واضح آرشیو وب فارسی:سایت ریسک: TrainingSpot - SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services 101 mo.esmp 16 مهر 1387, 14:14Lesson 1: Introduction to SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Video 1.1: Reporting Services Overview (Running Time: 11:29) Introduction to SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services (SSRS). We will walk you through the components that make up SSRS and examine some of the most important features. Video 1.2: Installing and Configuring SSRS (Running Time: 12:16) This video will walk you through how to install and configure SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. Video 1.3: Installing the Sample Databases and Reports (Running Time: 11:17) In this video, you will see how to install sample databases and sample reports that can be used with SSRS. Lesson 2: Report Designer Introduction Video 2.1: Using the Report Wizard (Running Time: 28:13) This video will demonstrate how to create and deploy your first report using the New Report Wizard. We will step through the report wizard several times and discuss each of the most important options. Video 2.2: Adding Style to your reports (Running Time: 16:04) In this video you will learn how to modify report properites and learn techniques to format individual report items. Video 2.3: Using Headers, Footers and Global Variables (Running Time: 10:33) In this video you will add a header and footer to a report and learn how to write an expression using global variables. Lesson 3: Report Designer Controls Video 3.1: Working with the Table Report Item (Running Time: 18:04) This video will walk you through the steps required to create a report from scratch and use the Table Report Item to display and format your data. Video 3.2: Using the List Report Item (Running Time: 13:01) This video will walk you through how to use the List Report Item to display your report data. Video 3.3: Grouping and Sorting (Running Time: 14:53) This video will demonstrate how to group and sort your data within tables. Video 3.4: Using the Image Report Item (Running Time: 8:49) Add images to your report from the database or embed them directly in your report definition. This video will show you all you need to know. Lesson 4: Adding Interactivity to Reports Video 4.1: Understanding Matrix Reports (Running Time: 13:05) In this video you will use the Matrix Report Item to create a crosstab report with drill-down functionality. Video 4.2: Add Interactive Sorting to your reports (Running Time: 13:29) This video will show you how to add interactive sorting to your reports. Interactive sorting will allow users to sort reports after they have been deployed. Video 4.3: Using Bookmark Links (Running Time: 8:13) In this video, you will learn how to include bookmark links within your reports to jump from one part of a report to another. Video 4.4: Working with Expressions (Running Time: 14:05) This video will familiarize you with the expression editor included with SSRS. You will also see examples of how to write expressions using some common built-in functions. Video 4.5: Add Conditional Formatting to your reports (Running Time: 7:08) This video will demonstrate how to add conditional formatting to your reports using expressions. Lesson 5: Data Sources and Parameters Video 5.1: Create a Dataset using the Query Designer (Running Time: 8:15) This video will demonstrate how to create a datasource using the Generic Query Designer within Business Intelligence Development Studio. Video 5.2: Create a Dataset using a Stored Procedure (Running Time: 4:31) This video demonstrates how to create a dataset using a stored procedue to connect to a SQL Server datasource. Video 5.3: Limiting results using Filters (Running Time: 11:26) In this video you will learn how to create a filter to limit the data that is displayed in your report. Video 5.4: Using Report Parameters (Running Time: 18:02) Report Parameters are used to accept data that can be used by the report when it is displayed. This video will show you how to use report parameters to apply conditional formatting and filter data. Video 5.5: Using Query Parameters (Running Time: 8:47) This video will demonstrate how to create a query paramter to limit the data returned from
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[ارسال شده از: سایت ریسک]
[مشاهده در: www.ri3k.eu]
[تعداد بازديد از اين مطلب: 226]