واضح آرشیو وب فارسی:سایت ریسک: View Full Version : Search Engine Optimisation Vahed04-09-2007, 01:28 PMSearch engines are fickle beasts but ultimately you´re going to want to learn how to tame them if you have a website that you want people to be able to find. There are plenty of people out there with fantastic sites but unfortunately if they´re not listed in the search engines then even the best sites will more than likely remain undiscovered. Refresh Cartridges enjoyed a surge of hits recently when Google, the worlds most popular search engine placed our site at the top of their lists when a user searched for the word `cartridge´ - it stayed this way for 2 weeks before someone else knocked us off but I know that we´ll be back. Having spent the last year running a Internet mail order business I know a few things about getting a site listed in the search engines and for any of you reading that have a site then please take heed as my top tips follow below. This week we will be discussing how to prepare your site for your sites to be added and we´ll follow on next week with the actual submission to the search engines. - Use a sensible domain name. Many search engines will see a site as a much more likely match when someone searches for the word cartridges as will potential visitors. Make sure your domain name is descriptive of your company or your companies activities. - Title all your pages. Using your HTML editor make sure that you add descriptive titles to all your web pages as this will allow a search engine to more easily recognize relevant pages. - Use Meta Tags. These are used to add text to a page that it invisible to people viewing the site but is something that search engines can pick up to decide what a page is about. For example, in your Meta keywords you would pick a number of keywords that sum up the page such as `ink´, `paper´, `cartridge´ and `printer´ and then in your Meta description you would write a short description of the page in question. For more information on writing good meta tags, please visit http://www.grantasticdesigns.com/metatagtips.html (http://www.grantasticdesigns.com/metatagtips.html%3Cbr) /> - Link all your pages. In a similar way that search engine spiders jump links to discover new sites on the Internet, they also use links to jump to all the pages on your website. If your pages are all linked together using something fancy like Flash or even drop down menus then it is unlikely that the search engines will be able to follow these links and if you have 200 pages on your site then you obviously want the search engine to be familiar with all of them and not just the first page. Therefore if you do use non standard linking mechanisms then be sure that you have a sitemap (just a single page that links to every page your website consists of) that the search engines can use to spider your entire site. - Use ALT text on all images. All images on a webpage have the ability to have ALT text which is used whenever a user looks at your page and for one reason or another is unable to see the pictures; for example, a picture of a cat would be turned in to the word `cat´ if the page was designed by a savvy web designer. Search engines pick up on this alternative text so be sure that every image on your page has a relevant description as it will help the search engines pick up on relevant pages. - Use descriptive text. Your actual website text should be worded in a way that means you mention the keywords that are relevant to your business at least several times. For example, I have made sure that the text on our front page contains the word `cartridge´ at least once. - Don´t do the following. Don´t spam keywords; for example repeating a word 30 times on the same text in the hope the search engines will consider you more relevant for that particular word. Don´t use hidden text (using text that humans can´t see) as text on a similar colored background is frowned upon by many search engines. Don´t use non relevant keywords on your site; I´ve seen several CLEAN websites use text along the `Britney Spears ****´ on their pages in a desperate attempt to drag visitors looking for *** on to their site by fooling the search engines. Not only is this likely to be frowned upon by many search engines but what is the point in attracting a visitor who is only going to leave after 2 seconds when he realizes you´re not offering what he´s after? Computer Articles 2007 Vahed04-09-2007, 01:29 PMLast week we started talking about how you can get your site listed well on the major search engines by following just a few simple rules, starting with how to optimize your page to be seen through the eyes of a search engine. This week we´re moving on by assuming that your site is now optimised but not listed and so we´ll be covering the tactics involved in getting the search engines to pay you that important initial visit. Listen closely and all will become clear. - Arrange reciprocal links. Many search engines find sites to add to their databases through jumping from site to site by following links from another page. For example if I were to put a link to you on my page then eventually most the search engines that use `spiders´ should find you just by jumping on to your page from the link I´ve placed on mine. In addition, reciprocal links are used to measure how `important´ a site is by the Google search engine; a page like www.microsoft.com (http://www.microsoft.com/) will be seen as being much more important as 2 million websites link to it than someone selling Microsoft software who only has 10 links. Reciprocal links are easy to build up; just ask various site owners whether they´d be willing to trade a link with you on their link page. Quite simply you place a link to their page and they´ll place one to yours. - Submit to major search engines. Most of the major search engines have a link somewhere on their page that you can use to request that they take a look at your page at some point. There are no guarantees as to when