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مشکل پیدا نکردن url -

واضح آرشیو وب فارسی:سایت ریسک: مشکل پیدا نکردن url resatak 20 تير 1389, 21:05با سلام خدمت شما دوستان عزیز من یک action script دارم که ارور میده ارورش هم اینه UNABLE TO LOAD IMAGE AT URL: class com.domineydesign.SlideShowPro extends MovieClip { var _albumActiveColor, __get__albumActiveColor, _albumBackgroundAlpha, __get__albumBackgroundAlpha, _albumBackgroundColor, __get__albumBackgroundColor, _albumDescColor, __get__albumDescColor, _albumDescSize, __get__albumDescSize, _albumStrokeColor, __get__albumStrokeColor, _albumStrokeWeight, __get__albumStrokeWeight, _albumThumbStrokeColor, __get__albumThumbStrokeColor, _albumThumbStrokeWeight, __get__albumThumbStrokeWeight, _albumTitleColor, __get__albumTitleColor, _albumTitleSize, __get__albumTitleSize, _albumType, __get__albumType, _audioBackgroundAlpha, __get__audioBackgroundAlpha, _audioBackgroundColor, __get__audioBackgroundColor, _audioLoop, __get__audioLoop, _audioPause, __get__audioPause, _audioVolume, __get__audioVolume, _autoFinishMode, __get__autoFinishMode, _backgroundAlpha, __get__backgroundAlpha, _backgroundColor, __get__backgroundColor, _cacheImages, __get__cacheImages, _captionBackgroundAlpha, __get__captionBackgroundAlpha, _captionBackgroundColor, __get__captionBackgroundColor, _captionHeaderType, __get__captionHeaderType, _captionStrokeColor, __get__captionStrokeColor, _captionTextColor, __get__captionTextColor, _captionTextSize, __get__captionTextSize, _feedbackScale, __get__feedbackScale, _fxClickSound, __get__fxClickSound, _fxRolloverSound, __get__fxRolloverSound, _fxSlideSound, __get__fxSlideSound, _galleryBackgroundAlpha, __get__galleryBackgroundAlpha, _galleryBackgroundColor, __get__galleryBackgroundColor, _galleryColumns, __get__galleryColumns, _galleryOrder, __get__galleryOrder, _galleryRows, __get__galleryRows, _imageAlign, __get__imageAlign, _imageOrder, __get__imageOrder, _imageScale, __get__imageScale, _imageStrokeColor, __get__imageStrokeColor, _imageStrokeWeight, __get__imageStrokeWeight, _keyboardControl, __get__keyboardControl, _navActiveColor, __get__navActiveColor, _navBackgroundAlpha, __get__navBackgroundAlpha, _navBackgroundColor, __get__navBackgroundColor, _navIconInactiveAlpha, __get__navIconInactiveAlpha, __get__navIcons, _navItemShadowAlpha, __get__navItemShadowAlpha, _navLinkCurrentColor, __get__navLinkCurrentColor, _navLinkType, __get__navLinkType, _navLinksBackgroundAlpha, __get__navLinksBackgroundAlpha, _navLinksBackgroundColor, __get__navLinksBackgroundColor, _navNumberLinkColor, __get__navNumberLinkColor, _navNumberLinkSize, __get__navNumberLinkSize, _navThumbBackgroundColor, __get__navThumbBackgroundColor, _navThumbLinkHeight, __get__navThumbLinkHeight, _navThumbLinkInactiveAlpha, __get__navThumbLinkInactiveAlpha, _navThumbLinkStrokeWeight, __get__navThumbLinkStrokeWeight, _navThumbLinkWidth, __get__navThumbLinkWidth, _navThumbPreviewStrokeWeight, __get__navThumbPreviewStrokeWeight, _permalinks, __get__permalinks, _preloadAlpha, __get__preloadAlpha, _preloadColor, __get__preloadColor, _preloaderStyle, __get__preloaderStyle, _showAudio, __get__showAudio, _showCaptionHeader, __get__showCaptionHeader, _showCaptions, __get__showCaptions, _showDisplayChange, __get__showDisplayChange, _showGalleryNav, __get__showGalleryNav, _showNavDisplayControl, __get__showNavDisplayControl, _showNavigation, __get__showNavigation, _showPreloader, __get__showPreloader, _showNavThumbPreview, __get__showNavThumbPreview, _strokeColor, __get__strokeColor, _strokeWeight, __get__strokeWeight, _textAlignment, __get__textAlignment, __get__textStrings, _transitionLength, __get__transitionLength, _transitionStyle, __get__transitionStyle, _typeface, __get__typeface, _typefaceEmbed, __get__typefaceEmbed, _typefaceHead, __get__typefaceHead, _watermark, __get__watermark, _watermarkAlign, __get__watermarkAlign, _xmlFilePath, __get__xmlFilePath, _xmlFileType, __get__xmlFileType, __get__displayMode, _displayMode, __get__transitionPause, _transitionPause, __get__showGallery, _showGallery, _width, __width, _height, __height, _xscale, _yscale, boundingBox_mc, useHandCursor, browserState, _initDisplayMode, nBox, __get__livePreview, getNextHighestDepth, createEmptyMovieClip, ss, mask, stroke, bg, dimension, imagesBox, imagesBoxMask, audioBox, captionBox, lgPreload, modeBug, footer, footerBG, galleryBox, navBox, preloadBox, rollSound, clickSound, slideSound, onEnterFrame, transClass, dataSource, __get__currentAlbum, __set__nextAlbum, __set__currentAlbum, _startAlbum, _startImage, cBox, i_xml, f_xml, __get__isGalleryClosed, aBox, shuffledArray, wmark, modeClip, loader1, loader2, imgTransitionMask, activeLayer, __set__isGalleryClosed, gPane, _imgPauseINT, lgListener, lg_mcl, thisLoader, thisUnLoader, thisLoaderBox, __get__nextAlbum, circleLgPreload, iData, isCapAvail, isLinkAvail, getURL, gData, fData, fArray, __get__height, __get__width, _currentAlbum, _nextAlbum, dispatchEvent, __set__albumActiveColor, __set__albumBackgroundAlpha, __set__albumBackgroundColor, __set__albumDescColor, __set__albumDescSize, __set__albumStrokeColor, __set__albumStrokeWeight, __set__albumThumbStrokeColor, __set__albumThumbStrokeWeight, __set__albumTitleColor, __set__albumTitleSize, __set__albumType, __set__audioBackgroundAlpha, __set__audioBackgroundColor, __set__audioLoop, __set__audioPause, __set__audioVolume, __set__autoFinishMode, __set__backgroundAlpha, __set__backgroundColor, __set__cacheImages, __set__captionBackgroundAlpha, __set__captionBackgroundColor, __set__captionHeaderType, __set__captionStrokeColor, __set__captionTextColor, __