واضح آرشیو وب فارسی:سایت دانلود رایگان: Language teachers now have a greater tange of possible procedures to follow prior to; during and after the reading assignment io assist to read more effectivly.
krashen and Terrel outline the following reading sterategies:
1)Read for meaning
2)Dont look up every word
3)Predicate meaning
4)Use content
the purpose of prereading activities is to motivate the students and prepare them to be able to read it.Because it provides a reader with a neccesary back groundto organise activity and to comprehend the materials.
One of the following ways may be possible for pre reading :Tomorrow,s reading is really intersting ! Read the whole story , pages 32 to 38 and write in complete sentences the answers to the questions on pages 39.
In summary , adequate previous requires careful planning and a cosiderable amount of time .However ,the tume is well spent for two reasons.first the activities require that the students practice communicationactivity .Second students learn more from teading materials that the teacher has prepared them to read .
reading in class is time consuming . so we should teach them how they must read . students need to be aware of their level of comprehension as they read and they need to be learn to create meaning br asking the proper questions or initiating needed compensatory strategies.
Sanacore offers a constructive technique for students to practice while reading .
1.Teach students to generate questions as they read and study expository text.
2.Teach students to create story-specific questions such as :Is this story more about the officer or the barber?from Schema -general
questions such as who is the leading character?during the reading of a complex narrative text.
3.Teach students to monitor and resolve blocks to comprehension.
4.Teach students about the structure of textbook chapter , guiding them to use steategies that increase their comprehenshion and retrieval of information ,such as the SQ3R PROSSES which consists of survey, question , read,recite ,and review.
Teach students to learn and to recall valuable information by adhering to the text structure .
another practice is to teach students to make a story map as they read.
the first stepo of postreading activities is to clarify the meaning of any unclear passages and their relationship to the outher,s overall massages.some activities are recomended such as dramatisation,role-play,simulation,report,and debats.
for more detailes refer to Developing second language skills theory and practice by chastain
Language teachers now have a greater tange of possible procedures to follow prior to; during and after the reading assignment io assist to read more effectivly.
krashen and Terrel outline the following reading sterategies:
1)Read for meaning
2)Dont look up every word
3)Predicate meaning
4)Use content
the purpose of prereading activities is to motivate the students and prepare them to be able to read it.Because it provides a reader with a neccesary back groundto organise activity and to comprehend the materials.
One of the following ways may be possible for pre reading :Tomorrow,s reading is really intersting ! Read the whole story , pages 32 to 38 and write in complete sentences the answers to the questions on pages 39.
In summary , adequate previous requires careful planning and a cosiderable amount of time .However ,the tume is well spent for two reasons.first the activities require that the students practice communicationactivity .Second students learn more from teading materials that the teacher has prepared them to read .
reading in class is time consuming . so we should teach them how they must read . students need to be aware of their level of comprehension as they read and they need to be learn to create meaning br asking the proper questions or initiating needed compensatory strategies.
Sanacore offers a constructive technique for students to practice while reading .
1.Teach students to generate questions as they read and study expository text.
2.Teach students to create story-specific questions such as :Is this story more about the officer or the barber?from Schema -general
questions such as who is the leading character?during the reading of a complex narrative text.
3.Teach students to monitor and resolve blocks to comprehension.
4.Teach students about the structure of textbook chapter , guiding them to use steategies that increase their comprehenshion and retrieval of information ,such as the SQ3R PROSSES which consists of survey, question , read,recite ,and review.
Teach students to learn and to recall valuable information by adhering to the text structure .
another practice is to teach students to make a story map as they read.
the first stepo of postreading activities is to clarify the meaning of any unclear passages and their relationship to the outher,s overall massages.some activities are recomended such as dramatisation,role-play,simulation,report,and debats.
for more detailes refer to Developing second language skills theory and practice by chastain
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[ارسال شده از: سایت دانلود رایگان]
[تعداد بازديد از اين مطلب: 184]