this will be but just submit your site and then forget about it; they´ll get around to it eventually, usually within 6 weeks or so. - Add your site to Dmoz. Google likes a directory called www.dmoz.org (http://www.dmoz.org/) and regularly scans it for links to add to its database as well as giving existing websites in its database slightly higher priority than those not listed. Dmoz is a volunteer run website directory and it just so happens that I´m the category editor for the local area (Paignton Business & Economy); if you need a site added then as long as it meets their criteria I will add it for you. - Pay for inclusion. Some sites such as Ask Jeeves request that you pay them to include you in their databases; this can often be a good idea although only pay to be added to major search engines and not just any one that comes your way otherwise you could waste thousands. Usually the fee is quite low but be careful if the search engine in question starts talking triple figures. - Don´t use automatic submission software. Steer clear of software or websites that claim to submit your site to thousands of search engines in minutes; once upon a time I was falling for this trick and it did absolutely nothing for me. Manually submit your site to all the major search engines and arrange a reciprocal links program as shown above and sooner or later the majority of the smaller ones should pick you up without the need for useless software. Remember that between submitting your site to a search engine and them actually indexing it can take months. In all reality the only search engine that can make or break a business at the moment is Google so spend the majority of your time satisfying him as once sorted your website should flourish. Vahed04-09-2007, 01:31 PMAfter following the last 2 weeks articles you should be in a position where you´ve optimised your site for the search engines, successfully submitted it and worked out a strategy to enable your site to be picked up by all the smaller engines by creating a number of links to your site from external pages which the search engines can follow. This week we´re going to look at ways to monitor how your search engine optimisation is going as this will allow you to check that everything is working properly and also to improve the techniques you are using to create maximum exposure. Use a Hitcounter - Hitcounters are extremely useful when determining where your traffic is coming from and how many people are visiting your site on a daily basis. One useful and free counter that I have found is the `lite´ version of Onestat . (http://www.onestat.com%29./) By placing a small bit of code on your site you can instantly track how many people are coming onto your site and whether they are getting to you by typing in your address specifically or whether it is via a search engine or a link from another page. If they have jumped to you indirectly (i.e. via a search engine) then it will let you know where they have come from and so, for example, I can see today that 42% of traffic for Refresh Cartridges has come from Google, 20% from people typing the address in directly and the remaining 38% has come from other sources. A Hitcounter will also show you other useful data such as which countries your visitors are coming from and which browsers they are using; both are extremely important bits of data. For example, if you only sell to the UK market you want to ensure that 90% of your visitors aren´t coming from America and likewise you want to ensure that your page is properly set up for the browsers that the hitcounter indicates that your visitors are using. Check your Google rating - Download the Google toolbar from http://www.google.co.uk/options/ and install it on your computer. It is only a small little program but it includes a feature that will tell you how important Google rates a particular page; use it to check yours and then work on making Google consider your page more important. Last week I explained how to do this by creating lots of links back to your site so keep working on these and you´ll find that the more important Google believes your site is then the higher it will rank it. Check links to your page - Use a search engine such as Google or All the Web and type in your website address as the search term. For example, type in www.refreshcartridges.co.uk (http://www.refreshcartridges.co.uk/) as a search into Google and it will give you a list of options including the ability to see links that are pointing back to that page. You can use this to check up on how many people are linking to your site and this information can obviously be used to monitor how your search engine optimization is progressing as well as checking up on links that your competitors have which can be useful if looking for new people to link back to you. If you do a search for your page and the search engine doesn´t recognise it then they have no record of it in their database so you have quite a bit of work to do yet. Check out the competition - Search for a word in Google that is important to your business; for example, if you sell widgets then type in `widgets´ as a search term and see who comes top of the list. Go to their site and look at who they have linking to them, how their pages are laid out, the Meta tags they are using (see last week) and so on. They are obviously doing something right and there is no harm in learning what they are doing so that you can emulate it and hence position yourself better in the search engines I´ll finish by asking you all to check out www.webmasterworld.com (http://www.webmasterworld.com/) as it´s full of useful tips for getting your website maximum exposure. END Computer Articles 2007 سایت ما را در گوگل محبوب کنید با کلیک روی دکمه ای که در سمت چپ این منو با عنوان +1 قرار داده شده شما به این سایت مهر تأیید میزنید و به دوستانتان در صفحه جستجوی گوگل دیدن این سایت را پیشنهاد میکنید که این امر خود باعث افزایش رتبه سایت در گوگل میشود
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