set__captionTextSize, __set__displayMode, __set__feedbackScale, __set__fxClickSound, __set__fxRolloverSound, __set__fxSlideSound, __set__galleryBackgroundAlpha, __set__galleryBackgroundColor, __set__galleryColumns, __set__galleryOrder, __set__galleryRows, __set__height, __set__imageAlign, __set__imageOrder, __set__imageScale, __set__imageStrokeColor, __set__imageStrokeWeight, __set__keyboardControl, __set__navActiveColor, __set__navBackgroundAlpha, __set__navBackgroundColor, __set__navIconInactiveAlpha, __set__navIcons, __set__navItemShadowAlpha, __set__navLinkCurrentColor, __set__navLinkType, __set__navLinksBackgroundAlpha, __set__navLinksBackgroundColor, __set__navNumberLinkColor, __set__navNumberLinkSize, __set__navThumbBackgroundColor, __set__navThumbLinkHeight, __set__navThumbLinkInactiveAlpha, __set__navThumbLinkStrokeWeight, __set__navThumbLinkWidth, __set__navThumbPreviewStrokeWeight, __set__permalinks, __set__preloadAlpha, __set__preloadColor, __set__preloaderStyle, __set__showAudio, __set__showCaptionHeader, __set__showCaptions, __set__showDisplayChange, __set__showGallery, __set__showGalleryNav, __set__showNavDisplayControl, __set__showNavThumbPreview, __set__showNavigation, __set__showPreloader, __set__strokeColor, __set__strokeWeight, __set__textAlignment, __set__textStrings, __set__transitionLength, __set__transitionPause, __set__transitionStyle, __set__typeface, __set__typefaceEmbed, __set__typefaceHead, __set__watermark, __set__watermarkAlign, __set__width, __set__xmlFilePath, __set__xmlFileType; function SlideShowPro() { super(); this.init(); this.createChildren(); } // End of the function function get livePreview() { return (_root.contents.obj != null); } // End of the function function set albumActiveColor(data) { _albumActiveColor = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.albumActiveColor()); null; } // End of the function function get albumActiveColor() { return (_albumActiveColor); } // End of the function function set albumBackgroundAlpha(data) { _albumBackgroundAlpha = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.albumBackgroundAlpha()); null; } // End of the function function get albumBackgroundAlpha() { return (_albumBackgroundAlpha); } // End of the function function set albumBackgroundColor(data) { _albumBackgroundColor = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.albumBackgroundColor()); null; } // End of the function function get albumBackgroundColor() { return (_albumBackgroundColor); } // End of the function function set albumDescColor(data) { _albumDescColor = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.albumDescColor()); null; } // End of the function function get albumDescColor() { return (_albumDescColor); } // End of the function function set albumDescSize(data) { _albumDescSize = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.albumDescSize()); null; } // End of the function function get albumDescSize() { return (_albumDescSize); } // End of the function function set albumStrokeColor(data) { _albumStrokeColor = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.albumStrokeColor()); null; } // End of the function function get albumStrokeColor() { return (_albumStrokeColor); } // End of the function function set albumStrokeWeight(data) { _albumStrokeWeight = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.albumStrokeWeight()); null; } // End of the function function get albumStrokeWeight() { return (_albumStrokeWeight); } // End of the function function set albumThumbStrokeColor(data) { _albumThumbStrokeColor = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.albumThumbStrokeColor()); null; } // End of the function function get albumThumbStrokeColor() { return (_albumThumbStrokeColor); } // End of the function function set albumThumbStrokeWeight(data) { _albumThumbStrokeWeight = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.albumThumbStrokeWeight()); null; } // End of the function function get albumThumbStrokeWeight() { return (_albumThumbStrokeWeight); } // End of the function function set albumTitleColor(data) { _albumTitleColor = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.albumTitleColor()); null; } // End of the function function get albumTitleColor() { return (_albumTitleColor); } // End of the function function set albumTitleSize(data) { _albumTitleSize = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.albumTitleSize()); null; } // End of the function function get albumTitleSize() { return (_albumTitleSize); } // End of the function function set albumType(data) { _albumType = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.albumType()); null; } // End of the function function get albumType() { return (_albumType); } // End of the function function set audioBackgroundAlpha(data) { _audioBackgroundAlpha = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.audioBackgroundAlpha()); null; } // End of the function function get audioBackgroundAlpha() { return (_audioBackgroundAlpha); } // End of the function function set audioBackgroundColor(data) { _audioBackgroundColor = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.audioBackgroundColor()); null; } // End of the function function get audioBackgroundColor() { return (_audioBackgroundColor); } // End of the function function set audioLoop(data) { _audioLoop = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.audioLoop()); null; } // End of the function function get audioLoop() { return (_audioLoop); } // End of the function function set audioPause(data) { _audioPause = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.audioPause()); null; } // End of the