واضح آرشیو وب فارسی:سایت ریسک: t=20749">Introducing Adobe After Effects 6.5 and Discreet Combustion 3.0 arasho2005 23 مهر 1383, 23:39hello i have recently being member in your forum. my name is Arash my favorite is working Adobe After Effects and advetisment this software is a product from Adobe that apply for add visual effects and motion graphic to film and animation. this software is using many plug-in for this work . in it you can change everything like color (hue ,rgb,ec...) and motion trackin a point or area in your moviethat using information of that pointfor this work. you can see samples of using of this program in many of tv advertisment and programs. this software have tow versions :one is standard version and other is production bundle. standard version incuded many effects ,but production bundle version is the monster in production bundle you can create 3d text and logos with 3d invigorator plug-in you can distort layers in real 3d space with forge freeform AE plug-in. youcan animate every property of layer like opacity,tansform,rotate scale. and can animate every parameter of their plug-in. and create texts in every fonts and change its letter shape and animate it. in this product in tow version you can work on 3d space , rotating and transforming layers in real 3d space . you can create camera view like real camera in real world. create depth of field for simulate real 3d. almost you make you dreams with bluescreening technic. you can create flash movie with this program and can export your movie in mpeg format in registered version and other rogram that i want to introduce you is "Discreet Combustion" if you are interested Adobe After Effect may be this program shock you if the after effects is monster Discreet Combustion is Super monster approximately every thin that occure in after effects can take place in Discreet Combustion and almost any plug-in that works in after effect can be use in Combustion in addition thousands of particle presets that can use for create many effects like smoke,fire ,explosion,logo effect,and many many particles. you can find demo of this program in and can find demo of after effects time-trial version in the plug-ins that can find with their crack in internet ,partcular invigorator 4.01 continuum complete,boris title toolkit anarchy,3d layer,retimer,gradient,etc... flow offer you the collection of particle library and announce that want to create plug-in "particle illusion "for use their particles in Adobe After Effects. plug-in ,rich typing,area fx,etc... Lens Flare Pro Created by Industrial Light & Magic Visual Effects Supervisor John Knoll (Star Wars Special Edition, Mission Impossible, Star Trek First Contact) if you have any question and like contact me at [email protected] or put you comments in majid online or send a private message for me in it . arasho2005 :o :o :o :o :o :o a Truth Seeking 24 مهر 1383, 10:42از شرح مفيدي كه در مورد نرم افزار Adobe After Effects 6.5 و Discreet Combustion 3.0 دادي تشكر مي كنم آرش جان. اما شما بايد صحبت هاي عادي خودتون رو طبق يكي از قوانين انجمن ها به فارسي بيان كنيد. متشكرم. arasho2005 25 مهر 1383, 05:03az tozihi ke dadi motashakeram va az tavajohet vali baazi vajehha to farsi vaghean mafhome khodeshono nemiresoonan kare ham zaman be fari va latin moshkeleh TYPE FARSI HAM SAKHTEH I HATE FINGLISH TOO. THANKS YOUR ATTENTION a Truth Seeking 25 مهر 1383, 08:50من هم از توضيحات شما متشكرم آرش جان. ولي خوب اين يكي از قوانين سايت هست كه در نوشتن متن هاي عادي نبايد از فينگليش استفاده كرد و بايد اون رو كاملا به فارسي نوشت. ممكنه اين كار براي شما در ابتداي امر خيلي سخت به نظر بياد اما به مرور زمان سرعت نوشتار فارسي شما بالا مي ره. EHSAN_J 25 مهر 1383, 11:12ممنون از توضيحات خوبت arasho2005 26 مهر 1383, 00:22salam mitoonin yelist vaghean aleb va jamee az tutorial va nokat ro dar morede khaili az narmafzaraye graphiki to een address paida konin tahgriban har barnameye graphiki che 3d cheh 2d ro dar bar migire vahgean sood dare ke berin ye sari bezanin dar zemn be moarefiye particle illusion ham ye negahi bendazin
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[ارسال شده از: سایت ریسک]
[مشاهده در: www.ri3k.eu]
[تعداد بازديد از اين مطلب: 313]