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FinePix Real 3D

واضح آرشیو وب فارسی:سایت ریسک: View Full Version : FinePix Real 3D Your Friend21-07-2009, 12:39 PMبا سلام، لطفا نظر خود را در مورد این خبر اعلام فرمایید... شركت Fujifilm كه يكي از توليدكنندگان بزرگ بازار انواع دوربين‌ و لوازم عكاسي ديجيتال است، به تازگي خبر از طراحي و توليد يك دوربين عكاسي 3D داده است. اين دوربين از تكنولوژي سيستم FinePix Real 3D اين شركت بهره مي‌برد تا به اين ترتيب امكان گرفتن عكس‌هاي سه بعدي را در اختيار كاربرانش قرار دهد. اين دوربين مجهز به دو لنز بوده و تصاوير را به همان صورتي كه چشم انسان مي‌بيند، ثبت مي‌كند. دوربين جديد و متفاوت Fujifilm قرار است از ماه سپتامبر آينده و با قيمت 600 دلار به بازار عرضه شده و به فروش عمومي برسد. اين شركت همچنين هديه‌هايي را هم به صورت رايگان همراه با اين دوربين به خريدارانش مي‌دهد كه جذاب‌ترين آن‌ها يك قاب عكس ديجيتالي با نمايشگر 8 اينچي با امكان نمايش تصاوير سه‌بعدي است كه مي‌تواند نظر اغلب كاربران را به خودش جلب كند. artara 7421-07-2009, 01:58 PMنظري ندارم جز اينكه اين خبر براي اواخر سال 2008 بود فكر كنم. و اينكه حد اقل يك عكس مي گذاشتيد ازش يا اينكه چه جوري كار مي كنه رو مي گفتيد. كاري نداره توي سايت فوجي همه اينا رو نوشته Your Friend25-07-2009, 12:22 PMکلا می تونین نظرتونو راجع به دوربین های عکاسی سه بعدی و مشخصا این دوربین بگین؟ به عقیده شما این نوع دوبین ها واقعا سه بعدی عکس می گیرن ؟ ارزش دارن؟ و... Your Friend26-07-2009, 01:17 PMکسی اطلاعاتی در این مورد نداره؟! Senator_F26-07-2009, 02:31 PMکسی اطلاعاتی در این مورد نداره؟! این پروژه تا مرحله اجرایی شدن فاصله زیادی داره. Your Friend26-07-2009, 02:41 PMولی تولید شده! دوتا لنز داره، درست مثل چشم انسان... یعنی به نظرتون واقعی نیست؟ توجه کنید: http://www.ubergizmo.com/photos/2009/7/fuji-3d-camera.jpg Make your images come alive! Newly Developed 3D Digital Real Image System "FUJIFILM FinePix Real 3D System" PHOTOKINA 2008, COLOGNE, GERMANY, September 23, 2008 - FUJIFILM Corporation today announces a radical departure from current imaging systems with the development of a completely new, real image system (3D digital camera, 3D digital photo frame, 3D print) that marks a complete break from previous attempts to introduce this technology. The arrival of digital photography over a decade ago opened up so many new ways of enjoying images, not only through capture, but also through manipulation, printing and display. Sales of digital cameras, and other devices like camera phones or webcams have raced ahead of what experts had expected because of the sheer scope of what has become possible in digital imaging. So many more consumers are enjoying photography through their cameras, PCs and prints than was the case in the heyday of film. Fujifilm is determined to push those boundaries yet further, to produce devices which offer new ways to capture and process images, and to expand consumer enjoyment of photography in ways that had hitherto only been imagined. Fujifilm has a strong research program currently running to improve every aspect of capture and output. This is based on the broad concept of producing images as lifelike as possible, or more simply, "capturing an image exactly as your eye sees it". The "Real Photo Technology" program is determined to improve key quality metrics for each generation of camera, like "high resolution with low noise", "expanded wide dynamic range", "intelligent scene recognition", "intelligent flash", "face detection" etc., culminating in the announcement this September of a new type of sensor, Fujifilm Super CCD EXR, which will take image quality to levels hitherto undreamed of. Previous 3D systems were hampered by poor image quality, and a cumbersome user experience, which often meant the need for special 3D glasses. One major benefit of the FinePix Real 3D System is that for digital camera LCD playback, display and print, the consumer can enjoy the image just as it was originally seen with the naked eye. The same research team is determined to use these key technologies to open up a new market with 3D imaging. The new 3D image system features advanced image signal processing and micro-component technologies, and is so far able to demonstrate a camera, a viewing panel and a 3D printing system. The Technology Behind the 3D Camera The 3D camera depends heavily on a newly developed chip called the "RP (Real Photo) Processor 3D" which synchronizes the data passed to it by both CCD sensors, and instantaneously blends the information into a single high quality image, for both stills and movies. "Built-in 3D auto" determines optimal shooting conditions from both sensors. 