Curve * Copy Set Driven Key * Setup Arm * Setup Back * Setup Foot * Stretchy IK * Remove Influence Objects * Prune Influence Objects * Nudge Vert Weights * Pose Blend Shape Editor * Skeleton Works Rendering * Isometric Render * Create CPV Render Node * CgFX Shader * Diffraction Shader * Skin Shader * Create Stereo Camera * Create Sun Light * FTI Export * Fur Blender Dynamics * Paint Emitters Tool Cloth * Select Cloth Panel Faces * Thicken Cloth Utilities * Closest Point On Curve * Closest Point On Mesh * Point On Mesh Info * Node Created Callback * Fix Missing References Other Scripts * bgLayeredBlendMode.mel * bgPolyColorWin * bgSelectClusterMembers.mel bgTextureResolution.mel * bgToggleManips * Cut Tiles For Image * edgeLength.mel * getVertFaces.mel * killLastScriptJob.mel * mipMapOff.mel * polyCleanLamina.mel * polyRotateUVsByVertex.mel * renameFileTextureNode.mel * renameSG.mel * toggle.mel * userSetup.mel Maya Man 02 مرداد 1388, 00:12اينا كه نوشتي به چه دردي ميخورن؟:-? 1835ali 02 مرداد 1388, 00:50اینا قابلیت هایی هست که توی bonus tools هست هر کدوم هم کارایی خودشون رو داره
این صفحه را در گوگل محبوب کنید
[ارسال شده از: سایت ریسک]
[مشاهده در: www.ri3k.eu]
[تعداد بازديد از اين مطلب: 318]