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قیمت انواع دستگاه تصفیه آب خانگی در ایران
نمایش جنگ دینامیت شو در تهران [از بیوگرافی میلاد صالح پور تا خرید بلیط]
9 روش جرم گیری ماشین لباسشویی سامسونگ برای از بین بردن بوی بد
ساندویچ پانل: بهترین گزینه برای ساخت و ساز سریع
خرید بیمه، استعلام و مقایسه انواع بیمه درمان ✅?
پروازهای مشهد به دبی چه زمانی ارزان میشوند؟
تجربه غذاهای فرانسوی در قلب پاریس بهترین رستورانها و کافهها
دلایل زنگ زدن فلزات و روش های جلوگیری از آن
خرید بلیط چارتر هواپیمایی ماهان _ ماهان گشت
سیگنال در ترید چیست؟ بررسی انواع سیگنال در ترید
بهترین هدیه تولد برای متولدین زمستان: هدیههای کاربردی برای روزهای سرد
صفحه اول
آرشیو مطالب
قیمت طلا سکه و ارز
قیمت خودرو
مطالب در سایت شما
تبادل لینک
ارتباط با ما
مطالب سایت سرگرمی سبک زندگی سینما و تلویزیون فرهنگ و هنر پزشکی و سلامت اجتماع و خانواده تصویری دین و اندیشه ورزش اقتصادی سیاسی حوادث علم و فناوری سایتهای دانلود گوناگون
مطالب سایت سرگرمی سبک زندگی سینما و تلویزیون فرهنگ و هنر پزشکی و سلامت اجتماع و خانواده تصویری دین و اندیشه ورزش اقتصادی سیاسی حوادث علم و فناوری سایتهای دانلود گوناگون
آمار وبسایت
تعداد کل بازدیدها :
دوره مشترک کارشناسی ارشد مدیریت پروژه دانشگاههای شریف و کالگری
واضح آرشیو وب فارسی:پرتال دانشگاهی کشور: دوره مشترک کارشناسی ارشد مدیریت پروژه دانشگاههای شریف و کالگری
برنامه دوره
با توجه به ابعاد برنامه توسعه و نحوه سازماندهي و مديريت امور در وزارت نفت، محتواي دورة مزبور باید پاسخگوي نيازهاي مربوطه باشد. وزارت نفت از موضع سازماندهي كار در مقام مجري يا كارفرما، با تقسيم كار بين واحدهاي خدمات مهندسي، تهيهكنندگان كالا و تجهيزات، و سازندگان و پيمانكاران، خود وظيفه مديريت و راهبري پروژه ها را عهدهدار ميشود. بنابراین، مديران این پروژه ها ضمن آشنا بودن با نظام اجرايي طرحها، باید قابليت برنامهريزي و هدايت مؤثر عوامل درگير در پروژه ها را نیز در كليه مراحل آن دارا باشند.
با چنين نگرشي، و با توجه به پيشينه آموزشي و تجربي متفاوت شرکت کنندگان، به منظور حفظ يكپارچگي و جامعيت دوره و اطمينان از قابليتهاي پايه شركتكنندگان، اجراي دوره به دو مرحله مجزاي مقدماتي و اصلي تقسيم شده است.
مرحله مقدماتي
اين مرحله مركب از چهار درس است كه یک درس آن در جهت ايجاد قابليتهاي اوليه در شركتكنندگان براي ادامة تحصيل در محيط آموزشي بزبان انگليسي، و سه درس بعدی که جزء برنامه مقدماتی دوره کارشناسی ارشد می باشند و با هدف آشنا نمودن شركتكنندگان با مديريت پروژه طراحي شده اند. فهرست اين دروس به شرح ذير است:
1- زبان انگليسی(در دو بخش)
1- English Language
2- فناوري اطلاعات براي مديريت
2-IT Tools For Management
3- اصول برنامه ریزی پروژه
3- Fundamentals of Project Planning &Scheduling
4 - اصول حقوقی و اخلاق حرفه ای برای مدیر پروژه
4- Law and Professional Ethics for Project Managers
مرحله اصلي
دروس مرحله دوم شامل ده درس از برنامه درسی دوره مدیریت پروژه در دانشکده مهندسی عمران دانشگاه كالگري و انجام يك پروژه تحقیقاتی در پایان دوره به شرح زير است:
1- فرآيندهاي مهندسي احداث در پروژههاي نفت، گاز و پتروشيمي
1- Engineering and Construction Processes in Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Projects in Iran.
2- اصول و فنون مدیریت
2- Management Prin �. And Tech,,,,
3- سازماندهي گروه پروژه
3- Project Team Building for Project Managers
4-مباني مديريت پروژه
4-Fundamentals of Project Management
5- برنامهريزي و كنترل پروژه
Project Planning and Control 5-
6- پشتيباني و تداركات پروژه
6- Project Procurement and Logistics
7- شبيهسازي رايانهاي و ابزار تحليل براي مديريت پروژه
7-Computer Simulation and Operation
8- مديريت ساخت پروژه
8- Project Construction Management
9- موضوعات پيراموني پروژه
9- Project External Issues
10- مديريت پروژه پيشرفته و موارد حقوقي بین المللی
10- Advanced Project Management and Legal Issues
- پروژه تحقيقاتي محدود در زمينه مديريت پروژه**
Research Project in Project Management -
** اين پروژه پایانی به منظور استفاده از مفاهیم طرح شده در دروس مختلف دورة و نیز نتايج حاصل از انجام بازديد از پروژههاي در دست اجرای وزارت نفت تعریف و انجام خواهد شد.