function function get audioPause() { return (_audioPause); } // End of the function function set audioVolume(data) { _audioVolume = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.audioVolume()); null; } // End of the function function get audioVolume() { return (_audioVolume); } // End of the function function set autoFinishMode(data) { _autoFinishMode = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.autoFinishMode()); null; } // End of the function function get autoFinishMode() { return (_autoFinishMode); } // End of the function function set backgroundAlpha(data) { _backgroundAlpha = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.backgroundAlpha()); null; } // End of the function function get backgroundAlpha() { return (_backgroundAlpha); } // End of the function function set backgroundColor(data) { _backgroundColor = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.backgroundColor()); null; } // End of the function function get backgroundColor() { return (_backgroundColor); } // End of the function function set cacheImages(data) { _cacheImages = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.cacheImages()); null; } // End of the function function get cacheImages() { return (_cacheImages); } // End of the function function set captionBackgroundAlpha(data) { _captionBackgroundAlpha = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.captionBackgroundAlpha()); null; } // End of the function function get captionBackgroundAlpha() { return (_captionBackgroundAlpha); } // End of the function function set captionBackgroundColor(data) { _captionBackgroundColor = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.captionBackgroundColor()); null; } // End of the function function get captionBackgroundColor() { return (_captionBackgroundColor); } // End of the function function set captionHeaderType(data) { _captionHeaderType = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.captionHeaderType()); null; } // End of the function function get captionHeaderType() { return (_captionHeaderType); } // End of the function function set captionStrokeColor(data) { _captionStrokeColor = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.captionStrokeColor()); null; } // End of the function function get captionStrokeColor() { return (_captionStrokeColor); } // End of the function function set captionTextColor(data) { _captionTextColor = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.captionTextColor()); null; } // End of the function function get captionTextColor() { return (_captionTextColor); } // End of the function function set captionTextSize(data) { _captionTextSize = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.captionTextSize()); null; } // End of the function function get captionTextSize() { return (_captionTextSize); } // End of the function function set feedbackScale(data) { _feedbackScale = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.feedbackScale()); null; } // End of the function function get feedbackScale() { return (_feedbackScale); } // End of the function function set fxClickSound(data) { _fxClickSound = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.fxClickSound()); null; } // End of the function function get fxClickSound() { return (_fxClickSound); } // End of the function function set fxRolloverSound(data) { _fxRolloverSound = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.fxRolloverSound()); null; } // End of the function function get fxRolloverSound() { return (_fxRolloverSound); } // End of the function function set fxSlideSound(data) { _fxSlideSound = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.fxSlideSound()); null; } // End of the function function get fxSlideSound() { return (_fxSlideSound); } // End of the function function set galleryBackgroundAlpha(data) { _galleryBackgroundAlpha = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.galleryBackgroundAlpha()); null; } // End of the function function get galleryBackgroundAlpha() { return (_galleryBackgroundAlpha); } // End of the function function set galleryBackgroundColor(data) { _galleryBackgroundColor = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.galleryBackgroundColor()); null; } // End of the function function get galleryBackgroundColor() { return (_galleryBackgroundColor); } // End of the function function set galleryColumns(data) { _galleryColumns = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.galleryColumns()); null; } // End of the function function get galleryColumns() { return (_galleryColumns); } // End of the function function set galleryOrder(data) { _galleryOrder = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.galleryOrder()); null; } // End of the function function get galleryOrder() { return (_galleryOrder); } // End of the function function set galleryRows(data) { _galleryRows = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.galleryRows()); null; } // End of the function function get galleryRows() { return (_galleryRows); } // End of the function function set imageAlign(data) { _imageAlign = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.imageAlign()); null; } // End of the function function get imageAlign() { return (_imageAlign); } // End of the function function set imageOrder(data) { _imageOrder = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.imageOrder()); null; } // End of the function function get imageOrder() { return (_imageOrder); } // End of the function function set imageScale(data) { _imageScale = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.imageScale()); null; } // End of the function function get imageScale() { return (_imageScale); } // End of the function function set imageStrokeColor(data) { _imageStrokeColor = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.imageStrokeColor()); null; } // End of the function function get imageStrokeColor() { return (_imageStrokeColor); } // End of the function function set imageStrokeWeight(data) { _imageStrokeWeight = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.imageStrokeWeight()); null; } // End of the function function get imageStrokeWeight() { return (_imageStrokeWeight); } // End of the function function set keyboardControl(data) { _keyboardControl = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.keyboardControl()); null; } // End of the function function get keyboardControl() { return (_keyboardControl); } // End of the function function set navActiveColor(data) { _navActiveColor = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.navActiveColor()); null; } // End of the function function get navActiveColor() { return (_navActiveColor); } // End of the function function set navBackgroundAlpha(data) { _navBackgroundAlpha = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.navBackgroundAlpha()); null; } // End of the function function get navBackgroundAlpha() { return (_navBackgroundAlpha); } // End of the function function set navBackgroundColor(data) { _navBackgroundColor = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.navBackgroundColor()); null; } // End of the function function get navBackgroundColor() { return (_navBackgroundColor); } // End of the function function set navIconInactiveAlpha(data) { _navIconInactiveAlpha = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.navIconInactiveAlpha()); null; } // End of the function function get navIconInactiveAlpha() { return (_navIconInactiveAlpha); } // End of the function function set navIcons(data) { _navIcons = data; _navDefaultIcons = false; this.invalidate(); //return (this.navIcons()); null; } // End of the function function get navIcons() { return (_navIcons); } // End of the function function set navItemShadowAlpha(data) { _navItemShadowAlpha = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.navItemShadowAlpha()); null; } // End of the function function get navItemShadowAlpha() { return (_navItemShadowAlpha); } // End of the function function set navLinkCurrentColor(data) { _navLinkCurrentColor = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.navLinkCurrentColor()); null; } // End of the function function get navLinkCurrentColor() { return (_navLinkCurrentColor); } // End of the function function set navLinkType(data) { _navLinkType = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.navLinkType()); null; } // End of the function function get navLinkType() { return (_navLinkType); } // End of the function function set navLinksBackgroundAlpha(data) { _navLinksBackgroundAlpha = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.navLinksBackgroundAlpha()); null; } // End of the function function get navLinksBackgroundAlpha() { return (_navLinksBackgroundAlpha); } // End of the function function set navLinksBackgroundColor(data) { _navLinksBackgroundColor = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.navLinksBackgroundColor()); null; } // End of the function function get navLinksBackgroundColor() { return (_navLinksBackgroundColor); } // End of the function function set navNumberLinkColor(data) { _navNumberLinkColor = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.navNumberLinkColor()); null; } // End of the function function get navNumberLinkColor() { return (_navNumberLinkColor); } // End of the function function set navNumberLinkSize(data) { _navNumberLinkSize = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.navNumberLinkSize()); null; } // End of the function function get navNumberLinkSize() { return (_navNumberLinkSize); } // End of the function function set navThumbBackgroundColor(data) { _navThumbBackgroundColor = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.navThumbBackgroundColor()); null; } // End of the function function get navThumbBackgroundColor() { return (_navThumbBackgroundColor); } // End of the function function set navThumbLinkHeight(data) { _navThumbLinkHeight = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.navThumbLinkHeight()); null; } // End of the function function get navThumbLinkHeight() { return (_navThumbLinkHeight); } // End of the function function set navThumbLinkInactiveAlpha(data) { _navThumbLinkInactiveAlpha = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.navThumbLinkInactiveAlpha()); null; } // End of the function function get navThumbLinkInactiveAlpha() { return (_navThumbLinkInactiveAlpha); } // End of the function function set navThumbLinkStrokeWeight(data) { _navThumbLinkStrokeWeight = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.navThumbLinkStrokeWeight()); null; } // End of the function function get navThumbLinkStrokeWeight() { return (_navThumbLinkStrokeWeight); } // End of the function function set navThumbLinkWidth(data) { _navThumbLinkWidth = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.navThumbLinkWidth()); null; } // End of the function function get navThumbLinkWidth() { return (_navThumbLinkWidth); } // End of the function function set navThumbPreviewStrokeWeight(data) { _navThumbPreviewStrokeWeight = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.navThumbPreviewStrokeWeight()); null; } // End of the function function get navThumbPreviewStrokeWeight() { return (_navThumbPreviewStrokeWeight); } // End of the function function set permalinks(data) { _permalinks = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.permalinks()); null; } // End of the function function get permalinks() { return (_permalinks); } // End of the function function set preloadAlpha(data) { _preloadAlpha = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.preloadAlpha()); null; } // End of the function function get preloadAlpha() { return (_preloadAlpha); } // End of the function function set preloadColor(data) { _preloadColor = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.preloadColor()); null; } // End of the function function get preloadColor() { return (_preloadColor); } // End of the function function set preloaderStyle(data) { _preloaderStyle = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.preloaderStyle()); null; } // End of the function function get preloaderStyle() { return (_preloaderStyle); } // End of the function function set showAudio(data) { _showAudio = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.showAudio()); null; } // End of the function function get showAudio() { return (_showAudio); } // End of the function function set showCaptionHeader(data) { _showCaptionHeader = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.showCaptionHeader()); null; } // End of the function function get showCaptionHeader() { return (_showCaptionHeader); } // End of the function function set showCaptions(data) { _showCaptions = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.showCaptions()); null; } // End of the function function get showCaptions() { return (_showCaptions); } // End of the function function set showDisplayChange(data) { _showDisplayChange = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.showDisplayChange()); null; } // End of the function function get showDisplayChange() { return (_showDisplayChange); } // End of the function function set showGalleryNav(data) { _showGalleryNav = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.showGalleryNav()); null; } // End of the function function get showGalleryNav() { return (_showGalleryNav); } // End of the function function set showNavDisplayControl(data) { _showNavDisplayControl = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.showNavDisplayControl()); null; } // End of the function function get showNavDisplayControl() { return (_showNavDisplayControl); } // End of the function function set showNavigation(data) { _showNavigation = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.showNavigation()); null; } // End of the function function get showNavigation() { return (_showNavigation); } // End of the function function set showPreloader(data) { _showPreloader = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.showPreloader()); null; } // End of the function function get showPreloader() { return (_showPreloader); } // End of the function function set showNavThumbPreview(data) { _showNavThumbPreview = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.showNavThumbPreview()); null; } // End of the function function get showNavThumbPreview() { return (_showNavThumbPreview); } // End of the function function set strokeColor(data) { _strokeColor = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.strokeColor()); null; } // End of the function function get strokeColor() { return (_strokeColor); } // End of the function function set strokeWeight(data) { _strokeWeight = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.strokeWeight()); null; } // End of the function function get strokeWeight() { return (_strokeWeight); } // End of the function function set textAlignment(data) { _textAlignment = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.textAlignment()); null; } // End of the function function get textAlignment() { return (_textAlignment); } // End of the function function set textStrings(data) { _textStrings = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.textStrings()); null; } // End of the function function get textStrings() { return (_textStrings); } // End of the function function set transitionLength(data) { _transitionLength = Number(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.transitionLength()); null; } // End of the function function get transitionLength() { return (_transitionLength); } // End of the function function set transitionStyle(data) { _transitionStyle = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.transitionStyle()); null; } // End of the function function get transitionStyle() { return (_transitionStyle); } // End of the function function set typeface(data) { _typeface = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.typeface()); null; } // End of the function function get typeface() { return (_typeface); } // End of the function function set typefaceEmbed(data) { _typefaceEmbed = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.typefaceEmbed()); null; } // End of the function function get typefaceEmbed() { return (_typefaceEmbed); } // End of the function function set typefaceHead(data) { _typefaceHead = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.typefaceHead()); null; } // End of the function function get typefaceHead() { return (_typefaceHead); } // End of the function function set watermark(data) { _watermark = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.watermark()); null; } // End of the function function get watermark() { return (_watermark); } // End of the function function set watermarkAlign(data) { _watermarkAlign = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.watermarkAlign()); null; } // End of the function function get watermarkAlign() { return (_watermarkAlign); } // End of the function function set xmlFilePath(data) { _xmlFilePath = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.xmlFilePath()); null; } // End of the function function get xmlFilePath() { return (_xmlFilePath); } // End of the function function set xmlFileType(data) { _xmlFileType = data; this.invalidate(); //return (this.xmlFileType()); null; } // End of the function function get xmlFileType() { return (_xmlFileType); } // End of the function function set displayMode(data) { this.setDisplayMode(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.displayMode()); null; } // End of the function function get displayMode() { return (_displayMode); } // End of the function function setDisplayMode(data) { _displayMode = data; } // End of the function function set transitionPause(n) { this.setTransitionPause(n); this.invalidate(); //return (this.transitionPause()); null; } // End of the function function get transitionPause() { return (_transitionPause); } // End of the function function setTransitionPause(n) { if (isNaN(n)) { return; } // end if _transitionPause = n; } // End of the function function set showGallery(data) { this.setShowGallery(data); this.invalidate(); //return (this.showGallery()); null; } // End of the function function get showGallery() { return (_showGallery); } // End of the function function setShowGallery(data) { _showGallery = data; } // End of the function function init() { __width = _width; __height = _height; _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; boundingBox_mc._visible = false; boundingBox_mc._width = 0; boundingBox_mc._height = 0; useHandCursor = false; mx.events.EventDispatcher.initialize(this); browserState = new com.domineydesign.BrowserStateManager(); _initDisplayMode = displayMode; } // End of the function function draw() { if (invalidateFlag) { invalidateFlag = false; this.drawBG(); this.drawNav(); this.drawCaption(); this.drawAudio(); this.drawGallery(); this.drawFooterBG(); this.drawStroke(); this.drawMask(); nBox.setPlayButton(); this.previewDisplay(); if (this.__get__livePreview()) { this.showDimensions(); } // end if } // end if } // End of the function function createChildren() { ss = this.createEmptyMovieClip("sspro_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth()); mask = this.createEmptyMovieClip("mask_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth()); stroke = this.createEmptyMovieClip("stroke_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth()); bg = ss.createEmptyMovieClip("bg_mc", ss.getNextHighestDepth()); dimension = ss.createEmptyMovieClip("dim_mc", ss.getNextHighestDepth()); imagesBox = ss.createEmptyMovieClip("imgs_mc", ss.getNextHighestDepth()); imagesBoxMask = ss.createEmptyMovieClip("imgsMask_mc", ss.getNextHighestDepth()); audioBox = ss.createEmptyMovieClip("player_mc", ss.getNextHighestDepth()); if (this.__get__showCaptions() != "Never") { captionBox = ss.createEmptyMovieClip("caption_mc", ss.getNextHighestDepth()); } // end if lgPreload = ss.createEmptyMovieClip("lgPsLoad_mc", ss.getNextHighestDepth()); modeBug = ss.createEmptyMovieClip("modeBug_mc", ss.getNextHighestDepth()); if (this.__get__showNavigation() || this.__get__showGallery() != "Never") { footer = ss.createEmptyMovieClip("foot_mc", ss.getNextHighestDepth()); footerBG = footer.createEmptyMovieClip("footerBG_mc", footer.getNextHighestDepth()); galleryBox = footer.createEmptyMovieClip("gPane_mc", footer.getNextHighestDepth()); footer._y = 4000; } // end if if (this.__get__showNavigation()) { navBox = footer.createEmptyMovieClip("navBox_mc", footer.getNextHighestDepth()); } // end if if (this.__get__cacheImages() != "None") { preloadBox = ss.createEmptyMovieClip("pre_mc", ss.getNextHighestDepth()); preloadBox._y = 4001; } // end if rollSound = new com.domineydesign.SoundFX(); rollSound.create(this.__get__fxRolloverSound()); clickSound = new com.domineydesign.SoundFX(); clickSound.create(this.__get__fxClickSound()); slideSound = new com.domineydesign.SoundFX(); slideSound.create(this.__get__fxSlideSound()); this.invalidate(); } // End of the function function doLaterDispatch(Void) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (invalidateFlag) { this.draw(); } // end if if (!this.__get__livePreview()) { this.loadXML(); } // end if } // End of the function function invalidate(Void) { invalidateFlag = true; onEnterFrame = doLaterDispatch; } // End of the function function onUnload(Void) { com.domineydesign.IntervalManager.clearAllInterval s(); transClass.killTweenWatcher(); } // End of the function function searchAlbumID(a) { var _loc3 = dataSource.length; for (var _loc2 = 0; _loc2 < _loc3; ++_loc2) { if (a == dataSource[_loc2][0].id) { return (_loc2); } // end if } // end of for } // End of the function function testCurrentID() { if (dataSource[this.__get__currentAlbum()][0].id == undefined) { return (false); } else { return (true); } // end else if } // End of the function function setBrowser() { if (this.__get__permalinks() && !browserState.isLocalPlayback()) { if (this.testCurrentID()) { browserState.setValue("id", String(dataSource[this.__get__currentAlbum()][0].id)); browserState.setValue("num", String(p + 1)); browserState.resetState(); } else { browserState.updateState(""); } // end if } // end else if } // End of the function function getPermalink() { var _loc2 = browserState.getValue("id"); var _loc3 = Number(browserState.getValue("num")); this.setStartAlbum(_loc2, _loc3); } // End of the function function setInitContent() { this.__set__currentAlbum(this.__set__nextAlbum(0)) ; var _loc3 = _startAlbum; if (_loc3 != undefined) { var _loc4 = this.searchAlbumID(_loc3); if (_loc4 != undefined) { this.setShowGallery("Always"); this.