واضح آرشیو وب فارسی:سایت ریسک: Vray 2.00.02 for 3ds Max v9-2011 32/64Bit mostafa 008 28 آذر 1389, 21:18 ()Vray 2.00.02 for 3ds Max v9-2011 (3264Bit) V-Ray 2.0 for 3ds Max new features V-Ray 2.0 for 3ds Max is a complete rendering solution, which combines the power of the distinguished V-Ray rendering engine with the flexibility and unprecedented speed of the interactive rendering system V-Ray RT, now running on GPUs. Major features • V-Ray RT and V-Ray RT GPU interactive renderers are included as part of the V-Ray installation; Shading • VRayCarPaintMtl material with accurate flakes simulation; • VRayDistanceTex texture that measures distances to arbitrary mesh objects; • Dispersion in the VRayMtl material, utilizing the new support for wavelength-dependent ray tracing; Lights • V-Ray specific light lister; • Directionality parameter for rectangle V-Ray lights to turn them into (textured) spot lights; Render Elements • VRayLightSelect render element to extract the contribution of individual lights; • VRayDRBucket render element to show which machine rendered a given bucket in DR mode; Effects • VRayLensEffects render effect for producing glow and glare with support for obstacle images and diffraction; • VRayExposureControl plugin for proper exposure of regular viewport and camera views; Optimizations • VRayStereoRig controller for easy stereoscopic setup; • Shade maps for faster rendering of stereo images, DOF and motion blur through the VRayStereoscopic helper; • Retrace threshold for the light cache • Dynamic loading of tiled OpenEXR textures through the VRayHDRI texture; • Integration of the various V-Ray components in the 3ds Max “Create” menu; • Tools for calculating and rendering accurate camera distortion through .lens files; • Faster rendering of VRayProxy objects; • Support for proper motion blur of Thinking Particles; • Proper blending of gizmos for VRayEnvironmentFog; • Improved raytracing precision in certain cases; • Render history for the V-Ray VFB; • Load and compare images directly in the V-Ray frame buffer; • Support for rendering of VRayProxy objects as point clouds; • Better representation of V-Ray lights in the new hardware viewport for 3ds Max 2010 and later; • Support for bidirectional path tracing for accurate unbiased lighting solutions; …and many other small fixes and improvements System requirements • Microsoft® Windows® 7 Professional (32- or 64-bit) • Microsoft® Windows Vista® Business (SP2 or higher) (32- or 64-bit) • Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional (SP2 or higher) (32- or 64-bit) VRAY 2.00.02 FULL FOR 3DSMAX 2008 X32 () () VRAY 2.00.02 FULL FOR 3DSMAX 2008 X64 () () VRAY 2.00.02 FULL FOR 3DSMAX 2008 X32 () () VRAY 2.00.02 FULL FOR 3DSMAX 2009 X64 () () VRAY 2.00.02 FULL FOR 3DSMAX 2010 X32 () () VRAY 2.00.02 FULL FOR 3DSMAX 2010 X64 () () VRAY 2.00.02 FULL FOR 3DSMAX 2010 X32 () () VRAY 2.00.02 FULL FOR 3DSMAX 2011 X64 () () VRAY 2.00.02 FULL FOR 3DSMAX 9.0 X32 () () VRAY 2.00.02 FULL FOR 3DSMAX 9.0 X64 () () To Install: Place vray.dll and cgauth.dll in your 3ds max root directory. Also, place cgauth.dll in your Chaosgroup/RT/bin directory.Message from my cracker: Esanti’s group and crazyman would be able to do this if they knew the least about cracking! It’s almost the same protection as SP5, very little was different and they didn’t even know what to look for. Shows how great they are when they need to steal our cgauth.dll from the RT release.Now please tell us, esanti, what do you mean by “stealing our work” — What work have you and your slacking team done? All I see are crappy, non functioning “beta” cracks (using that only as an excuse for “we don’t know how to crack the rest”). Why must we be professional? You’re angry because you’re at the bad end of the stick. We have tons of fun poking at you, seeing reactions, etc. We have fun. We’re software pirates, not professionals. You were unable to get SP4, SP4a, SP5, or vray for maya out without our help. besides… برگرفته شده از سایت سی جی وارز () گفتم شاید بچه ها وی ری 2 بدردشون بخوره...:oops: هنوز هیچی نشده ورژن دو دوشـــــــم زدن..:lol: rasol10261360 28 آذر 1389, 21:29 samak_s 02 دي 1389, 23:21max 8 نداره این VRAY 2 رو ؟؟؟ سایت ما را در گوگل محبوب کنید با کلیک روی دکمه ای که در سمت چپ این منو با عنوان +1 قرار داده شده شما به این سایت مهر تأیید میزنید و به دوستانتان در صفحه جستجوی گوگل دیدن این سایت را پیشنهاد میکنید که این امر خود باعث افزایش رتبه سایت در گوگل میشود
این صفحه را در گوگل محبوب کنید
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