واضح آرشیو وب فارسی:سایت ریسک: انواع xtra برای دایرکتور - کامل و رجیستر شده selxtra 28 تير 1388, 11:05به آدرس زیر مراجعه نمایید : فاطمه وطن دوست 04 مرداد 1388, 01:06سلام تو برنامه دایرکتور تو بخش لایبرریش یک سری ( Behavior) وجود داره ؛ برای راحتی کاربر ! اما اکسترا هائی که استفاده میشه ، اونها هم یک سری Behavior دارن ظاهرا ً ، اما من پیداشون نمیکنم! مثلاً تو این لینک ، از اکسترا استفاده شده و برای دکمه ها هم یک Behavior گذاشته شده با عنوان ِ DirectMedia Xtra Controller Button selxtra 04 مرداد 1388, 03:29با سلام Direct Media Xtra دیگر از سوی سایت کمپانی ساپورت نمی شه به جاش از این اکسترا استفاده می شه Mpeg Advance Xtra () که behavior هم دارد. آخرین نسخه این اکسترا موجود است. با این حال اینم کد هایی که می خواستین ---- written for Director 8 --- ---- Kumar.K [email protected] ---- ------ Custom Properties ------ property DirectmediaSprite,MyAction,WhereTo,thedirectmedias pritelist,StandardImage,RolloverImage,ClickedImage ,firstparam,Secondparam,thirdparam property spritenum ---- Get Behaviour Description List ------ on getBehaviorDescription me return "This Behavior will control a DirectMedia Sprite " & RETURN & RETURN & "Parameters." & RETURN & "* DirectMedia Sprite" & RETURN & "* Action Like[Play,Pause,rewind] etc" & RETURN & "* First Parameter: if the Action is Seek than this parameter contains the seek to time (in milliseconds). For the PlaySegment action this parameter contains the starting time of the segment to play (in milliseconds)"& RETURN &"* Second Parameter: Used with the PlaySegment action. Contains the ending time of the segment to play (in milliseconds)" & RETURN & " * Third Parameter :Used With StepBackword/StepForward contains with how many frames it should step" & RETURN & "* Where To Assign this Script" end getBehaviorDescription ---- Get Behaviour Description List ------ ------ Get Behavior Description List ------ on getPropertyDescriptionList me set description = [:] thedirectmediaspritelist=searchDirectmediaSprites( me) actionlist=["Play","Pause","Rewind","Seek","PlaySegment","StepBackward","StepForward"] if the currentspritenum = 0 then set memdefault = 0 else set memref = the member of sprite the currentspritenum set memdefault = member (the membernum of member memref + 1) set memdefault2 = member (the membernum of member memref + 2) end if if thedirectmediaspritelist.count() > 0 then SetaProp description, #DirectmediaSprite, [#comment:"Directmedia Sprite",#format:#integer, #range: thedirectmediaspritelist,#default: thedirectmediaspritelist[1]] else SetaProp description, #DirectmediaSprite, [#comment:"Wait for Which Directmedia Sprite",#format:#integer, #default: 1] end if SetaProp description, #MyAction, [#comment: "Action :", #format:#String, #range:actionlist,#default:actionlist[1]] SetaProp description, #firstparam, [#comment: "First Parameter(Use With Seek or PlaySegment) :", #format:#Integer,#default:"enter value in miliseconds"] SetaProp description, #Secondparam, [#comment: "Second Parameter(Use With PlaySegment) :", #format:#Integer,#default:"enter value in miliseconds"] SetaProp description, #thirdparam, [#comment: "Step with How many Frames(Use With StepForward/StepBackward) :",format:#Integer, #range:[#min:1,#max:500],#default:50] SetaProp description, #RolloverImage, [#comment: "Rollover Image :",format:#Graphic,#default:memdefault] SetaProp description, #ClickedImage, [#comment: "Clicked Image :",format:#Graphic,#default:memdefault2] if the currentspritenum = 0 then SetaProp description, #WhereTo, [#comment: "Where To Attach" ,#format:#String, #range:["On EnterFrame","On ExitFrame"],#default:"On EnterFrame"] else SetaProp description, #WhereTo, [#comment: "Where To Attach" ,#format:#String, #range:["On MouseUp","On MouseDown","On MouseEnter","On MouseLeave"],#default:"On MouseUp"] end if return description end getPropertyDescriptionList ------ Get Behavior Description List ------ ---- Can be attached both frame script and sprite script ------ on isOKToAttach (me, aSpriteType, aSpriteNum) case aSpriteType of #script: return true #graphic: return true end case end isOKToAttach ---- Can be attached both frame script and sprite script ------ ------ Search for DirectMedia Member on the Stage ------ on searchDirectmediaSprites me set thedirectmediaspritelist = [] repeat with i=1 to the lastchannel if sprite(i).member.type = #TBDIRECTMEDIA then thedirectmediaspritelist.append(i) end if end repeat return thedirectmediaspritelist end ------ Search for DirectMedia Member on the Stage ------ -- Events -- on beginsprite me set standardImage = the