__set__currentAlbum(this.__set__nextAlbum(_lo c4)); var _loc2 = _startImage; if (_loc2 != undefined) { var _loc5 = this.getAlbumSize(); if (_loc2 <= _loc5) { pNext = _loc2 - 1; } // end if } // end if _startAlbum = null; _startImage = null; } // end if } // end if } // End of the function function showDimensions() { var _loc2 = dimension.attachMovie("Dimensions", "d_mc", 1); _loc2.t_txt.text = __width + "px / " + (__height - nBox.getNavAreaHeight() - cBox.getCaptionBoxHeight()) + "px"; _loc2.v_txt.text = "v" + version; this.centerAsset(dimension); } // End of the function function afterLoad() { delete this.i_xml; delete this.f_xml; isInit = false; this.createImgLoaders(); transClass = new com.domineydesign.Transition(this); if (this.__get__permalinks()) { this.getPermalink(); } // end if this.setInitContent(); if (this.__get__showNavigation() || this.__get__showGallery() != "Never") { this.galleryGen(); this.startFooter(); } // end if if (this.__get__keyboardControl()) { new com.domineydesign.KeysNav().init(this); } // end if if (this.__get__showGallery() != "Startup") { this.switchAlbum(); } // end if } // End of the function function preloadImage(t) { var _loc2 = new MovieClipLoader(); var _loc3 = new Object(); var self = this; _loc3.onLoadInit = function (target_mc) { self.preloadGetImage(); }; _loc2.addListener(_loc3); _loc2.loadClip(t, preloadBox); } // End of the function function preloadGetImage() { if (!this.__get__showNavThumbPreview() || this.__get__navLinkType() == "Thumbnails") { _tnTick = this.getAlbumSize(); } // end if if (_tnTick < this.getAlbumSize()) { var _loc2 = dataSource[this.__get__currentAlbum()][0].tnpath; if (_loc2 == undefined) { _loc2 = ""; } // end if var _loc3 = dataSource[this.__get__currentAlbum()][1][_tnTick].tn; if (_loc3 == undefined) { _loc3 = dataSource[this.__get__currentAlbum()][1][_tnTick].src; } // end if ++_tnTick; this.preloadImage(_loc2 + _loc3); } else if (_tnTick == this.getAlbumSize()) { if (this.__get__cacheImages() == "All") { if (_lgTick < this.getAlbumSize()) { _loc2 = dataSource[this.__get__currentAlbum()][0].lgpath; if (_loc2 == undefined) { _loc2 = ""; } // end if _loc3 = dataSource[this.__get__currentAlbum()][1][_lgTick].src; ++_lgTick; this.preloadImage(_loc2 + _loc3); } // end if } // end if } // end else if } // End of the function function resetVars() { p = pNext = ranNum = _tnTick = _lgTick = 0; } // End of the function function switchAlbum() { com.domineydesign.IntervalManager.clearAllInterval s(); if (!this.__get__isGalleryClosed()) { this.toggleFooter(); } // end if if (!isFirstImage) { isFirstImage = true; this.removeClips(); this.resetVars(); aBox.visible(false); cBox.visible(false); transClass.__set__maskDrawn(false); dC = 2; shuffledArray.length = 0; this.createImgLoaders(); } // end if if (this.__get__imageOrder() == "Random") { this.createRandomArray(); } // end if if (haveWatermark) { this.loadWatermark(); } // end if nBox.setData(); this.dispatchAlbumData(dataSource[this.__get__currentAlbum()][0]); if (this.__get__displayMode() == "Manual" && _initDisplayMode == "Auto") { this.toggleDisplayMode("silent"); } else { this.startImageLoad(); } // end else if if (this.__get__cacheImages() != "None") { this.preloadGetImage(); } // end if } // End of the function function haveWatermark() { if (this.__get__watermark() != undefined && this.__get__watermark().length > 0) { return (true); } else { return (false); } // end else if } // End of the function function loadWatermark() { wmark._visible = false; wmark.attachMovie(this.__get__watermark(), "wmark_mc", 1); } // End of the function function footerInView() { if (footer._y == this.getFooterAtNavHeightPos()) { return (true); } else { return (false); } // end else if } // End of the function function createRandomArray() { shuffledArray = new com.domineydesign.ArrayShuffle(); var _loc3 = this.getAlbumSize(); for (var _loc2 = 0; _loc2 < _loc3; ++_loc2) { shuffledArray.push(_loc2); } // end of for shuffledArray = shuffledArray.shuffle(); } // End of the function function previewDisplay() { if (this.__get__livePreview()) { if (this.__get__showGallery() != "Never" || this.__get__showNavigation()) { footer._visible = true; if (this.__get__showGallery() == "Startup") { footer._y = 0; } else { footer._y = this.getFooterAtNavHeightPos(); } // end else if } else { footer._visible = false; } // end if } // end else if } // End of the function function centerAsset(c) { var _loc2 = nBox.getNavAreaHeight(); if (isNaN(_loc2)) { _loc2 = 0; } // end if c._x = __width / 2; c._y = __height / 2 - _loc2; } // End of the function function showModeBug() { if (this.__get__showDisplayChange()) { modeClip = com.domineydesign.ModeFeedback.create("mClip", modeBug, this.__get__displayMode()); modeClip._xscale = modeClip._yscale = feedbackScale; this.centerAsset(modeClip); } // end if } // End of the function function drawAudio() { aBox = audioBox.attachMovie("AudioPlayer", "AudioPlayer_mc", 1).init(this); } // End of the function function createImgLoaders() { loader1 = imagesBox.createEmptyMovieClip("loader1_mc", 2); loader2 = imagesBox.createEmptyMovieClip("loader2_mc", 1); imgTransitionMask = imagesBox.createEmptyMovieClip("imgTransitionMask_mc", 3); wmark = imagesBox.createEmptyMovieClip("wmark_mc", 4); activeLayer = imagesBox.createEmptyMovieClip("aL_mc", 5); com.domineydesign.DrawRect.create(activeLayer, 25, 25, 0, 0); activeLayer.onRollOver = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, activeRollover); activeLayer.onRollOut = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, activeRollout); activeLayer.onRelease = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, activeRelease); } // End of the function function removeClips() { loader1.removeMovieClip(); loader2.removeMovieClip(); activeLayer.removeMovieClip(); modeClip.removeMovieClip(); } // End of the function function drawBG() { com.domineydesign.DrawRect.create(bg, __width, __height, this.