3D auto means that as soon as the shutter is depressed, key metrics for the image, such as focus, zoom range, exposure, etc. are synchronized. The camera is also fitted with built-in synchro control, giving 0.001-second precision for shutter control and movie synchronization. The processor uses the very latest technologies of high sensitivity and high resolution as the newest 2D processors. Special identical high quality compact Fujinon lenses have been developed for the 3D system to ensure complete conformity between the left and right images. The LCD monitor system has also been completely revised. The camera is fitted with a 2.8-inch, 230,000 pixel LCD. Thanks to a new engineering approach, screen flickering and image deterioration, thought to be difficult to overcome, are reduced to an absolute minimum to achieve beautiful, natural 3D images. The screen will also resolve 2D images as any other camera LCD. Viewing with the FinePix Real 3D System A new 8.4-inch, "FinePix Real 3D Photo Frame" with over 920,000 pixels has also been developed. The LCD monitor on the camera and the stand alone display panel share similar technologies which solve the problem of screen flickering and image ghosting, common problems with earlier developments, giving crisp, high resolution viewing of images in glorious 3D or standard 2D. A newly developed "light direction control module" in the back of the LCD controls light to right eye and left eye direction. This light direction control system enables easy and high quality 3D viewing without special 3D glasses. Printing with the FinePix Real 3D System Using know-how gained through years of development of Frontier, Fujifilm has developed a 3D printing system using a fine pitch lenticular sheet giving high-precision, and fine quality multiple viewpoint 3D like never before. Shooting with FinePix Real 3D System (FUTURE POSSIBILITIES) FinePix Real 3D System is also paving the way for new possibilities in 2D photo enjoyment. The heart of the system is a new concept camera fitted with dual lenses. Each lens can capture stills or movies from a slightly different position, producing the basis of the 3D image. By combining new dual lens system, new functions can be achieved, for example, image quality improvement function (Simultaneous Dual-Image Shooting: Multi-Expression). For users, this is just one possibility from a dual lens camera. Other fascinating possibilities include: Imaging for the Future. More Than You Imagined New dimensions in imaging mean a wealth of new possibilities which will revolutionise the way consumers enjoy imaging. Fujifilm is determined to leverage its considerable technical resources to explore 3D in everyway possible, to produce products that expand the imaging market, while at the same time, give future generations of consumers an even richer imaging experience than was conceived at the dawn of the digital age. http://www.dphotojournal.com/images/news/fuji-3d-system.jpg http://www.fujifilm.co.uk/media/dContent/mediaCentre/Press/20080923/4a.PNG http://www.fujifilm.com/print.cgi/products/digital_cameras/topics/2008/img/080922_02/fig_08.jpg http://www.fujifilm.co.uk/media/dContent/mediaCentre/Press/20080923/5a.PNG http://lh3.ggpht.com/frenk.senatra/SNhKqQF1V6I/AAAAAAAAATo/4__UPx1Ldck/jpg15DD.png http://www.slashgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/fujifilm_3d_camera_1-480x330.jpg http://www.ibtimes.com/data/blogs_editor/slashgear/fujifilm_finepix_3d_camera_slashgear-540x375.jpg http://cdn.cbsi.com.au/story_media/339297148/fujifilm3dcamera.jpg http://www.czyntech.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/fujifilm-3d-system.jpg http://www.letsgodigital.org/images/artikelen/14/3d-camera.jpg http://www.igadgety.com/imagelib/032009/9fce4ca 1181532a_rebind.jpg Senator_F26-07-2009, 06:03 PMتولید شدن دلیل اجرایی شدن نیست.فرصت لازم هست تا این تکنولوژی اونقدر پیشرفت کنه که واقعا به درد بخور باشه.الان،بیشتر یه دوربینه که دوتا عکس میگیره می چسبونه.در همین حد فقط. ولی خب اگر خریدین،خوب بود،حتما ما رو هم در جریان قرار بدین.ممنونم. Your Friend27-07-2009, 12:10 PMبه نظر من هم در همین حد می تونه باشه و عکس سه بعدی واقعی نیست. به قول شما هنوز تکنولوژی اون بوجود نیومده... سعی می کنم اکه گیرم افتاد تستش کنم. seymour27-07-2009, 01:36 PMتکنولوژی 3D یه موقعی (چند دهه پیش) توی سینما هم فراگیر شد ... در مدت کوتاهی فیلمهای زیادی با این شیوه ساخته شدند و حتی هیچکاک هم در یکی از فیلمهاش تست اش کرد ، اما گذر زمان نشون داد که چندان کارآمد نیست ، پرهزینه اس و مشکل نگهداری و نصب داره و ضمنا : ظاهرا بدون وجودش هیچ اتفاقی خاصی نمیفته و کسی چیزی رو از دست نداده ... حالا عرض من این نیست که دقیقا همین اتفاقا برای این فن آوری فوق هم میفته ... اما میگم به نظرم میاد جزو هم فن آوری های باشه که قرار نیست "تفاوتی" ایجاد کنه ... ایشالا غیر از این باشه ... ضمناً این هنوز در مرحله آزمایشی هستش ظاهرا ؛ از Cnet بخوانید (http://asia.cnet.com/reviews/digitalcameras/0,39005881,44902418p,00.htm): Fujifilm also showcased a prototype of a 3D digital camera. Your Friend28-07-2009, 12:41 PMمن موندم حتی اگه فرض کنیم سه بعدی عکس بگیره، چطور نشون می ده یا پخش می کنه؟ چون برا اون حتما باید امکانات به خصوصی باشه... سایت ما را در گوگل محبوب کنید با کلیک روی دکمه ای که در سمت چپ این منو با عنوان +1 قرار داده شده شما به این سایت مهر تأیید میزنید و به دوستانتان در صفحه جستجوی گوگل دیدن این سایت را پیشنهاد میکنید که این امر خود باعث افزایش رتبه سایت در گوگل میشود

این صفحه را در گوگل محبوب کنید

[ارسال شده از: سایت ریسک]
[مشاهده در: www.ri3k.eu]
[تعداد بازديد از اين مطلب: 365]


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