واضح آرشیو وب فارسی:سایت ریسک: yas3d05-02-2010, 01:35 AMthis post is removed! epnu05-02-2010, 08:48 AMتو این پست هست:31: http://pnu.hamidjalali.com/?p=352 epnu05-02-2010, 08:51 AMیازده برنامه در مورد رجیستری در سی پلاس پلاس ۱۱ program about registry in c/c++ language http://hashtgerd.persiangig.com/other/registry.GIF Download (http://hashtgerd.persiangig.com/other/registry.rar) List of 11 Registry source code: a Registry Class—Get Easy Registry Access–registry changes tracker– Retrive system dirs from registry–Windows XP CD-KEY Extraction– Windows XP CD-KEY Extraction–Half-Life gamers to easily change their cd-key .cpp How to Read from and Write to Registry in WIN32–registry–tut– Windows screen saver password Decoder.cpp–Windows security system and what restrictions هفتاد و چهار برنامه در مورد الگوریتم در سی پلاس پلاس ۷۴ program about Algorithms in c/c++ language http://hashtgerd.persiangig.com/other/algorithm.GIF Download (http://hashtgerd.persiangig.com/other/algorithm.rar) list of programs: 3DPlot—-۸ queen with stack——-AERO Algorithms and Data Structures Files & Linked Lists and Tree—Artificial Intelligence binary search—-bindll—-BinSearch.cpp—-BitmapCase C++ Simulator ] Turing Machine with faults, failures and recovery is made up of multiple files calculator—compression tool—converter—CPU—-dlcalc—-huffman Huffman Trees for Data Compression—lzenc—-math head—mp3 decorder—Multi-Sort1- Open GL—RC4 full project VC++—remove BIOS-CMOS Password(BPR)—Root—sort sort2—-sorting and searching—-Special Effects—–sqrt—-string—-stringcompress System Software Pack—Templated Quicksort—-tictactoe.cpp—word counter–x–ybase64 8 queen puzzle—۸ queens on chees—A data Encryptor– A programm that displays its source.—add—-Age Calculation Algorithm—AL_Attempt Algorithm & Data Structures Link Lists & Trees—-ALU CHIP DESIGN—array_list ASM—BinarySearch HTML clipboard سی چهار برنامه در مورد کلاس ها و شی گرایی و فریم ورک در سی پلاس پلاس ۳۴ program about Classes_Frameworks_OOP(object oriented programming) in c/c++ language http://hashtgerd.persiangig.com/other/Classes_Frameworks_OOP.GIF دانلود در ادامه مطلب Download (http://hashtgerd.persiangig.com/other/Classes_Frameworks_OOP.rar) List of 34 program about Classes_Frameworks_OOP: A Brief intro to classes C++ (Lots of comments)—Abstract Data Types (Tutorial) BCOL–Bff (BrowseForFolder)–Binary Tree Class–C++ Bible Volume 2– CGI decoder class–change console text color–CMenu - a menu class for DOS Console Window—Creating and using DLLs in both formats–CTreeView– Elytra-An Interpreted Language–Great GUI for your DOS apps– Max_Classes–NARSCAR RACE Simulation–Number Class–OOP Address Book - for beginners - updated–Polymorphism simplified–Process CPU Scheduling Simulation (4 algorithms) Remote Command Server–SML tutorial and the new version of the source code– Solitiare Game—Stack Class–Two easy to use sockets classes and demonstration of their use–Useful and ez time and date class–VSOCK Winsock Development Tutoral , SDK and VC++ Source Code–Windows Details–word.cpp–A basic example of setting up a class and using it .cpp–calendar.cpp–hash table Accumulator .cpp–system tray .cpp– tellers for each bank .cpp شصت و یک برنامه در مورد کنترل و فرم و دیالوگ منو ها در سی پلاس پلاس ۶۱ program about Controls+Forms_Dialogs_Menus in c/c++ language http://hashtgerd.persiangig.com/other/control_form_dialog_menu.GIF دانلود در ادامه مطلب Download (http://hashtgerd.persiangig.com/other/Controls+Forms_Dialogs_Menus.rar) List of 61 program about Controls+Forms_Dialogs_Menus: A Graphical Menu with System programming [Including VDU, KBD, Disk, Memory, and Miscellaneous serv—-A Great Win32 SetWindowRgn Example (NOT MFC!!!)— A window with buttons, listbox,status bar,toolbar,dialogs,combo,checkboxes,radios, icons, menus—Activity logger—-Add a RichEdit to your app! (non-MFC)—Add Color To Your Controls—-Add Fonts To Your Controls—An MDI Window Example—Another Combo Box - No MFC Another Tray Sample—BMPtoAVI—C_C++ Win32 Platform SDK, Windows,Chilld Controls,and Menus–Console Menu—Console Menu Foundation Class—Creating a simple menu– CTrayIcon—Dos progressbar–DReY ShapeGradentButton (NO MFC)—Extended MessageBox modeless dialog app—My Win32 App #2 - Message Boxes with Icons— My Win32 App #4 - Simple Text Window—My Win32 App #6 - Simple Toolbar– My Win32 App #10 - MsgBox Creator–progress2—RoundWindow–SimpleWordPad� �� Sox (WinSock OCX)—Tab Control Example–Template Resources and Dialog Boxes– The JMenu Maker - Create a smart menu–Timer functions–Use any