3 - محتواي دروس:
محتواي دروس به شرح زیر ميباشند:
Prelimary Program
Project Management Courses
1. English for Management Studies
This course teaches reading, writing and verbal communication skills in English,
2. IT Tools For Management
This course introduces hardware, operating systems and MS Office; IT and communications in management; information systems and methodologies; office automation and management information systems; and project management software.
3- Fundamentals of Project planning and scheduling
This course provides general information on Network analysis diagramming ; computerized scheduling construction project cash flow & Integration of schedule and cost.
4- Low and professional Ethics for project managers
This course provides fundamentals of local legal issues. Engineering code of ethics, and legal and ethical project manager responsibilities.
Main Program
Project Management Courses
1. Engineering and Construction Processes in Oil and Gas Projects in Iran
The course comes in two modules: 1) Introducing the Oil Industry: history, development planning and organization, project delivery systems, rules and regulations, engineering, management and construction services, and contracts and contract conditions; 2) Engineering Processes in the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industry: process equipment, construction and installation equipment and methods. The course is enriched with guest speakers, field trips, films and slides of current oil projects.
2. Management Principles and Techniques
This course provides an introduction to classical management principles and techniques. The course comes in four modules: 1) Management Functions: planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling; 2) Project Economics: costs, cost estimating, economic analysis and evaluation of capital projects; 3) Network Planning: PERT, CPM, LSM, time/cost relations, resource allocation, etc.; 4) Quantitative Concepts for Management: modeling, linear programming, dynamic programming, queuing theory.
3. Project Team Building
This course examines leadership style and behaviour; interpersonal effectiveness and self-awareness; project teams; group dynamics; organizational change; and application to the project environment. Topics: valuing diversity; communications; human decision-making; leadership; interpersonal communication; self-awareness; personality and perception.
4. Fundamentals of Project Management
This course provides an overview of the project management process and its applications. It includes application of management principles to the project environment; planning, control, scope, time and cost processes; and project organization and human resource issues. Students explore the practical application of project management techniques through the review of a current major capital project and submit and defend a project report.
5. Project Planning and Control
This course discusses strategic and tactical planning; planning for scope, quality, time and cost; selection and implementation of project management information systems; economic and risk analysis; and planning for construction labour relations. Topics: conceptual estimating (estimating quality, safety, scope and implementation); reporting systems and record keeping; scheduling techniques; cost management; project control techniques; applications software and simulation; resources (constraint) management; forecasting models; PERT and CPM methodologies; decision analysis; quantitative and operations research tools.
6. Project Procurement and Logistics
This course examines the management of procurement and logistics within a project. Topics will cover a number of project-related concerns including procurement planning activities; commercial practice; tendering; bid evaluation; negotiation and award; contract administration; logistics management; transportation; warehousing and inventory management; modularization; regulatory requirements; and customs claims. The course encourages project managers to consider the practical and legal issues that must be addressed to become more efficient in the timely and cost-effective delivery of projects.
7. Computer Simulation Modeling and Analytical Tools for Project Management
Computer modeling and simulation is a powerful tool in replicating real life systems. It is also a great tool for decision-making that provides an appealing approach for analyzing and improving real-life operations and processes. The course focuses on the design and development of computer simulation models for hypothetical applications in project management for both pre-implementation (pre-construction) and implementation (construction) phases. It includes similar developments and applications using traditional and modern analytical tools such as neural networks, fuzzy set theory, linear programming, dynamic programming, and Markov theory. The students benefit by developing these tools for real-life projects and scenarios that are familiar to them.
8. Project Construction Management
This course discusses the role of the construction manager in the project management team. Areas of discussion include project options for the management of construction; managing the contractor�s business; labour relations and construction claims; and the contractor�s responsibilities during project commissioning, start-up and operations. Topics: responsibilities, relationships and interfaces for implementation; options for managing implementation; implementation management; productivity implementation; and contract administration issues such as changes, payments, delays, claims and project commissioning.
9. External Project Issues
This course covers corporate influences, financial interfaces, sources of funds, lending environment, owner and lender risks, government involvement, regulatory requirements, public interfaces, public information and compensation. Topics: environmental remediation; sustainable development; globalization; stakeholders; environmental issues; external issues; public interfaces; special interest groups; registrations approval; government as a stakeholder; government involvement; joint venture projects; corporate influences; internal and external environment; corporate planning; business planning; corporate and business strategies.
10. Advanced Principles of Project Management and Legal Aspects
This course is designed to challenge and extend the participants� knowledge of the best project management practices. This is achieved through discussion, exchange of ideas and a series of exercises and assignments designed to provide opportunities to examine specific
issues of interest to experienced or knowledgeable project managers. This course will also cover legal issues related to the effective management of projects. It is an introduction to
the legal system, including: laws of negligence and torts; project management legal concerns; and legislation relevant to projects including regulations, liens, professional acts, arbitration, property law, employment law, intellectual property law, contract law, corporate law, bonding, insurance, contract claims, contracting, contracting strategies, construction contracts, laws of tender and the bidding process. Cases are reviewed and students are expected to complete a number of assignments requiring research into case law.
By the end of this Program, participants will have gained the following:
A framework for more effective delivery of projects founded on personal and shared experience, research and interviews with practitioners
An understanding of the opportunities for improvement in project management practices and the barriers to making them happen
Some insights to do research and development in project management from around
the world
این صفحه را در گوگل محبوب کنید
[ارسال شده از: پرتال دانشگاهی کشور]
[مشاهده در: www.unp.ir]
[تعداد بازديد از اين مطلب: 260]