member of sprite the spriteNum of me end on EnterFrame me if WhereTo = "On EnterFrame" then controlit end if end EnterFrame on ExitFrame me if WhereTo = "On EnterFrame" then controlit end if end ExitFrame on MouseUp set the member of sprite spritenum = StandardImage if WhereTo = "On MouseUp" then controlit end if end MouseUp on MouseDown set the member of sprite spritenum = ClickedImage if WhereTo = "On MouseDown" then controlit end if end MouseDown on MouseEnter set the member of sprite spritenum = RolloverImage if WhereTo = "On MouseEnter" then controlit end if end MouseEnter on MouseLeave set the member of sprite spritenum = StandardImage if WhereTo = "On MouseLeave" then controlit end if end MouseLeave -- Events -- --- Control DirectMedia Sprite -- on controlit if member (sprite(DirectmediaSprite).member).type = #TBDIRECTMEDIA then case MyAction of: "Play": videoplay(sprite DirectmediaSprite) "Pause": videopause(sprite DirectmediaSprite) "Rewind": videoseek(sprite DirectmediaSprite, the segmentstart of sprite DirectmediaSprite) videoplay(sprite DirectmediaSprite) "Seek":videoseek(sprite DirectmediaSprite, firstparam) videoplay(sprite DirectmediaSprite) "PlaySegment":videoplaysegment(sprite DirectmediaSprite, firstparam, secondparam) "StepForward":videopause(sprite DirectmediaSprite) videoseek(sprite DirectmediaSprite, the currenttime of sprite DirectmediaSprite + thirdparam) videoplay(sprite DirectmediaSprite) "StepBackward":videopause(sprite DirectmediaSprite) videoseek(sprite DirectmediaSprite, the currenttime of sprite DirectmediaSprite - thirdparam) videoplay(sprite DirectmediaSprite) end case end if end --- Control DirectMedia Sprite -- فاطمه وطن دوست 04 مرداد 1388, 20:09سلام همش این خطا رو میده ! من دکمه هامو گذاشتم ، براشون نام هم گذاشتم ، ولی بازم این پیغام خطا رو میده ! چرا؟ تو صفحه ی اول اون لینکی که دادم هم توضیح داده بود ؛ کدها رو تو یه اسکریپت بریزم و بعد روی دکمه هام بکشم و با کشیدن روی دکمه ها یه کارد باز میشه و میگه این دکمه چه عملی رو انجام بده ؟ !!! ولی این پنجره اصلاً ظاهر نمیشه !!! فاطمه وطن دوست 06 مرداد 1388, 10:35سلام فقط از این دو خط قرمز رنگ ایراد میگیره ، آیا تنظیمات خاصی لازمه ؟ ! on getPropertyDescriptionList if the currentspritenum = 0 then set memdefault = 0 else set memref = the member of sprite the currentspritenum set castlibnum = the castlibnum of memref set memdefault = member (the membernum of member memref + 1) of castlib castlibnum set memdefault2 = member (the membernum of member memref + 2) of castlib castlibnum end if set p_list = [ #videoCommand: [ #comment: "Action:",#format: #symbol, #range: [ #Play, #Pause, #Rewind,#StepBackward,#StepForward, #Seek, #PlaySegment],#default: #Play ], #param1: [ #comment: "First Parameter (Use with seek or playsegment):", #format: #long, #default: 0] , #param2: [ #comment: "Second Parameter (Use with playsegment):", #format: #long, #default: 0] , #videoSprite: [ #comment: "DirectMedia Sprite Channel:", #format: #integer, #default: 1] , #alternateImage: [ #comment: "Rollover Button Cast Member:", #format: #graphic, #default: memdefault ], #clickedImage: [ #comment: "Clicked Button Cast Member:", #format: #graphic, #default: memdefault2 ]] return p_list end on getBehaviorDescription return "Used to create Play, Pause, StepForward, StepBackward, Rewind, Seek and PlaySegment control buttons for a DirectMedia Xtra video sprite. You can also attach rollover and alternate images for the clicked buttons" & RETURN & "PARAMETERS:" & RETURN & "Action - Choose the action to perform on mouseUP ( Play, Pause, Rewind, StepBackward, StepForward, Seek, PlaySegment )." & RETURN & "First Parameter: if the Action is Seek than this parameter contains the seek to time (in milliseconds). For the PlaySegment action this parameter contains the starting time of the segment to play (in milliseconds)"& RETURN &"Second Parameter: Used with the PlaySegment action. Contains the ending time of the segment to play (in milliseconds)"& RETURN &"DirectMedia Sprite Channel - Enter the number of sprite channel of the DirectMedia Xtra video that is being controlled."& RETURN &"Rollover Button: the castmember that will be used as the rollover image of the button. Default is the castmember located just after the button castmember"& RETURN&"Clicked Button: the castmember that will be used as the clicked image of the button. Default is the castmember located just after the rollover castmember" end
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[ارسال شده از: سایت ریسک]
[مشاهده در: www.ri3k.eu]
[تعداد بازديد از اين مطلب: 1407]