واضح آرشیو وب فارسی:سایت ریسک: تو رو خدا یکی کمک کنه =asal= 13 دي 1386, 15:23سلام من می خوام یک اسلایدر برای فیلمی که وارد فلش کردم درست کنم یعنی یه اسلایدر بسازم که با موس بتونم فیلم رو جلو و عقب ببرم اگه کسی بلده تو رو خدا خیلی ساده توضیح بده :neutral: padideh 13 دي 1386, 16:03_root.onEnterFrame = function() { if (Math.floor(ns.time) == Math.floor(duration) && namenumber<=12) { ns.seek(0); player.scrub 1.scrub._x = 0; myVideo.clear(); ns.pause(false); player.playBut._visible = false; player.pauseBut._visible = true; namenumber++; ns.play(mdm.Application.path+"Data/"+namenumber+".afk"); } if (un && _root.ms<100) { _root.ms += 10; } my_sound.setVolume(_root.ms); if (_xmouse>player._x-227 && _xmouse<player._x+227 && _ymouse>player._y-327 && _ymouse<player._y+10) { if (player._alpha<=110) { player._alpha += 5; } } else if (player._alpha>=20) { player._alpha -= 5; } } player.stopButton.onRelease = function() { delete this.onEnterFrame; ns.seek(0); myVideo.clear(); ns.pause(true); player.playBut._visible = true; player.pauseBut._visible = false; }; player.prev.onRelease = function() { if (namenumber>=9) { delete this.onEnterFrame; ns.seek(0); player.scrub 1.scrub._x = 0; myVideo.clear(); ns.pause(false); player.playBut._visible = false; player.pauseBut._visible = true; namenumber -= 1; ns.play(mdm.Application.path+"Data/"+namenumber+".afk"); } }; player.next.onRelease = function() { if (namenumber<=12) { delete this.onEnterFrame; ns.seek(0); player.scrub 1.scrub._x = 0; myVideo.clear(); ns.pause(false); player.playBut._visible = false; player.pauseBut._visible = true; namenumber += 1; ns.play(mdm.Application.path+"Data/"+namenumber+".afk"); } }; player.seekbar.onPress = function() { clearInterval(videoInterval); scrubInterval = setInterval(scrubit, 10); player.scrub 1.scrub.startDrag(true, 0, this._y, 187, this._y); }; player.seekbar.onRelease = player.seekbar.onReleaseOutside=function () { clearInterval(scrubInterval); videoInterval = setInterval(videoStatus, 2000); this.stopDrag(); ns.seek(Math.floor((player.scrub 1.scrub._x/187)*duration)); }; player.videoBg.onPress = function() { if (player.pauseBut._visible == false) { playMovie(); } else { pauseMovie(); } }; player.scrub 1.scrub.onPress = function() { clearInterval(videoInterval); scrubInterval = setInterval(scrubit, 10); this.startDrag(true, 0, this._y, 187, this._y); }; player.scrub 1.scrub.onRelease = player.scrub 1.scrub.onReleaseOutside=function () { clearInterval(scrubInterval); videoInterval = setInterval(videoStatus, 2000); this.stopDrag(); }; player.pauseBut.onPress = function() { pauseMovie(); }; player.playBut.onPress = function() { playMovie(); }; function selvideo() { ns.seek(0); player.scrub 1.scrub._x = 0; myVideo.clear(); ns.pause(false); player.playBut._visible = false; player.pauseBut._visible = true; ns.play(mdm.Application.path+"Data/"+namenumber+".afk"); } //pause movie function playMovie() { ns.pause(); player.pauseBut._visible = true; player.playBut._visible = false; videoDisplay._visible = true; } //pause movie function pauseMovie() { ns.pause(); player.playBut._visible = true; player.pauseBut._visible = false; } var videoInterval = setInterval(videoStatus, 100); var amountLoaded:Number; var duration:Number; //get duration of video file ns.onMetaData = function(obj) { duration = obj.duration; }; ////get video status and when finish file going to next file function videoStatus() { player.scrub 1.scrub._x = ns.time/duration*187; } var Interval; // function scrubit() { ns.seek(Math.floor((player.scrub 1.scrub._x/187)*duration)); } //attach and set volume for video this.attachAudio(ns); var snd = new Sound(this); function setVol(v) { snd.setVolume(v); } function getVol() { return snd.getVolume(); دبگه از این ساده تر نمیتونستم </span></span> =asal= 14 دي 1386, 22:10ممنون از کمکتون
این صفحه را در گوگل محبوب کنید
[ارسال شده از: سایت ریسک]
[مشاهده در: www.ri3k.eu]
[تعداد بازديد از اين مطلب: 221]