Menu Item with no User Input at all– use dll and dialog box—Win32 - Accelerators—Win32 - Color & Font with Static Controls—Win32 - Directory Browse—Win32 - Funny Shaped Window Win32 - Hyperlink—Win32 - IE Style Menubar (Fixed)–Win32 - System Tray Popup Menu Example - (fully commented)— Win32 Calculator - No MFC–Win32 Controls w_Tab Navigation (Pure API)—Win32 Dialog - Fullscreen– Win32 Splash Screen–Win32 Window (Pure API)– WIN32API MDI Shell with functions– WIN32API Toolbar with Tooltips– Window Creation Class— XP Themed Win32 Controls– Add controls to a CDialog dynamically.cpp–ATM Simulation.cpp–create a menu on a non-mfc window using winapi .cpp– Create a toolbar statusbar in a dialog.cpp–create an additional button beside the Min, Max and Close buttons .cpp—create your own form.cpp–empty window .cpp–how to use buttons, editboxes and checkboxes in windows.cpp—make a Form Transparent according to a Pixel of it’s Picture.cpp–programming for windows using the platform SDK.cpp— use Microsofts Communication Control MSCOMM_serial communication.cpp 200-بازی به زبان سی پلاس پلاس ۲۰۰ Game in C++/C language در گروه عضو شوید join in this group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hpnu/join (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hpnu/join) http://hashtgerd.persiangig.com/other/game.GIF Download part-1 (http://hashtgerd.persiangig.com/Gamepart1.rar) Download part-2 (http://hashtgerd.persiangig.com/Gamepart2.rar) Download part-3 (http://hashtgerd.persiangig.com/Gamepart3.rar) Download part-4 (http://hashtgerd.persiangig.com/Gamepart4.rar) Download part-5 (http://hashtgerd.persiangig.com/Gamepart5.rar) 40 تا پروژه ساختمان داده ها در سی پلاس پلاس شامل برنامه های زیر ۴۰th program about Data Structure in cplus plus http://upload.iranblog.com/1/1234478161.gif Download (http://hashtgerd.persiangig.com/other/Data%20Structure.rar) List of program(40 Data structure project): Airline linked list program (updated) —- Algorithms and Data Structures Files & Linked Lists and Tree — all stack operations —- Artificial Intelligence— binary Tree— C++ Linked List program— Code Example - List Template— Code Example - Stack Template- Code Example - Vector Template— Coversion of postfix to infix— Data Structure ++ , Link List , Tree , Queue , Stack– Database File System— Doubly Link List Use of Data Structure– Doubly Linked List– Expression calculator using Expression trees. Infix to Postfix. Reverse Polish Notation(RPN)— Heap Sort— HugeInt - Integers of unlimited size– Link List - Data Structure– menu&buttons– scheduling algorhim simulator– Simplest Linked List Structure– Sort– StudentsLinkedList– Text that types itself A Binary Search Tree(BST).cpp– a simple example of a pointer in C.cpp– An introduction to linked lists r .cpp– binary search tree.cpp– doubly linked-list data structure.cpp– Hash table .cpp– Introduction to C++ STL vector.cpp– IO files made easier .cpp– link list .cpp- link list as a queue .cpp Linked List Example-Telephone Directory.cpp– linked list(2.0).cpp— Singly linklist .cpp— Strings are basically character arrays.cpp– tower of honait .cpp 8 queen puzzle — ۸ queens on chees سی هشت برنامه در مورد فایل ها در سی پلاس پلاس ۳۸ program about file in c/c++ language http://hashtgerd.persiangig.com/other/file.GIF Download (http://hashtgerd.persiangig.com/other/file.rar) List of programs: Database— _defs.h—-binary IO—-circular file—-Design View—-dirwalk—DLL duplicate—DynamicEncryption—-ETD—file learning file test—-infile—Jinx Alpha—-main—-merge file—NetworkBrowser–project SM_fileSpliter—splitz—TAPI—TheSize—-TAPI—-TheSize—Textread Autorun—binary file IO—-Exe Delete itself—-EXE Header info Extract stored exe—fake—-ftp file—-Icfind—IO—-IO2—-IO class—IO class Read-write structures to or from a file—-search for the filename—subdirectories Jinx Alpha—main—-merge file—-NetworkBrowser—-project—SM_fileSpliter—splitz ۱۵۷ برنامه سی پلاس پلاس (http://forum.p30world.com/../?p=165) Download (http://hashtgerd 2.persiangig.com/other/157%20%28c++%20program%29.rar) 4MB hoax3r05-02-2010, 06:46 PMاین سایت برای شروع کاری که می خواین خیلی خوبه !!!! برای مشاهده محتوا ، لطفا ثبت نام کنید / وارد شوید !!!! yas3d06-02-2010, 08:41 PMthis post is removed! سایت ما را در گوگل محبوب کنید با کلیک روی دکمه ای که در سمت چپ این منو با عنوان +1 قرار داده شده شما به این سایت مهر تأیید میزنید و به دوستانتان در صفحه جستجوی گوگل دیدن این سایت را پیشنهاد میکنید که این امر خود باعث افزایش رتبه سایت در گوگل میشود
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