__get__backgroundColor(), this.__get__backgroundAlpha()); } // End of the function function drawStroke() { com.domineydesign.DrawStroke.create(stroke, __width, __height, this.__get__strokeWeight(), this.__get__strokeColor(), 100); } // End of the function function drawMask() { com.domineydesign.DrawRect.create(mask, __width, __height, 0, 100); ss.setMask(mask); } // End of the function function toggleFooter(n, s) { nBox.killThumbnail(); if (n == 78 && this.__get__showNavigation()) { if (this.footerInView()) { this.hideFooter(); } else { this.setFooterAtNavHeight(); } // end else if this.resizeImage(); } else if (n == 71 || n == undefined) { if (this.__get__showGallery() != "Never") { if (footer._y == 0) { this.setFooterAtNavHeight(); } else { if (this.__get__displayMode() == "Auto") { this.toggleDisplayMode(); } // end if this.openFooter(); } // end if } // end else if } // end else if } // End of the function function startFooter() { if (this.__get__showGallery() == "Startup") { this.openFooter(); } else { this.setFooterAtNavHeight(); } // end else if } // End of the function function setFooterAtNavHeight() { this.__set__isGalleryClosed(true); var _loc2 = new Object(); _loc2.onMotionFinished = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, finishFooter); var _loc3 = new mx.transitions.Tween(footer, "_y", strongTween, footer._y, this.getFooterAtNavHeightPos(), 7.000000E-001, true); _loc3.addListener(_loc2); this.dispatchGalleryState("closed"); } // End of the function function openFooter() { this.__set__isGalleryClosed(false); nBox.disableNavButtons(); nBox.disableDisplayButtons(); new mx.transitions.Tween(footer, "_y", strongTween, footer._y, 0, 5.000000E-001, true); this.dispatchGalleryState("open"); } // End of the function function hideFooter() { this.__set__isGalleryClosed(false); new mx.transitions.Tween(footer, "_y", strongTween, footer._y, __height, 5.000000E-001, true); this.dispatchGalleryState("hidden"); } // End of the function function finishFooter() { nBox.footerTweenFinish(); } // End of the function function getFooterAtNavHeightPos() { return (Math.floor(__height - nBox.getNavAreaHeight())); } // End of the function function drawFooterBG() { if (this.__get__showGallery() != "Never" || this.__get__showNavigation()) { var _loc2 = nBox.getNavAreaHeight(); com.domineydesign.DrawRect.create(footerBG, __width, __height - _loc2, this.__get__galleryBackgroundColor(), this.__get__galleryBackgroundAlpha()); footerBG._y = _loc2; footerBG.onPress = function () { }; footerBG.useHandCursor = false; } // end if } // End of the function function drawGallery() { if (this.__get__showGallery() != "Never") { gPane = new com.domineydesign.Gallery("Album", galleryBox, this); } // end if } // End of the function function galleryGen() { gPane.setData(dataSource); } // End of the function function drawCaption() { cBox = new com.domineydesign.Caption(captionBox, this); } // End of the function function drawNav() { nBox = new com.domineydesign.Navigation(navBox, this); } // End of the function function setTransitionPauseTimer() { this.killImagePauseTimer(); var _loc2 = dataSource[this.__get__currentAlbum()][1][p].pause; if (_loc2 == undefined || _loc2.length == 0) { _loc2 = transitionPause; } // end if _imgPauseINT = com.domineydesign.IntervalManager.setInterval(this , "startImageLoad", _loc2 * 1000); } // End of the function function startImageLoad(n) { this.killImagePauseTimer(); if (!isImageLoading) { isImageLoading = true; this.imgGen(n); } // end if } // End of the function function killImagePauseTimer() { com.domineydesign.IntervalManager.clearInterval(_i mgPauseINT); } // End of the function function killlgListener() { lg_mcl.removeListener(lgListener); } // End of the function function prepNextImage() { pNext = p; ++pNext; this.setTransitionPauseTimer(); } // End of the function function loadImages() { this.killlgListener(); dC = dC == 2 ? (dC = 1) : (dC = 2); thisLoader = this["loader" + dC]; var _loc3 = dC == 1 ? (2) : (1); thisUnLoader = this["loader" + _loc3]; thisLoaderBox = thisLoader.createEmptyMovieClip("box_mc", 1); lg_mcl = new MovieClipLoader(); lgListener = new Object(); var self = this; lgListener.onLoadError = function (target_mc, errorCode) { self.isImageLoading = false; switch (errorCode) { case "URLNotFound": { trace (" UNABLE TO LOAD IMAGE AT URL: " + target_mc._url + " MOVING TO NEXT IMAGE"); ++self.pNext; if (self.brokenNum <= 10) { self.startImageLoad(); } else { return; } // end else if ++self.brokenNum; break; } } // End of switch false; }; lgListener.onLoadStart = function (target_mc) { self.brokenNum = 0; self.startLgPreloader(self.lgPreload, self.thisLoaderBox); }; lgListener.onLoadInit = function (target_mc) { self.afterImageLoad(); }; lg_mcl.addListener(lgListener); var _loc2 = dataSource[this.__get__currentAlbum()][0].lgpath; if (_loc2 == undefined) سایت ما را در گوگل محبوب کنید با کلیک روی دکمه ای که در سمت چپ این منو با عنوان +1 قرار داده شده شما به این سایت مهر تأیید میزنید و به دوستانتان در صفحه جستجوی گوگل دیدن این سایت را پیشنهاد میکنید که این امر خود باعث افزایش رتبه سایت در گوگل میشود

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[ارسال شده از: سایت ریسک]
[مشاهده در: www.ri3k.eu]
[تعداد بازديد از اين مطلب: 289]


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