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چرا حجاب؟؟

واضح آرشیو وب فارسی:فان پاتوق: why hijab??

Why Hijab ?
1)Modest Clothing
2)Hijab and the West
3)My body is my own business
4)Let’s see what the science says about Hijab
5)Some facts of America
Many non-Muslims feel sorry for any Muslim women they see adorned in their modest clothing. They feel that they are deprived the freedom to roam around in more scant and revealing clothing. Anyone who lives in a manner other that which they have become accustomed to is seen by them to be oppressed and forced to live in this manner. There are certain tribes in the Amazon jungle, in Australia, and in Africa which have become accustomed to walking around in a simple g-string around their waist. What would the people of the West say if these people were to condemn the Western habit of “forcing” their women to wear “excessive amounts of clothing” and to demand that all women in the west immediately stop wearing anything but the simplest g-string around their waist? What if they were to say that the Western society should immediately stop unjustly persecuting their women and preventing them from freely roaming the streets wearing only a pair of socks? They would say that the people making these demands have no morals or shame. Philosophers would have a field day with such a question.
چرا حجاب؟

1-پوشش سنگین
2- حجاب وغرب
3- بدن من متعلق به من است
4- ببینیم علم درمورد حجاب چه می گوید
5 – برخی از حقایق آمریکا
پوشش سنگین و آراسته:
بسیاری از افراد غیر مسلمان، وقتی زنان مسلمان را در پوشش عفت و حیا می بینند، برایشان احساس تاسف می کنند. به عقیده آنها ،این زنان از آزادی پرسه زدن و نمایاندن خودشان محرومند. هر کس به روشی که به آن عادت کرده زندگی می کند، در مضیقه قرار میگیرد و مجبور می شود به این روش زندگی کند. قبایل خاصی در جنگل های آمازون، استرالیا، و آفریقا هستند که با طناب ساده ای دور کمرشان به پرسه زدن و رفت و آمد می پردازند.مردم غرب چه می گویند اگر این افراد، عادات غربی ها را در اجبار زنانشان به پوشش یا لباسهای اضافی، محکوم کنند و درخواست کنند تمام زنان غرب ،از پوشش طناب ساده ای دور کمرشان استفاده کنند؟ و اینکه جامعه غرب باید دست از آزار زنها بردارند و اجازه دهند زنها ،تنها با جورابی به پایشان ، رفت و آمد کنند؟ غربی ها – مسلما- می گویند کسانی که چنین ادعاهایی دارند، فاقد شرم و اخلاق هستند. فیلسوفان با طرح اینگونه سوالات، فرصتی برای فهماندن فعالیتهای لجام گسیخته دارند.Who has the power to determine what decent and modest clothing is? Who is to determine what decent and modest behavior is? Muslims assign this right to God alone. This is the essence of “Islam.” “Islam” means “The submission to the will of God.” What God commands, a Muslim does. They do not demand that God justify his commands before they accept them. Once they have verified that a command is indeed from God then they abide by it without hesitation.
We can indeed find this lessonin the story of Adam. In the Islamic version of the story of Adam (slightly different than that of Judaism/Christianity), Adam and Eve were created by God, educated, clothed, and then allowed to inhabit heaven. They were told by God that they could have anything their hearts desired except they must not eat from the tree. Out of envy, the devil encouraged them to eat from the tree and told them that its fruit would make them angles or immortal. They ate from the tree and immediately, their bodies were revealed to one another, so they took to scooping up the leaves off the trees in order to cover themselves. This is when Allah sent them down to earth. What mankind learned from this lesson is that just because a person does not know the wisdom behind a command of God, and others tell him to disobey it, then if they do not abide by it, by the time the reason for the command is made apparent to them it may be too late.
************************************************** *****Hijab and the WestFrom the dawn of civilization, flowing dresses and headscarves have always been associated with “Godliness” or “God consciousness”. Even the Christian pictorial representation of the earlier prophets and their womenfolk bear familiar likeness to the dress ordained for Muslim men and women. This tradition of modesty is reflected in the Quran, wherein Allah says:
“O Children of Adam! We have bestowed clothing upon you to cover yourselves (screen your private parts, etc.) and as an adornment. But the clothing of righteousness, that is better.” [7:26]
The word HIJAB comes from the Arabic word “hajaba” meaning to hide from view or to conceal the body and beauty from the gaze of the opposite sex. The women who uncover their beauty and show off their bodies and made-up faces for all to enjoy, expose themselves to be harmed by wolves in human clothing. Allah enjoined hijab on the Muslim women to protect them from harm. God knows His creation and knows that when women make a dazzling display of themselves with immodest clothes, perfumed bodies and made-up faces, it serves to increase the sexual deviance of the overall society.
Many of those who are misguided, say that the hijab is a portable prison that restricts our minds, lives and hearts. It is none of these things, and in order not to fall victim to such misguiding plots, we must begin to understand what the hijab truly is and what its significance is. Since the heyday of the feminist movement, while greater freedom is enjoyed by the women world over today, the ramifications of such emancipation have not been without untold miseries and disasters.
More than ever before, sex crimes are rampant and “liberated women” in the so-called civilized and modern societies face increasingly higher chances of being raped and sexually molested. According to a survey conducted by the Federal Government, it was found that in America, a rape is committed every six minutes. In sharp contrast, in Saudia, where Hijab is an unwritten dress code for the women, the crime of rape is practically non-existent. And the Western society calls itself a civilized society!


این صفحه را در گوگل محبوب کنید

[ارسال شده از: فان پاتوق]
[مشاهده در: www.funpatogh.com]
[تعداد بازديد از اين مطلب: 443]


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